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Clinton says disputed islands part of Japan-US pact: Maehara


Feb 1, 2010
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Clinton says disputed islands part of Japan-US pact: Maehara

TOKYO (AFP) – The disputed islands at the heart of a bitter diplomatic spat between Beijing and Tokyo are covered by the Japan-US security treaty, Hillary Clinton told Japan's foreign minister Thursday, reports said.

Under the 1960 treaty, the United States is obliged to defend Japan against any attack on a territory under Tokyo's administration.

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara told reporters after his meeting with the US secretary of state that Clinton had acknowledged the Senkaku islands -- known as the Daioyu islands by China, which also claims them -- were subject to the treaty, Kyodo News Agency reported from New York.

"According to the Japanese minister, Clinton said that the Senkakus... are subject to Article 5 of the bilateral security treaty, which authorizes the U.S. to protect Japan in the event of an armed attack 'in the territories under the administration of Japan'," the report said.

The dispatch did not quote Maehara directly.

State Department spokesman Philip Crowley separately told reporters the United States takes no position on the sovereignty of the islands.

"The issue of the Senkakus is complicated," Crowley said in New York.

He said that Maehara explained to Clinton that the Japanese are "pursuing this case through their legal system and that they expected to be able to resolve it, and we simply encouraged that to happen as soon as possible".

Relations between Tokyo and Beijing have soured since the arrest earlier this month of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat following a collision with two Japanese coast guard vessels near the islands in the East China Sea.

Japan says the captain deliberately rammed the vessels and continues to hold him, despite repeated angry demands from China for his release.

In a possible escalation of the dispute, China's state media reported Thursday that four Japanese nationals were being held in the north of the country over allegations they had filmed military installations.

Officially pacifist Japan hosts a large US military contingent, on which it has depended for its protection since renouncing aggressive warfare six decades ago.
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It seems the Japanese will have a long way out hands from the United States。

Clinton says disputed islands part of Japan-US pact: Maehara

TOKYO (AFP) – The disputed islands at the heart of a bitter diplomatic spat between Beijing and Tokyo are covered by the Japan-US security treaty, Hillary Clinton told Japan's foreign minister Thursday, reports said.

Under the 1960 treaty, the United States is obliged to defend Japan against any attack on a territory under Tokyo's administration.

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara told reporters after his meeting with the US secretary of state that Clinton had acknowledged the Senkaku islands -- known as the Daioyu islands by China, which also claims them -- were subject to the treaty, Kyodo News Agency reported from New York.

"According to the Japanese minister, Clinton said that the Senkakus... are subject to Article 5 of the bilateral security treaty, which authorizes the U.S. to protect Japan in the event of an armed attack 'in the territories under the administration of Japan'," the report said.

The dispatch did not quote Maehara directly.

State Department spokesman Philip Crowley separately told reporters the United States takes no position on the sovereignty of the islands.

"The issue of the Senkakus is complicated," Crowley said in New York.

He said that Maehara explained to Clinton that the Japanese are "pursuing this case through their legal system and that they expected to be able to resolve it, and we simply encouraged that to happen as soon as possible".

Relations between Tokyo and Beijing have soured since the arrest earlier this month of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat following a collision with two Japanese coast guard vessels near the islands in the East China Sea.

Japan says the captain deliberately rammed the vessels and continues to hold him, despite repeated angry demands from China for his release.

In a possible escalation of the dispute, China's state media reported Thursday that four Japanese nationals were being held in the north of the country over allegations they had filmed military installations.

Officially pacifist Japan hosts a large US military contingent, on which it has depended for its protection since renouncing aggressive warfare six decades ago.

Latest F-up in our dear Hilary's long track record. From South China Sea to the East China Sea, from sea to shinning sea.

Looks like the U.S. is more serious about the issue than I first thought. However I maintain that direct military assistance is unnecessary in the event of military confl... oh wait the Captain has already been released.
Latest F-up in our dear Hilary's long track record. From South China Sea to the East China Sea, from sea to shinning sea.

Looks like the U.S. is more serious about the issue than I first thought. However I maintain that direct military assistance is unnecessary in the event of military confl... oh wait the Captain has already been released.

