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Computer Related Questions?


Aug 16, 2006
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I have a question?(Directed to all members who can help).
The computer i use at home is really ticking me off. There is no adress bar on the top so cannot post any links etc. Help!

Also use this thread to ask any questions related to computers.
Happy quests for solutions!:tup:
Firefox2: View (ALT V) - Toolbars - Tick Navigation bar

IE: Why are you still using IE? lol pretty much the same concept.
Firefox2: View (ALT V) - Toolbars - Tick Navigation bar

IE: Why are you still using IE? lol pretty much the same concept.

What if there is no Navigation bar option and instead are only Standard, Links, Yahoo, Adress and Google plus the option for customize?
Again for FF: right click somewhere on the toolbar and an option to tick the navigation bar should appear.
There is no navigation in there! This is hopeless!:wall:

Hey guy, do you have other toolbars? For example, if you have the google toolbar, and the yahoo toolbar, the navigation area gets "squeezed" out. What about status bar??

Try uninstalling the other toolbars and get your browser back to vanilla. You can always put them back on after that!
I just got it! Yes! Thank you so very much for the help! You can use the thread for related questions though. True friends you are indeed all of you. BTW, the thing was locked so had to unlock and drag it. It was so small a job and was driving me mad for months now! Again thank you so very much who replied and wanted to help!
when i turned on the computer it's written


Spyware detected on your computer

Install an antivirus or spyware remover to clean your computer.

what am I supposed to do to get rid of it?
when i turned on the computer it's written


Spyware detected on your computer

Install an antivirus or spyware remover to clean your computer.

what am I supposed to do to get rid of it?

download and install S & D (spyboy search and destroy)

its nothing but ur system has been infected by some stupid adware...
S&D will fix it
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