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COMB ON OVER Donald Trump sports slick new hairdo before flying to meet the Queen


Sep 18, 2012
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Donald Trump sports slick new hairdo before flying to meet the Queen

DONALD Trump sported a slick new hairstyle before flying to meet the Queen on his first official state visit to the UK.

The US President’s fresh look marked a dramatic change from his trademark yellow bouffant - and fans loved it, comparing him to Michael Douglas' Gordon Gekko in hit film Wall Street.


Donald Trump showed off a slick new hairdo at a church service on Sunday


Some pointed out that the sleek style may have just been the result of a serious case of hat hair


The new hairdo is a far cry from his trademark yellow bouffant


But others pointed out that the sleek style may have just been the result of a serious case of hat hair.

Trump had come straight from a game of golf and had only just taken off his baseball cap when he got in front of the cameras at a Virginia church.

Social media users couldn't get enough after he showed off the "normal" style and suggested he should make a permanent change.

Gina B wrote: "I hope he keeps his hair slicked back. Much better."

Michael Portland Ross tweeted: "Trump's hair looked way better at that church in Virginia than I have ever seen it look.

"Why does he insist on his hair making him look like a michael myers mask?"

Varad Mehta wrote: "Trump's hair in this picture looks almost normal."


Unfortunately for his fans, it does not seem as though Trump’s new hairdo is permanent.

When boarding Air Force One bound for London on Sunday night, Trump's mane looked back to its bouncy self.

Trump had made the unannounced stop at the McLean Bible Church in Virginia hours earlier after leaving his private golf club in nearby Sterling.

Wearing khakis and a jacket over a polo shirt and holding a golf hat, Trump was applauded by the congregation as he arrived at the church.

Trump stood with his head bowed as pastor David Platt offered a prayer for the 12 killed in Friday’s mass shooting.

The president did not address the congregation but mouthed "thank you" as he left the stage.

Trump’s barnet has been the subject of mystery and speculation for some time and various rumours have circulated over the years.

Some have claimed his lid is the result of a bad comb-over, while others have alleged his blonde locks are in fact a high-end hairpiece worth £45,000.

But Trump’s own daughter Ivanka put an end to the speculation when she told friends about why her dad’s hair really looks the way it does, according to author Michael Wolff.

Ivanka apparently often makes fun of her dad’s mop when chatting to pals and delights in explaining how the crazy coiffure comes together, the journalist claims.

Speaking in his book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, Wolff claims it’s the result of scalp reduction surgery and careful styling held in place by strong hairspray.

The book reads: “She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate — a contained island after scalp-reduction surgery — surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the centre and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”

Scalp reduction - also known as alopecia reduction - is a procedure in which a surgeon removes a man’s bald spot, then sews the more hirsute skin back together.

The book also claims Trump’s distinctive blonde hair colour was the result of his own “impatience” as he attempts to get rid of grey hairs using cheap dye.

Wolf continues: “The colour, she would point out to comical effect, was from a product called Just for Men.

“The longer it was left on, the darker it got. Impatience resulted in Trump’s orange-blond hair colour.”

Even Trump and has joked about his own ‘do during an interview with Piers Morgan.

The president said: “People find it hard to believe it's my hair but it is. It's hanging in, barely, it's hanging in.”

Trump and his wife Melania are due to be officially welcomed by the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall on Monday.

Trump has said he is ready to talk environmental issues with Prince Charles over tea.

The Prince is expected to tackle the President on his controversial decision to pull America out of the Paris climate change agreement last year.

don't know but he looks really old in this new cut.like someone who has undergone lots and lots chemo sessions.
He looks like an expired Greggs Cheese & onion pastry. :lol:

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