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CIA chief John Brennan made clandestine visit to Pakistan: report


Oct 8, 2013
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CIA chief John Brennan made clandestine visit to Pakistan: report | NDTV.com

Islamabad: CIA chief John Brennan flew to Pakistan last week for a clandestine meeting with army chief Gen Raheel Sharif to discuss a possible military operation against militants in the country's northwest, a media report said today.

The two officials discussed "highly sensitive issues of mutual interest", including air strikes conducted in tribal areas since last week and the "prospects of a likely military operation after the apparent failure of the TTP-government peace negotiations", The News quoted its sources as saying.

According to the report, Brennan met the Pakistan Army chief on Friday.

A senior official of the US Embassy in Islamabad told PTI that they were looking into the matter. Asked specifically if there was confirmation or denial of the meeting, the official said, "We have seen the report and we are looking into it."

Pakistani combat jets targeted militant bases in the restive tribal areas days after the government suspended peace talks with the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan after a militant faction executed 23 troops abducted in 2010.

The CIA chief's reported visit comes at a time when the US spy agency has put its drone campaign in the tribal areas on hold. Pakistan and the US are also holding talks in Washington today to promote defence cooperation.

Defence Secretary Asif Yasin Malik is leading the Pakistan delegation at the talks, part of regular consultations between defence establishments of the two countries.

Relations between the Pakistani and US security establishments touched the lowest point after the May 2011 American raid in Abbottabad that killed Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

But the two sides have reached out to each other as US-led forces prepare to leave Afghanistan by the end of the year.

On February 19, Gen Lloyd Austin, Commander of the US Central Command, met Gen Sharif and discussed matters of bilateral interest, the regional security situation and the withdrawal of US-led forces from Afghanistan.

According to the report in The News, Austin and Sharif may have discussed the possibility of sealing the Afghan side of the border if Pakistan decides to launch a military offensive against the Taliban in Waziristan.

Brennan's meeting with Sharif was his first interaction with the Pakistan Army chief since he assumed his office.

The heads of the spy agencies of the two countries last met in August 2012 when ISI chief Lt Gen Zaheer-ul-Islam visited Washington for talks with then CIA director David Petraeus.

Following the November 1, 2013 killing of TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud and subsequent suspension of NATO supply routes through Pakistan, Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel travelled to Islamabad on December 9 in a bid to set relations on an even keel.
CIA chief visit Pakistan to meet Chief of Army Staff and news is posted by Indian media.. :disagree:

Did they confirm this before posting it??
How is it "clandestine" when its even being reporting by Pak media? lol
There was nothing clandestine about Mr. John Brennan’s visit to Pakistan. His visit, just like the US CENTCOM commander General Austin’s visit last week, was a normal visit that takes place time to time. Please do not forget that the recently concluded U.S.- Pakistan Strategic Dialogue has renewed our efforts to reestablished the strategic relationship between our two nations. Leaders from both counties visit each other on a regular basis. We should also not forget that both our nations are working for the same goal, and that is to create peace in the region so the people can live earn an honest living for their families without any fear and intimidation.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
There is nothing clandestine about the news, typical of Indian media to use fiery words in headlines to cause up a stir......:lol:
CIA chief made secret trip to Pakistan

The head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) paid a secret visit to Pakistan last week to discuss key issues concerning the regional security particularly the Afghan endgame.
A senior security official confirmed to The Express Tribune that CIA Director John Brennan traveled to Islamabad last Friday and held meetings with Army Chief General Raheel Sharif and his Pakistani counterpart Lt General Zaheerul Islam.
However, the official, who requested anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media, insisted that he only ‘paid a courtesy call’ on the Army Chief. “It was a routine visit,” the official added.
This was the first visit by the US spymaster to Pakistan since he was appointed CIA chief in March 2013.
The CIA chief also met Director General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt General Zaheerul Islam where they discussed ‘important intelligence matters’, said another official.
Both sides were tight-lipped about the CIA chief’s visit as nothing was said officially.
However, sources familiar with the development said his visit was part of the ongoing engagement process between the two countries to discuss key regional issues.
The visit of the CIA chief came at a time when the fragile peace process with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is unstable.
When asked whether the issue of possible operation in North Waziristan Agency was discussed with the CIA chief, Advisor to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz told reporters on Monday that it was Pakistan’s internal matter.
However, The Express Tribune has learnt that Pakistan has kept the US on board on the possible operation against the TTP in the tribal areas.

CIA chief made secret trip to Pakistan – The Express Tribune
We need all the support we can get and US can provide real time intel on our targets. It is better to cooperate with them and eliminate this menace once and for all. Secret or no secret is of little significance at this point.
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