U.S. statement is very interesting、deep meaning, it shows that some U.S. policies, at the present stage.
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ABC Radio Australia News:Stories:US urges China, Japan talks

US urges China, Japan talks

American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged Japan to pursuedialogue with China to try to resolve quickly a row over a Chinesetrawler captain detained near islands claimed by both countries.

The United States also stressed the need to avoid an escalation of the row.

Mrs Clinton told Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in New Yorkthat the islands are covered by the Japan-US security treaty.

Her Clinton said: "We do believe that, because theSenkaku islands are under Japanese jurisdiction, that it is covered bythe US-Japan security treaty. That said, we also stressed that we don'ttake a position on the sovereignty of the Senkaku islands."

Under the 1960 treaty, the United States is obliged to defend Japanagainst any attack on a territory under Tokyo's administration.

In a move ramping up the dispute, China held four Japanese nationalsfor entering a restricted military zone and "illegally filming defencetargets", according to China's Xinhua news agency.

US President Barack Obama met Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in NewYork, hours after holding talks with China's Premier Wen Jiabao, amidthe heightened tensions between Tokyo and Beijing.

Obama said the US-Japan alliance was a "cornerstone" of global security.

His top White House policy aide Jeff Bader said Washington hoped the Japan-China dispute could be resolved peacefully.
That was very interested. Japan would like to bundle with the U.S. military alliance, but the U.S. said no.

It wasn't so much interesting as it was common sense. Only an idiot would want two of his greatest trade partners to go to war and a moron would want to take part in such a fight.
It wasn't so much interesting as it was common sense. Only an idiot would want two of his greatest trade partners to go to war and a moron would want to take part in such a fight.

In the short term, at this stage means that the direction of U.S. policy is so, the long-term remains uncertain.
Clinton has made a hash of the middle-east peace accord and now she has her finger in this mess as well? Call me cynical but it seems like she will stop at nothing to win "presidential election brownie points" in international relations to use on the campaign trail.

Now we just have to wait for senior diplomats to sit her down and have a little talk about what the consequences of the US stepping into a volatile situation like this would be.
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It is pretty clear from US foreign policy that in order for China to amount to anything in this US led world is to beat the US militarily by any mean possible.

Do the Chinese have CIA type organization?
By that statement, Clinton put the Senkaku islands under Japanese administration, without defining the sovereignty of the islands.

Her Clinton said: "We do believe that, because the Senkaku islands are under Japanese jurisdiction, that it is covered bythe US-Japan security treaty. That said, we also stressed that we don'ttake a position on the sovereignty of the Senkaku islands."

It is clear and loud, to Taiwan and Mainland!

While thinking Clinton is making a very audacious and smart step, and preying the peace will last, I am anxious to see how CPC will react… as well as the people of China.

For everyboy's reference, this is the relevant article in Japan-U.S. Security Treaty

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack against either Party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and processes. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of the Charter. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.


MOFA: Japan-U.S. Security Treaty
By that statement, Clinton put the Senkaku islands under Japanese administration, without defining the sovereignty of the islands.

It is clear and loud, to Taiwan and Mainland!

While thinking Clinton is making a very audacious and smart step, and preying the peace will last, I am anxious to see how CPC will react… as well as the people of China.

For everyboy's reference, this is the relevant article in Japan-U.S. Security Treaty

It is doubtful Clinton with her negligible foreign policy experience understands this point.
By that statement, Clinton put the Senkaku islands under Japanese administration, without defining the sovereignty of the islands.

It is clear and loud, to Taiwan and Mainland!

While thinking Clinton is making a very audacious and smart step, and preying the peace will last, I am anxious to see how CPC will react… as well as the people of China.

For everyboy's reference, this is the relevant article in Japan-U.S. Security Treaty
General attitude is still vague, the future can be changed as needed, however, this ambiguity also represents a small tendency to short-term trend.
Friends, pay attention to the wording: "because the Senkaku islands are under Japanese jurisdiction,"

Japan's administration over the islands has been considered a FACT to her. There is no argument as to the legal process (how, when, why, etc.) the fact forms.

I don't think the Chinese should live under illusion or vague hopes.

Counter measurements must be formed.
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