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clerics:Attack on christians un islamic


Apr 25, 2012
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Church attack: Clerics say Taliban portraying negative picture of Islam - DAWN.COM


LAHORE: The stance of Pakistani Taliban militants regarding attacks on Christian churches was contrary to the teachings of Islam, leading Pakistani clerics belonging to different schools of thought said on Saturday.

“Taliban’s view point that attacks on churches is in line with the principles of Islam is totally wrong and against the teaching of Islam,” said the clerics in a joint-statement.

Taliban were depicting a negative picture of Islam just to defame the peaceful religion, they said.

The spokesperson for the outlawed Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Shahidullah Shahid, had claimed that a recent attack on a church in Peshawar was carried out in accordance with Shariah laws and that neither the TTP nor any of its umbrella groups were behind the twin suicide blasts.

Nazim-i-Aala Jamia Naeemia Maulana Raghib Hussain Naeemi, Chief of Pakistan Sunny Tehrike Sarwat Ijaz Qadri, President National Mushaikh Council Pir Khawaja Ghulam Qutubuddin, President Khairul Ummam Foundation Pir Karamat Ali, Vice President Tahafuz Namoos-i-Rasalat Mahaz Allama Pir Atthar Qadri and President Islamic Research Council Pakistan were among those who issued the joint-statement.

September 23rd attack on All Saints church in the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, that killed more than 80 and injured at least 130, is believed to be the deadliest ever to target the country’s small Christian minority.

The Ulema urged the government to launch an operation against the terrorists who caused irreparable loss to both Islam and Pakistan. “They (Taliban) don't deserve any leniency,” said the statement.

The Pakistani government, however, was still keen to pursue dialogue with local Taliban militants despite a spate of bloody attacks in the country’s northwest, Sartaj Aziz, adviser on national security and foreign affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said on Thursday. He said talks should be given a chance.

The TTP, which has waged a bloody insurgency against the Pakistani state since 2007, has issued stringent conditions for its participation in talks, including the release of its cadres from jail, withdrawal of troops from the tribal areas along the Afghan border and an end to US drone strikes in Pakistan.
Wow! We all need to stand up and condemn the TTP - they are not Muslims, their actions are against Islam and by being imposters they are damaging Islam. So how can you be Islamic when you are clearly damaging it? Making a mockery of it, is this respect? No it is blasphemy.

The silent majority will need to stand up and shout - get rid of these scum.
Church attack: Clerics say Taliban portraying negative picture of Islam - DAWN.COM


LAHORE: The stance of Pakistani Taliban militants regarding attacks on Christian churches was contrary to the teachings of Islam, leading Pakistani clerics belonging to different schools of thought said on Saturday.

“Taliban’s view point that attacks on churches is in line with the principles of Islam is totally wrong and against the teaching of Islam,” said the clerics in a joint-statement.

Taliban were depicting a negative picture of Islam just to defame the peaceful religion, they said.

The spokesperson for the outlawed Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Shahidullah Shahid, had claimed that a recent attack on a church in Peshawar was carried out in accordance with Shariah laws and that neither the TTP nor any of its umbrella groups were behind the twin suicide blasts.

Nazim-i-Aala Jamia Naeemia Maulana Raghib Hussain Naeemi, Chief of Pakistan Sunny Tehrike Sarwat Ijaz Qadri, President National Mushaikh Council Pir Khawaja Ghulam Qutubuddin, President Khairul Ummam Foundation Pir Karamat Ali, Vice President Tahafuz Namoos-i-Rasalat Mahaz Allama Pir Atthar Qadri and President Islamic Research Council Pakistan were among those who issued the joint-statement.

September 23rd attack on All Saints church in the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, that killed more than 80 and injured at least 130, is believed to be the deadliest ever to target the country’s small Christian minority.

The Ulema urged the government to launch an operation against the terrorists who caused irreparable loss to both Islam and Pakistan. “They (Taliban) don't deserve any leniency,” said the statement.

The Pakistani government, however, was still keen to pursue dialogue with local Taliban militants despite a spate of bloody attacks in the country’s northwest, Sartaj Aziz, adviser on national security and foreign affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said on Thursday. He said talks should be given a chance.

