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Construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kabul stopped


Mar 5, 2013
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Construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kabul stopped
Friday May 17, 2013


The plan for the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kabul has been cancelled due to rising concerns about the security situation in the city.

“We are not too sure about the improvement of security situation in Afghanistan. We have, therefore, decided to call the plan off. Erection of anti-explosion walls will also not ensure us about the safety our guests and employees,” Radio Liberty quotes the Head of the Marriott Company in Middle East and North Africa.

Since the start of the war against terror, the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad has been targeted once and the one in Indonesia has been attacked twice.

Two years ago, the then Ambassador of the US to Kabul announced the establishment of the Marriott Hotel in Afghanistan and called it an evidence of Afghanistan’s preparedness for welcoming foreign investors.

The Grand Hyatt was the first hotel that had announced its plan to establish one in Kabul city; however, the construction of the hotel was halted.

Since foreign companies cannot own lands in Afghanistan, the Grand Hyatt and Marriott Hotel rented land jointly. However, it is not year clear what will happen to the incomplete construction of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Tile Group Company, the owner of the lands leased to the hotels, has not yet made any comment.

Serena Hotel is presently one of Kabul’s luxurious hotels. It has been targeted twice in the past seven years by the insurgents.

The officials of the Marriott Hotel in Kabul have denied this report and claimed that construction was in the process.

Construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kabul stopped | Wadsam
well i will consider it a coward step , structure is there , afghan govt should come forward to complete it .....
afhan govt need to take ownership of such things , it will add confidence in afghan people and will encourage foreign investment
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