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Citizens under 18 will only game 3 hours a week

Gaming has destroyed millions of young minds who would have instead excelled in becoming physicists, biologists, intellectuals of law, business innovators and environmental pioneers. At a young age, the mind is untrained, does not have the ability to set limits and rationalize with what modern western civilization has produced ... codm, pornhub, netflix, hollywood and etcetera. Hence it is important for not only China, but also Pakistan to focus on providing the sort of environment for the children to grow up in which produces intellect who would lead their nations into future that is bright and prosperous.
Video games can be educational and even inspiring, but yeah I agree with cracking down on online games, they are needless competition and force kids to win at very young age.
Esport is nothing.
It's the fast growing sports industry. Multi billion dollars industry. And its not just about eSports. Gov should back off on what people do in their personal time.
It's the fast growing sports industry. Multi billion dollars industry. And its not just about eSports. Gov should back off on what people do in their personal time.
Tutoring industry is bigger than esport. China also banned it. We don't need that industy becuase it does more harm than good to the country.
Tutoring industry is bigger than esport. China also banned it. We don't need that industy becuase it does more harm than good to the country.
Gaming industry is not rising the cost of education like tutoring industry. Hell, what's next? Will gov limit the amount of time kids go online? Watch tv? This is dumb.
Gaming industry is not rising the cost of education like tutoring industry. Hell, what's next? Will gov limit the amount of time kids go online? Watch tv? This is dumb.
You just said it's multi billion dollars industry. Where the money is from? Chinese media said online games is spiritual opium. It is not only harmful like drug, also profitable like drug.
You just said it's multi billion dollars industry. Where the money is from? Chinese media said online games is spiritual opium. It is not only harmful like drug, also profitable like drug.
Money comes from people willing to pay for entertainment. And no, it's not harmful like drugs. Saying that just means you are ignorant.
Money comes from people willing to pay for entertainment. And no, it's not harmful like drugs. Saying that just means you are ignorant.
I played 三国志(online) for several months because I'm a fan of Koei's Three Kingdoms series. And I quit because I found it's nothing but money contest. I'm also a fan of many PC games.
It's like how Chinese and western parents discipline their children, western parents give their children more freedom to make their own choices while Chinese parents strictly forbid their children to touch anything that the parents think may be harmful to their children.
I played 三国志(online) for several months because I'm a fan of Koei's Three Kingdoms series. And I quit because I found it's nothing but money contest. I'm also a fan of many PC games.
Instead of banning games, schools and parents should teach kids about self control and delayed gretafication
good initiative. Pakistan should at least ban tik tok
I'm 100% pro-banning Tik Tok, for a supposedly chinese app, the most popular videos are always american. Very strange.

Same in Europe. Before trumps attack on TikTok, Top videos were Eurasian, I now only go on tiktok to do searches of quality users that I found when TikTok was new and global in nature. Now it is a bunch of foolish murican videos, one after another. TikTok started as cultural music videos, then went for dog funny flicks, currently TikTok is one dumb video after another. I even log off, uninstall, have a East Asian VPN, and download the TikTok apk found in Asian links, and install thinking I would get a different cultural perspective, that TikTok in Asia would be better. No... same dumb USAian videos. TikTok is a California heavy company pushing USAian agenda. There is alot of good content that does not get promoted, the algorithm went from great to trash. TikTok believes if 90% of the promoted content is "white" murica, and 10% of the promoted content is African-Americans from Mississippi, then the content is multicultural... what trash.

TikTok used to be one of my favourite apps when the promoted content was great. TikTok should get you to select content from regions. Instead of USAian trash disgusting videos.
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