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Chinese students choose Thai language as a popular major


Mar 6, 2015
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Thai the language of choice for Chinese students in Yunnan

Marisa Chimprabha
Yunnan, China June 15, 2015 1:00 am

OF THE five foreign languages taught in China's Yunnan Normal University, Thai is the most popular choice with about 90 Chinese students choosing it as their major for the year.

The language is also selected as a minor subject by around 150 to 200 students, said Duan Zhao Yang, a Thai-language lecturer at the University's International Cooperative Education Centre.

"Thai language has been the most popular among the Chinese students since foreign languages were introduced to students," said Duan, one of 12 teachers in the Thai programme.

Myanmar is the second most popular. The other languages are Laotian, Vietnamese and Cambodian.

The students start learning Thai with the writing of the 44 characters in the Thai alphabet - like young Thais in elementary level here.

Some students chose to study Thai because they want to learn more about Thailand, as well as work in Thai businesses.

"When the students study to a certain level, we will teach them to sing Thai songs, because that is the way for them to remember the pronunciation and meaning of Thai words," she said.

She said the students' favourite songs included Thongchai McIntyre or 'Bird' and Shasha, as well as popular 'luk thung' or country songs.

The university offers the students an opportunity to learn the language for two years and then study in Thailand for two years before graduation.

The Thai universities included Burapa in Chon Buri province, Chiang Mai University and Khon Kaen, she said.

Duan, a Yunnan native, said she earned a bachelor's degree in Thai language from Yunnan Normal University before continuing her studies and earning a Master's from Burapa University in Chon Buri.

She said she decided to study Thai when Thailand's economy was booming. "I believed that because of the good economy, I had an opportunity to either work in Thailand or join a Thai company in Yunnan," she said. She then furthered her studies in Thailand.

Duan said some of her students earned a PhD from Chulalongkorn in Bangkok while some others were working with Thai firms in Bangkok.

Yunnan Normal University has 24 faculties and about 30,000 students. It educates both Chinese and foreign students in Schools of Economics and Management, of Tourism and Geography, plus International Studies and Yunnan Chinese Language.

It has the biggest library in the southwest region with over 3.2 million books in a new-generation digitised service system.

It cooperates with over 160 overseas universities and research institutes in more than 80 countries, including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand and Taiwan.
Thai the language of choice for Chinese students in Yunnan - The Nation
Of course, in South east Asia, Thailand is one of the more friendly country for China, we have forged a great relation for centuries, Oversea Chinese people such Teochew and other from southern China are very successiful in Thai sociaty from business men, professional such doctors, lawyer...to Actor (actress) and Politiician. If student from Yunnan want to learn thai mean they have foreseen a great future to do bussiness with Thailand or seek business opportunity...mostly they have a great culturial affinity to this country.

They even make movie on how Chinese went to settle in thailand with their actors and actress, we Chinese are very graceful to them and we will support Thailand from any potential agressor.

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Thai people never forget Chinese saving them from myanmar destruction in the 18th century.
iv never heard of that. for me i will never choose it as my major…:crazy_pilot:
Thai and Viet language, which one sounds better?

Im confused why its thai, but i get it since its Yunan Province

Thai girl speaks Thai, English, German, Mandarin and Vietnamese.


Yunnan used to be apart of the Nanzhao kingdom which was ruled by Bai and Yi tribes that extended from Burma, Thailand, Laos and Southern China.
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Thai girl speaks Thai, English, German, Mandarin and Vietnamese.


Yunnan used to be apart of the Nanzhao kingdom which was ruled by Bai and Yi tribes that extended from Burma, Thai, Laos and Southern China.

What an interesting revelation, where is Vietnam on this map? Viet were part of Tang empire :rofl:
Nanzhao?isnt it one of the vassal states belong to Tang Dynasty of China? :cuckoo:
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