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Clinton urges India to cut Iran oil imports


Jan 7, 2012
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Clinton urges India to cut Iran oil imports - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has urged India to reduce its imports of Iranian oil and to keep up pressure on the Islamic republic regarding its nuclear programme.

Clinton told school children and activists at a town hall meeting in the eastern city of Kolkata on Monday that there was an "adequate supply" of oil from other sources in the market to allow India to find an alternative to Iranian imports.

She noted that India had taken some steps to reduce its imports from Iran, but said that the US wanted to see more.

"If there weren't an adequate supply ... we would understand, but we believe that there is adequate supply," she said.

India could face US sanctions by the end of June if the Obama administration determines that the South Asian country has not made significant cuts in imports.

The sanctions are part of a US law that is aimed at pressuring Iran on its disputed nuclear programme.

India, with a growth rate of about seven per cent, has a high demand for oil, and any gaps in supply of the commodity will negatively impact economic growth.

The country imports about nine per cent of its oil from Iran, though officials say it has reduced its dependency in recent months. Iran remains its second largest oil supplier, after Saudi Arabia.

"We appreciate what has been done and, of course, we want to keep the pressure on Iran," Clinton said.

With international sanctions making it difficult to find banks willing to handle Iranian oil payments, India pays for about 45 per cent of its oil purchases in Indian rupees. Iran then uses the Indian currency to import Indian-produced goods.

Clinton said Washington remained focused on putting global pressure on Iran.

"We believe, at this moment in time, the principal threat is a nuclear-armed Iran," she said. "We need India to be part of the international effort."

The US is currently determining whether to exempt India from the sanctions, along with European Union nations and Japan, with Clinton saying a decision was still two months away.

Expanding markets

Clinton also met Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state, who is a key coalition partner and has held up government efforts to lift sanctions on foreign-owned investments in the country.

The two were expected to discuss the entrance of foreign multi-brand retailers such as Wal-Mart into the Indian market.

At the town hall meeting, Clinton said that US nuclear energy companies were also being frozen out of the Indian market by legislation that would impose what they believed were excessive liabilities on them in the case of an accident.

"We've made it clear to the government that under the legislation that was passed it would be difficult for US companies to participate," Clinton said.

"We are still discussing this and we're hoping there will be a way to work out the remaining kinks in this."

Clinton will head to Delhi later on Monday, where she is expected to press India to push ahead with its stalled economic reform programme, even though the prime minister's chief economic adviser said last month that no new reforms were probably before the next election in 2014.

'Al-Qaeda chief in Pakistan'

Clinton also told the audience in Kolkata that she beleived that Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's leader, was in neighbouring Pakistan.

India has long accused Pakistan of sponsoring terrorist groups, and Clinton said she would keep up pressure on Islamabad to find other "most wanted" al-Qaeda leaders.

"We want to disable al-Qaeda and we have made a lot of progress in doing that," Clinton said.

"There are several significant leaders still on the run. Zawahiri, who inherited the leadership from Bin Laden is somewhere, we believe, in Pakistan."

Zawahiri, an Egyptian physician, was second-in-command under the late Osama bin Laden and was regarded by US intelligence agencies as the chief ideologue for the group.

Clinton also said the US would continue to press for the arrest of the founder of Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba, who is wanted over the attacks on Mumbai in 2008.

Last month, Washingtom offered a $10m reward for information leading to the conviction of Hafiz Saeed, who lives openly in Pakistan and has launched a political campaign aimed at ending the Pakistani government's co-operation with the US.

Clinton also said that she appreciated the sacrifices made by Pakistan, saying that it was the main victim of violence by extremists.
Urges , that's the word. She's knows that while dealing with India, she's not above India's interest and foreign policy. All she can do is Urge.
Clinton urges India to cut Iran oil imports

And here's the reply..
India to continue trade ties with Iran

Even as the US nudged India to lessen crude oil imports from Iran, New Delhi is understood to have made it clear to Washington on Monday that it would not scale down its trade ties with the West Asian country, but would continue to diversify its energy basket and look for alternative sources for supply of hydrocarbon.

On a day when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed India to do “even more” to cut its oil import from Iran, New Delhi played host to a large trade delegation from the West Asian country.

Clinton is understood to have raised the issue of India’s crude oil import from Iran when she called on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at his residence here on Monday. She lauded India’s efforts to bring down its crude import from Iran, but wanted it to do more.

They also discussed bilateral issues, related to security, civil nuclear cooperation, defence ties and economic partnership. The situation in Afghanistan-Pakistan also figured in the talks, sources said.

Singh is understood to have referred to India’s geo-civilisational ties with Iran and reiterated New Delhi’s stand that the issue of Tehran’s nuclear programme should be resolved through diplomacy and dialogue. Sources said Clinton updated Singh about Iran’s talks with P5+1 (US, Russia, China, UK, France and Germany) on the issue of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme. She stressed that Tehran needed to urgently take some actions to build confidence in its talks with the P5+1.

The next round of talks is scheduled to take place in Baghdad on May 23 next.
New Delhi officially maintains that it would abide by the United Nations sanctions on Iran, but not the ones unilaterally imposed by the US.

