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Classical Indian media blunder quoting Raheel Shareef fake twitter account


Apr 28, 2011
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Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, arguably the most powerful man in Pakistan, tweeted on Wednesday, “Asked PM Nawaz Sharif to hang all terrorists. More than 3,000 terrorists should be hanged in next 48 hours.” A day later, Lashkar-e-Taiba’s commander Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi was out on bail.

NEW DELHI: Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, arguably the most powerful man in Pakistan, tweeted on Wednesday, "Asked PM Nawaz Sharif to hang all terrorists. More than 3,000 terrorists should be hanged in next 48 hours." A day later, Lashkar-e-Taiba's commander Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi was out on bail.

READ ALSO: 48 hours after Peshawar, 26/11 butcher walks

Gen Sharif, who has frontally taken on the Taliban, is credited to have changed the army's approach towards extremist groups, from one of using them as allies — as "strategic assets" against "enemies" like India — to launching an uncompromising offensive against them.

Gen Sharif's Twitter profile makes for interesting reading. Overcome by the sheer horror of the Peshawar attack, he announced, "Enough is enough, now strict action should be taken against those who speak in favour of terrorists." Even as his soldiers were battling the terrorists in the school, Gen Sharif announced on Twitter that the army "has launched massive air strikes in Khyber on the intelligence reports. More than 10 air strikes have been carried out in last 1 hour."

READ ALSO: Carnage in Pakistan school as Taliban attack kills 141

Threatening strong retribution against Taliban, Sharief tweeted, "#PakArmy will come at you #Taliban & will destroy you. And they will not target women & children. They are not coward like you." Promising to go after terrorists, Sharief asked for popular support. "Dear people of #Pakistan stand & support #PakArmy in ops #ZarbeAzb & #Khyber1 & We will surly eliminate #TTP from our homeland InshaAllah!"

Both these military campaigns in North Waziristan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were launched without political approval.

READ ALSO: Taliban release images of Peshawar killers, warn of more such attacks

In another tweet, Gen Sharif threatened Tehrik-i-Taliban, saying, "Message to TTP. You kill our child. Now you will see the deadly consequences and (be) ready to pay the price. Pak Army will revenge (sic) each & every single drop of blood of little departed angels. It's my promise."

READ ALSO: Peshawar carnage: 10 devastating images
Hang 3,000 terrorists in 48 hours: Pak army chief to Sharif - The Times of India
Well I don't know but after every second news Indian Media proves how dumb they are @Horus @OrionHunter @nair @SpArK @GURU DUTT @he-man @Arsalan
I knew this was a bunch of crap as soon as I read this headline on the Times of India! I mean a Chief of Army Staff from whichever country, can't spew such nonsensical rubbish! :o:

After all, it's Arnab Goswami's gang in the Times who love sensationalism and thus don't bother to verify facts.

It's all about TRP ratings, man! There's lots of money in those ads! :D

Bottom line: ToI is losing credibility pretty fast. (Didn't have much to begin with, anyway! ;))
Where is proof that account was fake ? What action taken against that twitter account holder for spreading false information of this magnitude ??
Raheel Sharif Don't use any social media account :) don't ask for the source ... em very close to the friends family. Only Director General Military Operations - Major General Asim Bajwa using twitter :)
This thread needs to be closed since we know how pathetic and FREE indian media is....nothing to discuss here....:big_boss:

Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, arguably the most powerful man in Pakistan, tweeted on Wednesday, “Asked PM Nawaz Sharif to hang all terrorists. More than 3,000 terrorists should be hanged in next 48 hours.” A day later, Lashkar-e-Taiba’s commander Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi was out on bail.

NEW DELHI: Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, arguably the most powerful man in Pakistan, tweeted on Wednesday, "Asked PM Nawaz Sharif to hang all terrorists. More than 3,000 terrorists should be hanged in next 48 hours." A day later, Lashkar-e-Taiba's commander Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi was out on bail.

READ ALSO: 48 hours after Peshawar, 26/11 butcher walks

Gen Sharif, who has frontally taken on the Taliban, is credited to have changed the army's approach towards extremist groups, from one of using them as allies — as "strategic assets" against "enemies" like India — to launching an uncompromising offensive against them.

Gen Sharif's Twitter profile makes for interesting reading. Overcome by the sheer horror of the Peshawar attack, he announced, "Enough is enough, now strict action should be taken against those who speak in favour of terrorists." Even as his soldiers were battling the terrorists in the school, Gen Sharif announced on Twitter that the army "has launched massive air strikes in Khyber on the intelligence reports. More than 10 air strikes have been carried out in last 1 hour."

READ ALSO: Carnage in Pakistan school as Taliban attack kills 141

Threatening strong retribution against Taliban, Sharief tweeted, "#PakArmy will come at you #Taliban & will destroy you. And they will not target women & children. They are not coward like you." Promising to go after terrorists, Sharief asked for popular support. "Dear people of #Pakistan stand & support #PakArmy in ops #ZarbeAzb & #Khyber1 & We will surly eliminate #TTP from our homeland InshaAllah!"

Both these military campaigns in North Waziristan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were launched without political approval.

READ ALSO: Taliban release images of Peshawar killers, warn of more such attacks

In another tweet, Gen Sharif threatened Tehrik-i-Taliban, saying, "Message to TTP. You kill our child. Now you will see the deadly consequences and (be) ready to pay the price. Pak Army will revenge (sic) each & every single drop of blood of little departed angels. It's my promise."

READ ALSO: Peshawar carnage: 10 devastating images
Hang 3,000 terrorists in 48 hours: Pak army chief to Sharif - The Times of India
indians are really desperate here.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Their Peshawar Massacre has really backfired.
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