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Communal hatred Inside India at pre-partition levels

Stop this hera pheri.

You very well know that Muslims aren't going to leave India on their own.

Modi was voted to power by Sanghis like you to expel them. Why isn't he doing his job?

Like I said, you can directly ask him this question on twitter.

I am not Modi.
Those unhappy should migrate to pakistan ASAP. No one would miss them from this side.

what idiot logic..

you mass murder, rape, burn mosques, deny basic human freedom, mob Lynch, more intolerant than a dog, and you then you think people would be happy?

So glad we are muslim have strong values of human decency is taught.. our great great parents made the right choice.
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what idiot logic..

you mass murder, rape, burn mosques, deny basic human freedom, mob Lynch, more intolerant than a dog, and you then you think people would be happy?

So glad we are muslim where strong values of human decency is taught.. our great great parents made the right choice.
To be honest we cannot thank Jinnah enough....
Ex Australian PM blast modi's and his gang terrible record on muslims...

for you lazy rss hindus.. watch from 49:00 onwards

To be honest we cannot thank Jinnah enough....

absolutely ... can't imagine being a hindu..what a terrible way to live
Those unhappy should migrate to pakistan ASAP. No one would miss them from this side.

Sounds terrible. Why don't they migrate to pakistan which they help create ?

You do have the concept of Hijrah, though the same word mean something else in India.

Why would they migrate????? Why would we tolerate indians in Pakistan, Pakistan is only for Pakistani citizens

If indians hate each other partition india

Another round of communal shitholeism in India

Horrendous that anyone believed India should be a single state, partition of India is essential

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Hindutva bit by bit is tearing India apart at the seams

To any Pakistani patriot, this is the time to add fuel to the fire inside India and speak up for Jinnah's message

Jinnah message has multiple takers inside India at the moment and not just amongst Indian Muslims, Sikhs and others are very open to it

Like I always say hindutva is our biggest weapon against India
Those who were forced to stay in India have my sympathy.

Those who could leave for Pakistan but chose not to deserve nothing but contempt.

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