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Comfort woman: Past and present

And North India as well. You will find many flat face east Asian looking people. They are different from NE Indian tribes.

They are the lost cousins of the Han Chinese, not the descendants of the Altaic Mongols.
Not only dudes, but long dead ones now. This thread is going rapidly downhill.

Considering the title of this topic, I think posting too many attractive Chinese girls might be a bit disrespectful toward our women.

That's why I choose to switch the content.
Yes Turks and all Turkics identify with the Great Khan but the difference is that most Turks/Turkics say that the Huns/Xiongnu are their ancestors while Genghis Khan/Timucin was a great conqueror who made the Turkics more powerful.
(Im named after him)

Because his legacy is way too powerful.
German military Brothel.

While informations are contradiction, I am more incline to that fact that most Japanese and German Comfort Women landed on their career due to coercion, or promise of a good job. Some may be recruited from private brothels. There are some violent rape cases but these are minorities.

It is estimated that, along with those in concentration camp brothels, at least 34,140 European women were forced to serve as prostitutes during the German occupation

The Wehrmark Brothels is not as well known as Japanese, one reason because they are probably due to smaller scale, another one because the white man do not want to embarrass the proud German.

German military brothels in World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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When I was in China and people say I am a minorities, I feel proud. I do not feel insulted at all. My hometown is Fujian and we are having a lot of minorities blood.

PDF PRC keep telling me I am Malay, and I am very happy.
Why do foreigners always try to pretend to be more Chinese than the real Chinese?

This is my maternal grandfather who's ancestors came from Quanzhou to Taiwan 11 or 12 generations ago,tell me is this "Malay"?

While you want to harp your Malay,Arabian or Persian ancestry I have no problem passing for Han in mainland China and there's plenty of native Han that have more "Southern" features than I do.
Why do foreigners always try to pretend to be more Chinese than the real Chinese?

This is my maternal grandfather who's ancestors came from Quanzhou to Taiwan 11 or 12 generations ago,tell me is this "Malay"?
View attachment 193881

While you want to harp your Malay,Arabian or Persian ancestry I have no problem passing for Han in mainland China and there's plenty of native Han that have more "Southern" features than I do.

Other than shit nutcase racist, I do not know not able to appreciate over zealous pride as a Han.

You are a Han does not mean a shit. Most important thing is that you are good.
Other than shit nutcase racist, I do not know not able to appreciate over zealous pride as a Han.

You are a Han does not mean a shit. Most important thing is that you are good.
You're right whether or not someone is Han has no relevance to one's personal achievements.

What I do have an issue with is your constant attempts to claim that you are more Chinese than mainlanders while making slanderous claims that Fujianese Han are Sinicized Malay or that Northern Han are Sinicized Mongols/Manchus.
You're right whether or not someone is Han has no relevance to one's personal achievements.

What I do have an issue with is your constant attempts to claim that you are more Chinese than mainlanders while making slanderous claims that Fujianese Han are Sinicized Malay or that Northern Han are Sinicized Mongols/Manchus.

The Chinese are 56 tribe not just Han like you. Get real.

The real Han are in yellow river, and they took the women of Chi you Hmong to make 炎黄子孙. Then Han got mix during the North South Dynasty until the Tang elites are proven maternally Toba.

Even wholegrain say Taiwanese man kill the aboriginal man and took their women. Whilegrain is not complete, such things already occur in Fujian.

I am not proud to be scion of rapist when I think about it.
If Japan really wanna unite us, then they shouldn't slaughter our people like animals and try to eradicate our culture on our soil.

Sorry, the 30 million massacre against the Chinese people was not a myth.

Yet Japan still owes us an apology.
Japan make a big mistake in attacking China and commiting these unspeakable crime against civilian women children and babies.
Japan culture is very extreme.

Japan already lost it's opportunity to apologize. WW2 is already 70years old. Even apologIsing now is has no meaning.

Apology is not enough but never too late let alone the Japanese wants to eradicate this piece of history and re-write it in their own glorifying versions

Compensations and more restrictions on its military expansions

In Textbook Fight, Japan Leaders Seek to Recast History

Why Japan Is Still Not Sorry Enough | TIME.com
Japan Wants To Rewrite World War II
The Chinese are 56 tribe not just Han like you. Get real.

The real Han are in yellow river, and they raped the women of Chi you Hmong to make 炎黄子孙. Then Han got mix during the North South Dynasty until the Tang elites are proven maternally Toba.
Since when are Malays part of the 56 minorities?

Neither the Miao,Han or any modern day ethnic identity existed in ancient history,what is clear is that Chi You was worshiped by Zhou,Qin and Han entities which are the precursors to a "Han" identity.

Nobody denies that the historical "Han" mixed with other populations,however admixture has been dominated by males therefore Y haplogroup studies show that "Northern/Southern" share markers.

The historical aboriginal populations that lived in modern day Fujian are argued to have spoken Tai Kadai,Miao Yao or Austro Asiatic languages not Austronesian.

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