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Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

Same action of the chinese that often occurs where quite near Vietnam's shore. China bases on a vague map "nine dotted line" drawn in 1947 by Chiang Kai Shek to claim most of SCS, blatantly infringing on the waters of ASEAN countries around SCS. They are very greedy.

Good memory and nice photo! Still remember what viets were doing then? Japs starved over two millions of viets to death between 1943-1945, as Uncle Hu later claimed. Perhaps most skinny viets were serving their French rulers and earning refills to their little stomach...
You are greedy, we drill oil inside Vietnam's EEZ, we do not violate the waters of others based on UNCLOS.
You cannot have envy others when they are picking fruit in their garden, then you also rush to pick their fruit, unless you are a gangster.

You do not have any evidence to prove so-called "historical territory" :haha:, in addition a map drawn in 1947 by Chiang Kai Shek, and now you're cling to a letter that you do not know what it is ? :omghaha:
Hehe, no wonder you are from vietnam, the pitiful thing for Vietnamese is that, not south vietnam unified you.
Those Vietnamese sailors are wishing they had drowned instead of being "saved" by China. Even those 40+ Vietnamese we fed to the fishes in 1988 did not squeal like pigs the way these Vietnamese are doing.
Those Vietnamese sailors are wishing they had drowned instead of being "saved" by China. Even those 40+ Vietnamese we fed to the fishes in 1988 did not squeal like pigs the way these Vietnamese are doing.
Oh, If you're so powerful, why are you still crying with the Japanese because of the rape of Nanking and their Senkaku Islands until today?:cry:
Good memory and nice photo! Still remember what viets were doing then? Japs starved over two millions of viets to death between 1943-1945, as Uncle Hu later claimed. Perhaps most skinny viets were serving their French rulers and earning refills to their little stomach...
We dared to stand up to fight against them, and made them pay dearly for their actions. And you, you cryed and continued crying until now.:cry:
Oh, If you're so powerful, why are you still crying with the Japanese because of the rape of Nanking and their Senkaku Islands until today?:cry:
LOL you are still begging Japs to save you from China? Keep deluding yourself they can't even save themselves. We make Viet men squeal like pigs when we interrogate but when we go back to our Viet brides we treat them well.
LOL you are still begging Japs to save you from China? Keep deluding yourself they can't even save themselves. We make Viet men squeal like pigs when we interrogate but when we go back to our Viet brides we treat them well.
No begging, we'll alliance together to act against your greed.
You're eyeing to Japan's Senkaku Islands, and Vietnam's waters.

About Vietnamese brides, they will be the mothers, the grandmothers of the chinese boys like you. You dare to disobey your mother?
You are greedy, we drill oil inside Vietnam's EEZ, we do not violate the waters of others based on UNCLOS.

Like I said elsewhere, the only islands definied under UNCLOS that is entitled to an EEZ of their own in the South China Sea is the Woody & Lincoln island of Paracel and Taiping island of Spratly. Fortunately, they are all in Chinese hand, Taiping being under ROC control. Drawing EEZ from these islands can pretty much encompass the 9 dash line, except for the southern tips of the Spratly chain. So even by UNCLOS, China has a legitimate claim there. Of course since China never ratified UNCLOS and since the 9 dash line predates that of the UNCLOS, China has more options in asserting its claim. Regardless of which options China calls for, as disputed water, China certainly can stop others picking fruit from what it consider as its garden.
Like I said elsewhere, the only islands definied under UNCLOS that is entitled to an EEZ of their own in the South China Sea is the Woody & Lincoln island of Paracel and Taiping island of Spratly. Fortunately, they are all in Chinese hand, Taiping being under ROC control. Drawing EEZ from these islands can pretty much encompass the 9 dash line, except for the southern tips of the Spratly chain. So even by UNCLOS, China has a legitimate claim there. Of course since China never ratified UNCLOS and since the 9 dash line predates that of the UNCLOS, China has more options in asserting its claim. Regardless of which options China calls for, as disputed water, China certainly can stop others picking fruit from what it consider as its garden.

Oh, so why china are fleeing to refuse coming International Court as request of PH?:coffee:
No begging, we'll alliance together to act against your greed.
You're eyeing to Japan's Senkaku Islands, and Vietnam's waters.

About Vietnamese brides, they will be the mothers, the grandmothers of the chinese boys like you. You dare to disobey your mother?

If Vietnamese women cared so much for the jungle they wouldn't have sold themselves to become import brides for Korea, Taiwan, China and other countries. These Vietnamese women don't care anything for the disputed islands, rather they care more about a better live in foreign countries. If they choose to marry Chinese men, they better not make any noises or else they will be whacked and banged by their husbands hahahahaha.

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