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Controversy at Taj Mahal, this time it is over offering namaz

Nilu Pule

Mar 23, 2018
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A week ago ASI issued a notification banning daily namaz at the royal mosque in Taj Mahal.

, permitting only special namaz on Fridays, Eid and the holy month of Ramzan. He claimed that this has enraged local Muslims.

READ| Muslims demand review of SC order restricting Namaz at Taj Mahal

On Wednesday, the ASI officials placed a gazette notification at the eastern and western gates of Taj Mahal, specifying that permission to offer prayer in the mosque will be granted only on Fridays. To allow people to offer Friday prayers, gates were opened from 12 noon to 2 pm for local devotees. This was in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court.

Criticizing the ASI's decision to restrict daily namaz at the Taj Mahal, Syed Ibrahim Zaidi, chairman of the self-styled Tajmahal Intzamia Committee said that the decision was "anti-Muslim" and was part of the conspiracy to "change Taj Mahal into a Hindu temple". A delegation of local Muslims headed by Zaidi met the ASI superintendent Basant Swarnkar and served him a memorandum addressed to the ASI Directorate in Delhi.

On Friday, however, a large group of Muslims managed to enter the Taj Mahal despite ASI restrictions and offered namaz at the royal mosque. The move has prompted the radical Hindu outfits to announce that they will also hold a puja inside the Taj Mahal. They claim that it was actually a Shiva temple. Govind Parashar of the Bajrang Dal said that his team will keep an eye on the Taj Mahal and if Muslims forcibly enter it to offer Namaz against orders, they will be prevented from doing so with the help of the local police and administration.

Sarvdaleey Muslim Action Committee president Syed Irfan Salim said that the ASI is unnecessarily creating a dispute and fostering communal tension in the city. "If the ASI is complying with the Supreme Court order, then it should be ready to show that order to the parties concerned, but it is merely referencing an order which it is yet to produce. It appears that the ASI does not have any order from the Supreme Court and is operating under instructions from higher-ups to slowly curtail the access of Muslims to the mosque inside Taj Mahal," he said.

He demanded that the namaz should be allowed to be offered in the Taj Mahal as has been happening since hundreds of years. He said no restrictions should be imposed on Muslims who want to offer prayers in the royal mosque.

Talking to IndiaToday.in, District Magistrate NG Ravi Kumar said the ASI has been asked to provide a detailed report on the issue and the matter will be taken up according to what the ASI says in it. He said that no attempts to create communal tension in Agra will be tolerated and if there is any complaint in this connection, the administration will take strict action.

Reacting to the news, Agra Tourist Welfare Chamber president Prahalad Agarwal said that the Taj Mahal should be kept free from such disputes and the ASI should find an amicable solution to this problem as soon as possible since this is the peak tourist season in Agra. 'Any disputes regarding the Taj Mahal will tarnish Agra's name at this time,' he said.
These Hinduvata types won't be at rest until they come across some ISIS types. They are provoking and prodding waiting for an extremely violent reaction. Lets hope for the sake of sanity, nothing such happens.
These Hinduvata types won't be at rest until they come across some ISIS types. They are provoking and prodding waiting for an extremely violent reaction. Lets hope for the sake of sanity, nothing such happens.
Gangadesh will turn into next Syria..
Pathetic, dont these idiots knw that the taj mahal was built by a muslim ruler, anything worth a dime in india was built by muslims, these hindu thugs are nothing but short sighted animals.
Nah. A certain community would end up like rohingya.
Naah mate...Rohingya are unfortunate for three reasons (1) there population is too small (2) they are totally a different ethnic group than rest of the population (3) their closest neighbour is Bd..a coward nation. None of these conditions is true for Indian Muslims. Gangadesh will turn into Syria.
Pathetic, dont these idiots knw that the taj mahal was built by a muslim ruler, anything worth a dime in india was built by muslims, these hindu thugs are nothing but short sighted animals.
Muslims have demolished Hindu monuments and built those qutub minars and taj mahals...India was so advanced in science and maths by the time these tribes from central Asia entered India..they have literally destroyed India and threw it 5000 years back
Naah mate...Rohingya are unfortunate for three reasons (1) there population is too small (2) they are totally a different ethnic group than rest of the population (3) their closest neighbour is Bd..a coward nation. None of these conditions is true for Indian Muslims. Gangadesh will turn into Syria.
Nah matey. They will have to move out, which they should have done in 1947. They are scattered everywhere. And live in ghettos. They can be made to undergo a lot worse than rohingyas.
Naah mate...Rohingya are unfortunate for three reasons (1) there population is too small (2) they are totally a different ethnic group than rest of the population (3) their closest neighbour is Bd..a coward nation. None of these conditions is true for Indian Muslims. Gangadesh will turn into Syria.
Hindus are basically cowards...due to that fact,India will never turn into Syria..Hindus can utmost such statements but rarely do they get violent
Nah matey. They will have to move out, which they should have done in 1947. They are scattered everywhere. And live in ghettos. They can be made to undergo a lot worse than rohingyas.
Ghar wapsi of such monuments should be done asap.
Nah matey. They will have to move out, which they should have done in 1947. They are scattered everywhere. And live in ghettos. They can be made to undergo a lot worse than rohingyas.
Don't say that bro..at the end of the day they are indians,...religions are dying across the world...hopefully they will change their attitude in future
Why would the muslim community want to pray there disobeying the court order? There is no shortage of mosques!
Don't say that bro..at the end of the day they are indians,...religions are dying across the world...hopefully they will change their attitude in future
They will never change their attitude. A religious civil war is imminent in near future. Incomplete partition would become complete.
Why would the muslim community want to pray there disobeying the court order? There is no shortage of mosques!

More than that, they don't even need a mosque to pray. A mosque is just a place to gather for prayer. They can just as well pray in their homes or office.
Muslims have demolished Hindu monuments and built those qutub minars and taj mahals...India was so advanced in science and maths by the time these tribes from central Asia entered India..they have literally destroyed India and threw it 5000 years back
:rofl:, if india was so advanced, how did these tribes conquer it so easily?, lol, get out of ur pandit told vedic fairy tales n get back to reality.The Arab Caliphate invaded n fuc ked raja dahir when the Islamic empire was light years ahead of the west. We muslims have fathered almost every branch of science, we maintained our rule over half the world for a thousand yrs, we basically set the foundations for modern science, baghdad was the knowledge capital of the world n after that we built spain into the light of civilization, while all u hindus ever accomplish is fairy tales of grandeur.

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