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Chinese scientists urged to develop new thorium nuclear reactors by 2024


Oct 30, 2007
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Beijing wants to cut its reliance on coal-fired power.

The deadline to develop a new design of nuclear power plant has been brought forward by 15 years as the central government tries to reduce the nation’s reliance on smog-producing coal-fired power stations.

A team of scientists in Shanghai had originally been given 25 years to try to develop the world’s first nuclear plant using the radioactive element thorium as fuel rather than uranium, but they have now been told they have 10, the researchers said.

“In the past the government was interested in nuclear power because of the energy shortage. Now they are more interested because of smog,” said Professor Li Zhong, a scientist working on the project.


Premier Li Keqiang told the national legislature in Beijing on March 5 that the government had declared “war on pollution”, and measures to tackle the problem included closing coal-fired power stations. About 70 per cent of China’s electricity was produced by coal-fired plants last year, according to government figures. Nuclear power stations generated just over 1 per cent.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences set up an advanced research centre in Shanghai in January with the aim of developing the world’s first industrial reactor using thorium molten-salt technology, according to a statement from the academy’s Bureau of Major Research and Development Programmes.

All commercial nuclear plants in China, whether in operation or under construction, are designed to use uranium as fuel, but the country has run short of uranium and depends on imports from other countries.

The technology under development in Shanghai involves burning the radioactive element thorium in a salty “soup” to, in theory, release heat many times greater than today’s reactors.

Other potential advantages of the technology are that China has large thorium reserves, at least the world’s third-largest, according to some experts. The process may also produce less radioactive waste.

“The problem of coal has become clear. If the average energy consumption per person doubles, this country will be choked to death by polluted air,” he said. “Nuclear power provides the only solution for massive coal replacement and thorium carries much hope.”

The thorium reactor is not the only technology China is researching in an attempt to upgrade its nuclear power programme.

The Hefei Institute of Physical Science in Anhui province finished construction last month of the world’s largest experimental platform for an accelerator reactor that burns nuclear fuel with a powerful “particle gun”.

An experimental fast reactor is also operating in Beijing, and construction has started of a demonstration plant for a very-high-temperature reactor at Shidao Bay in Shandong province.

Professor Gu Zhongmao, an official at the China Institute of Atomic Energy, said so-called fourth-generation reactors were troubled by technological uncertainties, and to solve the smog issue the central government should approve and start construction of new nuclear power plants using existing technology as soon as possible.

The thorium reactors would need years, if not decades, to overcome the corrosion issue and the stability of accelerator-driven plants was also in doubt, he said.

Smog would be reduced noticeably if nuclear power produced 5 to 10 per cent of the nation’s electricity, according to Gu. China has about 20 nuclear reactors and is building nearly 30 more.

Its use of nuclear power is tiny compared with countries such as France, which produces about 75 per cent of its electricity from nuclear power plants.

“To completely get rid of smog, nuclear power is the only option,” according to Gu.

“If we build as many nuclear power stations as there are in France and Japan, we will also enjoy blue skies and clean air like they do.”
There is a prospect of collaboration in co developing Thorium reactors between India and China, as India have progressed in recent years in the development of thorium based reactors.
until 2024 i dont want to know how china will look like, china can fix their smog problem easily if they start to buy russian gas

Doubt it. Chinese air pollution comes from two sources, large electricity generation and large amount of vehicles. Neither of these will be solved simply by burning something different. In order to truly reduce pollution, two things are needed, nuclear reactor and electric vehicles. Since fusion is not going to be available for decades to come, fission would do.
Doubt it. Chinese air pollution comes from two sources, large electricity generation and large amount of vehicles. Neither of these will be solved simply by burning something different. In order to truly reduce pollution, two things are needed, nuclear reactor and electric vehicles. Since fusion is not going to be available for decades to come, fission would do.
and when you will see everyone driving electric vehicle? 2050? until then people will probably rather switch to gas powered vehicles because there is plenty of natural gas in the world it can hold until 2200
Don't worry china, we will sell you our Thorium reactors.
and when you will see everyone driving electric vehicle? 2050? until then people will probably rather switch to gas powered vehicles because there is plenty of natural gas in the world it can hold until 2200

Electric cars are very real. The tech will be mainstream pretty soon when they get battery prices down.
For electric cars you can have cleaner air but the problem is the disposal of batteries which are environmental headaches
Electric cars are very real. The tech will be mainstream pretty soon when they get battery prices down.

i doubt it, especially in america and europe. These batteries are all made in east asian countries so western automotive producers will lose out if all their patents and technologies become useless while foreign technology needs to be imported or researched, thats why western car companies were always so lazy about it in the first place. Second is there a shale oil boom in america while japan is shutting down their nuclear reactors. The electric car is pretty much death now. I feel sorry for the idiots who invested all their money into it.
i doubt it, especially in america and europe. These batteries are all made in east asian countries so western automotive producers will lose out if all their patents and technologies become useless while foreign technology needs to be imported or researched, thats why western car companies were always so lazy about it in the first place. Second is there a shale oil boom in america while japan is shutting down their nuclear reactors. The electric car is pretty much death now. I feel sorry for the idiots who invested all their money into it.

Tesla sold almost 20,000 in the US last year. That's pretty good for a company that had nothing a few years ago.
Molten-salt thorium reactor is a proven technology that works. The biggest hurdle is the thorium fuel got to be in fluoride compound form and that is very reactive. The reactor core even using super alloy will be corroded very soon. The main R&D focus should be a new generation of super alloy.
Just sit down and wait for your new reactors ... don't do anything else ...
Just sit down and wait for your new reactors ... don't do anything else ...

Can someone ban this clown.

This dude has an obsession with China. Every China thread this guy has to poke his nose and troll.


Doubt it. Chinese air pollution comes from two sources, large electricity generation and large amount of vehicles. Neither of these will be solved simply by burning something different. In order to truly reduce pollution, two things are needed, nuclear reactor and electric vehicles. Since fusion is not going to be available for decades to come, fission would do.

Biggest cause of air pollution is:
1) the low fuel quality of petrol and diesel.
2) dirty coal burning for industrial use.

It's not the amount of cars. America has far more cars than China yet they don't have the air pollution like China does. American petrol and diesel has very high standard quality.

American energy is 40% oil, 25% gas, only 25% coal.
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Can someone ban this clown.

This dude has an obsession with China. Every China thread this guy has to poke his nose and troll.


Biggest cause of air pollution is:
1) the low fuel quality of petrol and diesel.
2) dirty coal burning for industrial use.

It's not the amount of cars. America has far more cars than China yet they don't have the air pollution like China does. American petrol and diesel has very high standard quality.

American energy is 40% oil, 25% gas, only 25% coal.

if you don't want any comment, don't post anything into the forum ... you would be satisfied
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