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Concept of stealth drones as force multiplayers indo-pak scenario

Funny enough a few days ago china announced a new type of stealth drone (6th gen ??) Which almost coincide with the concept i have give. Now if china can develop such a drone i think with enough endeavor we can also succeed.
For such drones simpler less expensive radars can be used

One way of developing stealth drones is that in project azm first perfect the stealth design flight control system and other capabilities in a small drone version once dynamic been refined make a larger manned aircraft in end would have both a stealth drone and jet form same project ;)

When USA started its f117 and f22 programs the technology demonstrators from the start were smaller maned planes which once fixed the Chink's were developed into bigger fielded versions
but why not start with our r&d with even smaller cheaper drones
Brother you have no idea how much money US poured into that and we simply lack infrastructure for such high tech mechanisim ... We dont have satellites, gps and other equipment ... What we are talking about is a fan boy stuff at lower cost ...
Brother you have no idea how much money US poured into that and we simply lack infrastructure for such high tech mechanisim ... We dont have satellites, gps and other equipment ... What you are talking about is a fan boy stuff at lower cost ...
Same was said about nuclear program our missile program and even jf17 one of the best thing about modern tech is the lower cost alterative to super expensive systems which were the only option just a decade ago :)
Brother you have no idea how much money US poured into that and we simply lack infrastructure for such high tech mechanisim ... We dont have satellites, gps and other equipment ... What we are talking about is a fan boy stuff at lower cost ...

There is a correlation between the drone development in azm and the recent development of suparco regarding its several satellite projects . and such an investment could be shared between the public sector and the private companies in Pakistan which have matured enough in drone technology that they can also contribute.

Whether it is a fan boy theory or not (even though china recently unveiled such a project)it is a possible project within Pakistan's reach and is a cost effective than buying fighter planes while also being an investment for the future.
Same was said about nuclear program our missile program and even jf17 one of the best thing about modern tech is the lower cost alterative to super expensive systems which were the only option just a decade ago :)
Nuclear program is a different story ... Bro i am just trying to enlighten you guys that a drone vapable to replace fighter aircrafts will not be expensive and will probably even expensive ...

The idea is not bad but presenting it as a cheaper option is sheer stupidity ...

There is a correlation between the drone development in azm and the recent development of suparco regarding its several satellite projects . and such an investment could be shared between the public sector and the private companies in Pakistan which have matured enough in drone technology that they can also contribute.

Whether it is a fan boy theory or not (even though china recently unveiled such a project)it is a possible project within Pakistan's reach and is a cost effective than buying fighter planes while also being an investment for the future.
I dont know from where are you concluding that its cost effective ? Do you have any idea about cost ?
Nuclear program is a different story ... Bro i am just trying to enlighten you guys that a drone vapable to replace fighter aircrafts will not be expensive and will probably even expensive ...
but more survival than manned jet, in strike STEALH drone are more than survival than manned jets and don't risk pilots life, Stealth UCAV worth investment @The Accountant :agree:
If you can think of it, DARPA has already thought about it in 1960s. You know what DARPA does ? Let the internet be your friend and big brother.

They are just pulling out old designs out of storage today and redesigning them with nano technology and 3D printing. So why is it that US hasn't deployed it yet ?

Cause it's not cost effective yet. YET.

Pakistan has thousands of pilots. they can actually afford to put a pilots life at risk and have another replacement ready. that's the way the PAF trains. More pilots per fighter plane than planes available. Why ? they think gulf countries will empty their front line planes off duty and send them to pakistan to fight the IAF when IAF attacks. So, they keep pilots ready.

Here is the key, the whole thing will be useless if cutting edge technology is not used in the OP's scenario of an army of drones. they will be detected 500 kms outside the borders by radars in india. Such a big swarm can't flow below the radar at least in IN-Pak scenarios. They have deserts to cross and plains. And forget about using the swarm of drones in Kashmir.

Again, if you put a radar in it, it's visible to other radars too. and in an army of drones with a few planes with radars and rest of them just armed drones with no radar, LoL, you just need to shoot down the source of the emitting rays in the swarm of drones and boom, you have a blind army of armed drones. useless. you wont be able to use it for nothing else than flying around and crashing into each other midair.

So, you need a stealth radar drone. And you need EW suites too. that's what is the best solution to this thread. small armed drones being operated by a fighter pilot who first will take control of the skies and then get the drones for ground strikes. PAF can do that. Rest assured it will not do. Like a wise guy said here, Pak will never waste money like India does. They will use this cash to create a real MIRV and a ramjet missile.

so, again...even for PAF, this idea is not cost effective yet. YET. in all probability, never will be.

oh yeah, by the way, a drone killing a fighter pilot in a dogfight still can only happen in a green lantern movie.

End of thread.
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