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COAS, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, endorsed punishment to 2 Army and 1 civilian office for treason.

Major General and a Brigadier both were working for the CIA.

The issue is pending a court martial for each officer. The charges are that they may have shared some information. Now that can be a case of inadvertent sharing or intentional. The two are not connected and suggesting that they were "working for the CIA" is perhaps a bit too extreme.

As an example of this knowledge sharing, sometimes there is stuff said here or shared that could very easily land someone in uniform in trouble if it was traced back to them.

Quite a few officers are sent off for foreign war courses and there is always a chance that the host country's intelligence outfits may try to cultivate information. So a very minor thing can lead to a court martial based on perception.
So if these two Senior officers are found guilty, would this mean they will face the firing squad? I sincerely F*king hope they are put to death.
At time of war this could well have been the death penalty.
Kya hua? Your bold and bald FM wrote letters to UNSC. Oh that’s what you are laughing at.

FM write letters everywhere. Nothing new.

I am laughing at your blabbering in previous post which makes absolutely no sense. Happens when you are frustrated. You blabber. Same happened with you
Lol. I didn’t invite you. And ur chagrin me. Any way that’s what u are. A blood failure as a nation. Any way.

I’m yet to get over your statement of FM writing everywhere. It’s not everywhere **** it’s UN sec counsel. And also met him yet your cuntry was named if not in true sense but JEM.

I’m not being hysterical today, your unwarranted response to me? Is proof enough that you are out to prove something.

Which fortunately you dag and lost. Even ur brother China was helpless.

Go read the UN resolution and if you think the hero what you are not, you are . Send Mahila lodhi to our concentration camps. Will take care of her.

I was laughing at you blabber out of frustration. Actually we have forced whole India to act like that. You are not the only one. They are reduced to bark and blabber and we enjoy. :lol:
Good that the army is cleaning its own house. You know even US TV serials on terrorism and other things depict how Pakistanis are up for sale and how higher ups are bought for exchange of information.
Yes like in Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan
few days ago news surfaced that a big network of a powerful country have been neutralized.It also said that senior officers and some retired personal involved are arrested.
Where and when sir. Did it make news ??
I just saw that your bravest FM wrote to UN to dissolve some escalatory SE issues.

Seems like IK is repeating NS .
Good that’s what we want.

And wait Lodhi met the counsel and nobody listened. You are still is FATF grey.

I feel pity when ya all say Pakistan this and Pakistan that.

Looks like Pakistan is just as it was it is and it will be.

Well we would remain what we want to be.
Now tell me what option your Govt has taken for punishing Pakistan other then banning tomato exports,breaking contract on PSL,Going to FATF,removing Pakistani cricketer potraits and empty chest thumping.

Hehe. Lodhi was shown door, and your entire machine was shown the door.

Your PM was driving someone who invested 20 billion in Pak but 100 billion in India.

Rabbba kya sukh Mula ko Mula. Sukh to yahan dukh kha gaya!!!
That wasn't about USD 20 billion $,it was more them that.
Now go and bark on us on another platform.
Well we would remain what we want to be.
Now tell me what option your Govt has taken for punishing Pakistan other then banning tomato exports,breaking contract on PSL,Going to FATF,removing Pakistani cricketer potraits and empty chest thumping.

That wasn't about USD 20 billion $,it was more them that.
Now go and bark on us on another platform.
Indians will keep barking . Don't take tension. It's their job .
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