New Delhi conveyed to Washington that its hydrocarbon import from Iran was still vital for energy security of India, but also made it clear that market forces would determine Indian refiners’ future decisions on buying crude from the West Asian nation.

India to continue trade ties with Iran

our Strategic interest comes first..:tup:
I think we should reduce our oil imports from Iran considerably...we should look for less conflict areas...mainly central asia or Russia.
Manmohan Singh explains to Hillary Clinton India’s need to engage Iran for its energy security

NEW DELHI/KOLKATA: India wants Iran to fulfill international obligations with regard to its nuclear programme, but New Delhi cannot lose sight of its energy security needs, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told US secretary of state Hillary Clinton during a wide-ranging discussion here on Monday.

Iran was an important aspect of Hillary's meeting with Singh on Monday evening as she made it clear that US expects India to "do more" and be part of the international effort to curb Iran's reported bid to acquire nuclear weapons by defying inspection regimes.

The PM is understood to have said that India shared concerns over proliferation but needed to work out its responses at a time when fuel prices are high and the global economic situation worrisome. In comments ahead of the meeting, Hillary said India's has more options on energy than it had earlier.

The meeting, according to official sources, did not hit a bump on Iran despite both leaders outlining their views and Singh dwelling on the need to engage Tehran. The discussion lasted around 80 minutes, about half an hour more than what was scheduled, as the leaders went over Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, trade, security and the Indo-US civil nuclear agreement.

While both sides committed to strengthen their strategic partnership, tangible outcomes may take a while to be fully evident with the relationship seen to be in need of fresh momentum despite substantial convergence of interests.

US is keen on India moving on some reforms like liberalizing FDI in retail, a detail expected to have figured during Hillary's meeting with West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata earlier in the day where she spoke of making the state a partner in US investment.

The meeting with Banerjee was significant as the US looks at West Bengal with new eyes after the state was "off bounds" during Left rule. The attempt to size up the new dispensation saw Banerjee also using the occasion to claim that Bengal was now investor-friendly.

After Hillary's meeting with Singh, sources said "The full gamut of bilateral relations came up for discussion." On Iran, the PM is also believed to have laid out India's reasons to continue to engage the state. Hillary had already indicated earlier in the day that she would press India to further reduce oil imports from Iran, although she acknowledged reduction in some imports. She stressed Iran's nuclear ambitions would have an adverse effect on the region.

On the security front, Afghanistan, China and Pakistan figured prominently in the talks. But the PM used the opportunity to tell the top US official American investment in infrastructure while the leaders also had an elaborate discussion on the state of the global economy.
Manmohan Singh explains to Hillary Clinton India’s need to engage Iran for its energy security - The Times of India
Hey if the US in all their wisdom can offer India a credible alternative to Iran and/or pay the huge costs of converting most of India's oil refineries so they can refine other sources of oil other than Iran then maybe India can think about turning away from Iran. Until that time India will continue down this road because India puts its needs first- no one else will.
We will ensure Iran remains our forefront partner in economic decisions. US should first rewind the history where they were ready to blow India in 1971. I don't hate US but its no matter of US to talk about India-Iran relations and opening her p****y to be f**ked...
We will ensure Iran remains our forefront partner in economic decisions. US should first rewind the history where they were ready to blow India in 1971. I don't hate US but its no matter of US to talk about India * expletives *

Who the hell do you think you are sir? Mrs. Clinton is one of the most powerful and respected women in the world. Try and think ! She is actively trying to find loopholes to work around her country's system so that India maybe afforded certain concessions without raising heavy criticism at home.

And yet here you shooting crap out of your keyboard like there's no tomorrow. Please remember that you are representing our flag and our people on a foreign forum.

Please edit your post and think before you speak. Meanwhile, Iran has done nothing for us except trade and that, because they have no choice and because we help them immensely in the hope that they feel grateful for it.
Depends if she has anything to offer. We need fuel and our current systems are designed for Iranian oil. If US can offer a solution to this problem, we can think otherwise no thinking.
We will ensure Iran remains our forefront partner in economic decisions. US should first rewind the history where they were ready to blow India in 1971. I don't hate US but its no matter of US to talk about India-Iran relations and opening her p****y to be f**ked...

Expletives apart if you want to go down on this line, one can also argue that Iran was a staunch ally of Pakistan during both 1965 and 1971 war, even delivering PA with supplies on the behest of Americans. Yes, the govt in Iran changed..so does the Americans. One should learn from the past, never live in it.
Mrs. Clinton is a massive supporter of India, in fact the way shes speaks about India shows how much she loves the country and the people. She is trying to find loop holes for India, the fact she stopped of in India now when she had no reason to shows that she wants India to continue to grow.

Before abusing a woman who cares about your country please get the facts right, far be it for me to say anything, but I think a lot of Indians are still stuck in the past when it comes to India - US relations, the most powerful woman in the world is a well known lover of all things India, so respect her and respect the fact that she is also constrained by politics etc, thank God some of us aren't involved in global affairs.

@arihant: You abuse is disgusting, and if this is the way you speak to women in general it only says a lot about you, please edit your post and show some respect, to a woman who has done more than most people to ensure a strong India - US relationship.
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