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CIA-Islamic terrorists network!

Lisa Beebe


New Recruit

Sep 15, 2012
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CIA-Islamic terrorists network!

by Mohammad Jamil

Wayne Madsen has the spine to expose CIA links with the terrorist groups in his article captioned ‘The CIA’s Islamist Terrorist Network’ published in Strategic-Culture Organization’s online journal.

He stated: “The Central Intelligence Agency cobbled together the forerunner of the present Muslim jihadist terrorist network in the late 1970s to battle Soviet troops in Afghanistan…The Haqqanis are the latest in a long line of so-called terrorist groups that were organized and funded by the CIA only later to be thrown to the side of the road and branded terrorists. Others include Al Qaeda, led by CIA Afghan war veteran Osama bin Laden (killed in an attack by Navy Seals on 2nd May 2011) and Hizb-e-Islami leader Gulbuddin Hekmatayar”. Madsen has given quite a few references in support of his findings and contention. He quoted John Cooley’s book ‘Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism’, which revealed the nature of the CIA’s involvement with Afghan opium smuggling.

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