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Colombo and its new look !


Colombo night race:






Colombo is miles ahead of your best Indian cities including prime business hubs of Mumbai and New Delhi in terms of neatness, cleanliness and spacious roads. Also, there is NO HONKING on the streets unlike India

But definitely not as impressive as Bangkok or Singapore. The traffic is a bit erratic here and there, vehicles changing lanes abruptly and rickety old buses everywhwere.

I hope this is representative of the whole Colombo rather than the central business district.
Colombo is a chilled out town and not a huge city like Mumbai or Delhi.

Colombo is not just a town its a city..Colombo district is the home for 3 million.A place doesn`t have to be over populated with 20-30 million and polluted to be called a CITY
I love the cleanliness of the streets, people do not just drop their rubbish anywhere or relieve themselves in the open. The levels of pollution are low and the Government is spending a lot of money to fix the drainage issues once and for all.

The Port City development looks amazing, and a lot of skyscrapers have been approved and funded.

Expressways are almost finished that will connect Colombo to every corner of the island, and help boost the economy and sort the traffic issues.

One step at a time, we'll get there.
Colombo is not just a town its a city..Colombo district is the home for 3 million.A place doesn`t have to be over populated with 20-30 million and polluted to be called a CITY

I have been to Colombo and it is tiny compared to Mumbai/Delhi.

We ll talk about things when you have a large enough population,now that you dont have a war,people ll come in.

we ll see how it goes.
I have been to Colombo and it is tiny compared to Mumbai/Delhi.

We ll talk about things when you have a large enough population,now that you dont have a war,people ll come in.

we ll see how it goes.

No we don`t want to be over populated..Men here wear Condoms,they do something called family planing so that they don`t breed like rabbits.

Most livable cities around the world doesnt even have a 2 m population
Looks good, Sri lanka is on my list of places to visit before doomsday. Now that you have defeated those India backed terrorists, I wish you all the best. I think Pakistan can learn a few things from the Sri Lankan Military as it was able to defeat one of the most violent insurgencies. Well done ole boy
No we don`t want to be over populated..Men here wear Condoms,they do something called family planing so that they don`t breed like rabbits.

Most livable cities around the world doesnt even have a 2 m population

yeah but they are all rich like switzerland,norway,sweden.
yeah but they are all rich like switzerland,norway,sweden.

Yes, there is a correlation between being not overpopulated and rich. Surely that's all the more reason for Sri Lanka to keep its birth rates low? Anyway, Sri Lanka's population is projected to remain almost exactly the same within 0.5m for the next 10 years.

The cities with high living standards have low populations, so that seems like a good direction to go in.
True but where ll the money come from and what about the work force for agriculture,you want to earn money only from tourism.
True but where ll the money come from and what about the work force for agriculture,you want to earn money only from tourism.

Tourism isn't main industry in SL yet, it does not adding much to our economy.

What I have to say there are some countries on this earth f****** dirty, dusty looking and over crowded etc. Thank god I fortunately born in an sweet country. heh
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