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concerned about pakistan

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Jan 27, 2008
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:pakistan::pakistan: i am concerned about the recent situation in pakistan. if this situation lasts.i am afrid pakistan's ecnomic will be suffered due to political instability. it may cause a serious consequence:china::china:
Yes, you are right. Hopefully, after the elections we'll get some much needed stability in the political arena. After that, the army can concentrate on doing it's job, and the government can concentrate on doing it's part - dealing with the economy and foreign media. With a little help from our Chinese brothers, we'll deal with it ;)
i hope the situation in pakistan will getting better, pakistan government and military force have made great efforts on counter terrorism since 9.11. which also helped china fights against with separatism.so a stable situation is not only important for pk itself. but also important for china ,for sourth asia.even for the whole world. as a traditional friendship country. also to the common benifit .china of course should maintains regional stability together with pakistan.
i also think to maintains the regional stability is a big challenge for president musharraf. he has to seeks supports from the international community.on my prison view. i greatly admir Mr musharraff. he has made a lot of difficult decisions since 9.11.. that time .china had no enough capacity to helped pakistan.so pakistan had to undertook tremendous pressures by itself alone.
i wish pakistan will be more and more better
Asalam alaykum
Pakistan is Allah’s gift to our forefathers, who were good people and sufferred under 200 years of British and Hindu domination. Allah has protected this Sar-Zamin; it will keep protecting it inspite of heinous cruelty and crimes; the majority of Pakistanis are sufaid posh like us or innocent poor; who at least have faith, iman and taqwa, with the exception of those who are corrupt. I will tell you this story, which happened during the begining of Iraq War. A friend of mine called meand said that he had become murtad, and he did not believe Allah is there to protect the cruelty perpetrated on Iraqis. I told him, dear friend, the faith of all Muslim is being tested in this century, Iraq war is part of the test; if we hold on to Allah’s rope; then this initial flush of victory by the Allied forces will turn into an ignominious defeat and Iraq will become, a Chakkee ka paat around the neck of the invaders. My friend disagreed and said that Iraq will be pacified, War will be over and Farangi flag will fly there. Well, the War is not over and a handful of Iraqis have become Chakkee ka paat. The rest is history. My friend calls me now and tells me what I had predicted came out to be true. But, I told him I am no Wali or saint, I am struggling to be a good Muslim, but what I had told him came from my heart and based on my faith in Allah. So, Bhai, this too shall pass, our Sohni Dharti will make it through. We will survive and go from strength to strength, that is my faith based on the trust in Allah, the majority of Pakistani people, including yourself, and history. Inspite of contant storms, Pakistan, wounded, bleeding, and scarred gets -up again, and again and survives. May Allah protect it and its people forever and guide them to the path of democracy, freedom, justice, and moderation of our Deen practiced in true sense.

It is so nice to hear from you and even nicer to see your noble convictions. I completely agree with you. Our beloved country came into being on Lailatul Qadr 1366. Yes, Sir, as you know it was the 27th of Ramadhan, 1366 AH = Aug 14, 1947 when the map of the world was changed forever.
After the State of Madinah, Pakistan is the first ever nation-state to rise in the name of Allah.

Prof Stanley Wolpert, University of California, in his JINNAH OF PAKISTAN writes: “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.”

And Syed Hashim Raza Saheb wrote in the preface of my book FATHER OF THE NATION: “In 1946, Dr. JAL Patel took a chest x-ray of Qaid-E-Azam. The film showed tuberculosis. The great Quaid asked the doctor about his life expectancy. Dr. Patel informed him that he would probably live two years, unless he quit politics and took proper rest, in which case he might live four to five years. Qaid-e-Azam responded, “This means I have to work even harder.”
He worked tirelessly until he passed away in 1948 after reaching his destination. I say with complete confidence about this great man, “Never in history have so many people owed so much to a single person.”
- Syed Hashim Raza
A close companion of M.A. Jinnah.
Karachi, May 1998

Richard Nixon wrote in NIXON’S TEN COMMANDMENTS, probably after the 1971 debacle, “Pakistan is a land of people who remain happy under all circumstances. It is the most resilient nation in the world.”
Your voice is the truth from a mu’min’s heart.
Bajwa Bhai Saheb, and Basharat Bhai Saheb need to hear the glad tiding. So, I am forwarding your email and my thoughts to them as well.
May Allah bless you!
I have scarcely and seldom missed a gentleman in my life as I miss you in Florida.
A million du’as for you.
Yes, you are right. Hopefully, after the elections we'll get some much needed stability in the political arena. After that, the army can concentrate on doing it's job, and the government can concentrate on doing it's part - dealing with the economy and foreign media. With a little help from our Chinese brothers, we'll deal with it ;)

Snake,what kind of help do you think will Pak need from China?

I'm also worried about the current instability of Pak society,specially those latent threats from both inside and outside. it's like a rope-walk to carry out secular administration in an islam rooted country.
Snake,what kind of help do you think will Pak need from China?

I'm also worried about the current instability of Pak society,specially those latent threats from both inside and outside. it's like a rope-walk to carry out secular administration in an islam rooted country.
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