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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

Does anyone know who the other suspects are or any information on them?
I have seen the video of the first attack, attacker looks very highly trained, killing everyone in the mosque, bastard haraami aetheist terrorist can rot in hell. Many of them are kids. :(
Literally every far right scumbag has a problem with Turks.

I can say out all Muslims the Turks by far are hated the most by the far right.

Not to mention Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians make this hatred even spread even more among the far right due to their genocide claims that Turks out of the Muslims have to be dealt with first.

Far Right even spreads conspiracy theories that Turkey is the one responsible for Islamist Terror and even accused of supporting both Isis and Al qaeda.

Even the refugee crisis many of the Far Right insisted Turkey was opening the borders for refugees to cross into Europe.
He also says its the closest to his Social Values???

CCP and his ideology contradict even if the Uygurs are held in camps. He says social values while praising Mosely who was also anti communist.
Those guys are full of contradictions...They use X or Y whenever it fits their daily life needs...
If today he needs X...He will praise X if today he needs Y, he will praise Y and so on...
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