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Comparing world between Early 1900 , and Modern 2000's


Sep 8, 2009
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If we compare the 1900's we notice it was filled with few large-scale events

1- World War 1 a long-prolonged war, where many humans participated. Many people died on battlefield, resulting in spread of unattended dead bodies covering the land, people experimented with weapons, and air-based weapons were introduced

2- Stock exchange crash crashed the global economies many people who were rich were reduced to rags as a result of sudden crash

3- An exotic Flu Pandemic came back into Society brought from returning Soldiers from Battlefield in Europe

4- Spread of inflation and loss of jobs people were fed up with life and they lived a difficult life

5- Trade blockade resulting in disrupted flow of trade globally

6- Regional Skirmish in Europe, regional Tussle between Germany and other Europeans

7- Naval Blockades, eventually lead to World War 2

<Muslim Leaders Pre 1947 British Raj , were asking for Azadi >


1- Started with war, called war on Terror lot of world resources wasted on this effort lasted 10-12 years
Certainly, rivaled that to World War 1 in term of financial losses

2- People returning back from war reported various ailments related to mind

3- Major Country in control of World Finance saw a financial meltdown almost took down its banks, leaving behind 20 trillion dollars of debt

4- Spread of Mysterious Pandemic crippled word economies and disrupted Human Travel and Trade at levels unseen before

5- Rise of Inflation, people saw their wealth decrease, the value of their currency gradually fall

6- Financial Crash of BitCoin , lot of people lost their financial standing who invested in Bitcoins saw the value of the coin plummet 50% down while it did not become 0% it did meant people lost 50% of their investments a massive amount

7- Regional Tussle between Russia-Ukraine , has further strained the world from production of Oil to Availability of grains, Regional Tussle between China and Taiwan

8- ?????????

<Pakistani Leaders were asking for Haqiqi Azadi >
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Pakistan leader's still asking for haqiqi, this time swear to God haqiqi azadi
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I have watch old documentaries in 1900's when inflation was high and stock market crashed people only hard basic bread to eat, it was a terrible time

It was strange many Jobless folks were attracted to Military during World War 1 , as means to get out of poverty but as we know many only 1/3rd survived the first war
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