The TTP, which has waged a bloody insurgency against the Pakistani state since 2007, has issued stringent conditions for its participation in talks, including the release of its cadres from jail, withdrawal of troops from the tribal areas along the Afghan border and an end to US drone strikes in Pakistan.

Non Muslims in Muslim country are under protection of state they have to protected by state and their places of worship also has to be protected by state and they should be given good health and education and other social facilities that is duty of state and if a Muslims kill an innocent Non Muslim he would be killed in return that is example of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and also was repeated in time of caliphs
This is not what the TTP think. Here is TTP view:

True face of TTP: Spokesman’s remarks

2013-10-06 07:13:14

WITH the country’s political leadership failing to provide clarity on who the TTP is and what it represents, perhaps it is a good thing that the TTP speaks for itself so frequently. Because each time a TTP leader speaks, he underlines exactly why the state cannot afford to compromise with militancy and terrorism. Shahidullah Shahid — the latest in a line of TTP spokespersons who seem to have extraordinary freedom to ring up and talk to whoever they want, whenever they want — has told the BBC that the Peshawar church bombing was in accordance with the Sharia. Quite how this is possible or what is the logic behind this claim remains a mystery, and perhaps mercifully so. Pakistan has had more than enough of demagogues using the media soapbox to spread their twisted, hate-filled ideas.

What Shahidullah Shahid’s claim does under-line though is a central fact: the TTP believes that violence against ordinary civilians, innocent men, women and children, is not only acceptable, but religiously ordained. Where, exactly, does that leave the possibility of compromise with the TTP? To the proponents of dialogue, how are so-called misguided souls to be brought back to the path of responsible citizenship if their beliefs are fundamentally rooted in violence and a twisted version of religion? In their desperation to negotiate with militants, the political leadership has ended up obscuring the ugly and unacceptable nature of militancy and terrorism here. Unwise as dialogue may have been as the preferred option at this stage, the political leadership has compoun-ded the error by downplaying before the public the threat that the TTP poses and its true face. If a bombing like the one at the Peshawar church can be justified by a TTP leader, why should the country allow such men to continue to spread their poison under the garb of peace talks and a deal? The political leadership has demonstrated clarity — on talks — without any real understanding till now. It’s time some understanding of the real facts was shown.

True face of TTP: Spokesman’s remarks - DAWN.COM
This is not what the TTP think. Here is TTP view:

True face of TTP: Spokesman’s remarks

2013-10-06 07:13:14

WITH the country’s political leadership failing to provide clarity on who the TTP is and what it represents, perhaps it is a good thing that the TTP speaks for itself so frequently. Because each time a TTP leader speaks, he underlines exactly why the state cannot afford to compromise with militancy and terrorism. Shahidullah Shahid — the latest in a line of TTP spokespersons who seem to have extraordinary freedom to ring up and talk to whoever they want, whenever they want — has told the BBC that the Peshawar church bombing was in accordance with the Sharia. Quite how this is possible or what is the logic behind this claim remains a mystery, and perhaps mercifully so. Pakistan has had more than enough of demagogues using the media soapbox to spread their twisted, hate-filled ideas.

What Shahidullah Shahid’s claim does under-line though is a central fact: the TTP believes that violence against ordinary civilians, innocent men, women and children, is not only acceptable, but religiously ordained. Where, exactly, does that leave the possibility of compromise with the TTP? To the proponents of dialogue, how are so-called misguided souls to be brought back to the path of responsible citizenship if their beliefs are fundamentally rooted in violence and a twisted version of religion? In their desperation to negotiate with militants, the political leadership has ended up obscuring the ugly and unacceptable nature of militancy and terrorism here. Unwise as dialogue may have been as the preferred option at this stage, the political leadership has compoun-ded the error by downplaying before the public the threat that the TTP poses and its true face. If a bombing like the one at the Peshawar church can be justified by a TTP leader, why should the country allow such men to continue to spread their poison under the garb of peace talks and a deal? The political leadership has demonstrated clarity — on talks — without any real understanding till now. It’s time some understanding of the real facts was shown.

True face of TTP: Spokesman’s remarks - DAWN.COM

we don't care what they think.
we know its un-islamic end of the convo.
we also know that we must exterminate ttp not talk to them.
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