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CIA Intrigues against Pakistani Institutions by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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A couple of days ago Pakistani politics was pushed into turmoil because of an article published in a British paper last month, which was written by incredible Mansoor Ijaz, a Pakistani-American businessman with political connections in Washington. Mansoor Ijaz alleged US based Pakistani Ambassador Mr. Hussain Haqqani for dictating him the controversial “memo” and onwards dispatching to Admiral Mullen, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff of the United States. Pakistani Ambassador Hussain Haqqani has been called back to Islamabad for clarification and reaching on a final conclusion regarding validity of under discussion “memo” which really gave a big jolt to the rulers of Islamabad. The irony is that according to Mr. Mansoor, the memo was written to strengthen Mr. Zardari against the armed forces and Intelligence agency.
Here, it is mentionable that Mr. Ijaz is an untrustworthy “Ahmdi” who born in Florida. He is the same individual who suggested late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto for establishing relations with Israel. According to one of the electronic news channel Mr. Ijaz also famous for having deep connections with RAW, Mossad and CIA and used to write articles against Pakistan and its security forces.
Mr. Ijaz stated that shortly after the US Navy Seal raid to extract OBL from Abbottabad on May 2, 2011 the Zardari government felt threatened by General Kayani and sought out Mr. Ijaz to convey its insecurity to Admiral Mike Mullen, the then Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff and avowed "friend" of General Kayani, to fend off a possible coup. The said claim of Mr. Ijaz doesn’t seem to be appropriate or true since in the first week of May, 2011 ISI and Armed forces came under heavy pressure and critics just after OBL killing. At that time government with its allies clearly stood up with its security agencies and also condemned unilateral CIA’s action in oAbbottabad. However, clear rift between ISI and CIA has been started which also became one of the causes of widening gap and so the relations went at the lowest level between two capitals. Mr. Ijaz, who is famous as a suspicious character and renowned anti Pakistan critic once again appeared on international media and started doing terrible critiques on Pakistani military and civilian leadership.
Similarly, role of Mr. Hussain Haqqani has never been very pushing in guarding Pakistani interest since his placing as Ambassador in USA. The visible gaps between thinking of two important diplomats Mr. Abdullah Haroon (Pakistani representative in UNO) and Mr. Haqqani on Pakistani stances, issuance of passports to the dubious Americans by Pakistani diplomat were some of the touchy and alarming affairs for the responsible circles of Islamabad. In this context government probably failed in taking timely remedial measures and took the issue lightly till its explosion on national and international media.
Anyhow, philosophy of “conspiring against the state" by few incredible traitors is not a simple anti Pakistan propaganda. There are chances that CIA has planned: to create political anarchy, target ISI Chief to whom CIA considered a main hindrance in the implantation of US agenda in this region, moreover pitching government against security agencies and vital state organs. CIA knows that ISI chief tenure might be completing in March 2011 which is already the month of senate election in Pakistan where political temperature is quite high in these days. Similar a number of tries have already been made at number of occasions. For example during Prime Minister Gillani Visit first visit to Washington, Obama administration alleged ISI for helping Taliban against US, again in mid September, 2011 American civil and military leadership gave abrasive statements against ISI and Pakistani security agencies. US military chief, Admiral Mike Mullen accused the ISI of supporting the Haqqani network in carrying out an assault on the US Embassy in Kabul on September 13, 2011. He further said that the Haqqani network is a powerful faction of the Taliban and a "veritable arm" of Pakistan's spy agency. He also claimed that they have credible evidence about ISI involvement behind the June 28th attack against the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul. ISI Chief General Pasha strongly rejected the Americans’ allegations and denied supporting Haqqani against Americans. But, U.S. officials did not agree with Islamabad stance and started urging Pakistan to take action.
In this connection, U.S. Defence sectary of state and White House top official revealed that the U.S. believes, Pakistan is actively supporting the Haqqanis. U.S. Officials warned that Pakistan is heading towards international isolation. "If it keeps going like this, it could end up like Syria – before the Arab spring." President Zardari, Prime Minister Gillani, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Chief of Staff Pakistan Army strongly rejected the U.S. allegations on ISI and Pakistan Army. Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar lashed out at America for accusing the country's powerful spy agency ISI of ties with terror groups, warning it may risk losing Islamabad as its ally."We have conveyed to the US that you will lose an ally. It is in the interest of both Pakistan and the U.S. to retain their relationship. So, if it is not a relationship of complete equals, them being a superpower and us not, but it is (a relationship) of sovereign equals,” said Khar. She also said both countries need each other and Pakistan wants its relationship with the US to remain intact but not at the cost of Pakistan’s sovereignty.
Pakistani political and military leadership and the general masses have taken US threat seriously and decided to respond U.S with full strength to deal with any misadventure against Pakistan. On September 25, 2011 in an extraordinary meeting of the corps commanders General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani expressed grave concern over infiltration of militants from the Afghanistan side and made it clear that Pakistan would not tolerate any such incursions in the future. He asked General Mattis to make sure that the Afghan soil is not used against Pakistan. The COAS also lodged strong protest with Gen Mattis over the statements of US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta and Admiral Mullen calling the statements contrary to ground realities. He said the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan in the war on terror demonstrated Pakistan’s commitment to eliminate militancy. In short, current development in relation to Mr. Ijaz is continuation of “CIA Play against ISI and Pakistan” but anyhow change in timing and selection of actors are there.
Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has repeatedly been revealing that RAW, Mossad and other foreign agencies are involved in supporting insurgency and acts of terrorism in various cities of Pakistan, and separatism in Balochistan. Unfortunately, it is due to lack of national solidarity among our politicians, leaders and media that foreign opportunists have been manipulating in order to fulfill their secret agenda by weakening the country in this chaotic situation. Regrettably, I would say that country’s multiple crisis reflect that it is rapidly under threat of foreign elements, on the one hand they are trying to convert it into a ‘failed state’, as while on the other, our politicians instead of creating national unity among themselves are not only manipulating the present drastic situation against each other, but some of them are also targeting the armed forces and Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI so as to increase their vote bank. In this regard, some of the leaders of the main political parties are openly carrying out criticism in the public meeting instead of displaying integrity and solidarity against anti Pakistan states.
Meanwhile, on November 20, 2011 Mr. Haqqani reached to Islamabad, He presented himself for inquiry and denied all allegations leveled against him by Mr. Ijaz Mansoor. Concluding, I would like to say that government should carry out independent inquiry regarding current episode of memo and culprits must be taken to the task for defeating CIA’s intrigues against Pakistani vital institutions.
The writer can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com
Global Issues & World Security - zameer36

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