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Chinese scientist says first gene-edited babies have been born (with born-immunity to HIV)

I don't know what to say... but i hope those kids live strongly without any trouble because of genetic modification...

should arrest the so called scienstist.
and eliminate the baby.
stop try hunman gene editing

Eliminate baby? For what?.. that's is cruel...
The last I heard they were trying to develop a virus that only kills dark skin people. That was the HIV virus
Lolz,,,he thanked u :lol:
Nxt time say that everything will be destroyed but islam lives n dominates all,,,might get u a positive rating :D
immune to HIv but less immune or more vulnarable to other viruses maybe a flue will wipe them off

hey but the sientist is not a fool he did not test it on himself he has not to suffer the consequences.. at least he will face the lord of the heavens
I will clarify...

The issue is not about genetic research, which is broad in scope, but about genetic research into HUMAN DNA.

He’s work drew international criticism for its lack of transparency -- with the researcher speaking on a YouTube video instead of at a scientific meeting or in a journal -- and for potentially turning public opinion against other work in the area. He was not available to comment, his spokesman said.
Why the lack of transparency?

He Jiankui claimed to have modified the resistance to diseases, particularly HIV. On the surface, that is a noble goal. But ethicists, including those in China, have criticized Jiankui for what he truly did -- ENHANCEMENT OF AN EXISTING CAPABILITY.

Everything in the human body is available for enhancement, but an improvement does not mean that targeted item was defective in the beginning. There is a reason why evolution gave humans four fingers with varying lengths and the opposable thumb, totaling five digits that can form a variety of functions and shapes. The human hand is not perfect, but it is sufficiently versatile to contribute to humankind's survival and worked our ways to be the dominant species on the planet.

Here is what Jiankui's educational institution said...

The University was deeply shocked by this event and has taken immediate action to reach Dr. Jiankui HE for clarification.

The University will call for international experts to form an independent committee to investigate this incident, and to release the results to the public.
Let us take Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST) statement of surprise at face value for now, that the university was ignorant of Jiankui's research.

If SUST was kept in the dark, it begs the question of why Jiankui kept his work secret. The answer is obvious -- that he knows what he did was outright UNETHICAL. An enhancement does not mean the targeted item was originally defective. The human hand was not defective. It is insufficient in many ways, but it is not defective. A defective hand is when a digit was never there like in the case of a birth defect, or the digit was lost in an accident. A defect is when the item failed to meet EXISTING standards.

The argument that if it was a Western researcher the work would have been praised is ludicrous and smacks of nationalistic and even racist overtones.


For yrs, the West have been critical of any attempt by anyone and any institution to enhance any human feature. The criticisms reached back to Dolly the cloned sheep where the subject was cloning. But in this case, we have an ENHANCEMENT of an existing capability where racists have been trying to be successful. Recently, it was the Nazis.

If Jiankui's work is genuine, then it was unethical, if proved fraudulent from peer reviews, then it was glory seeking. Either way, this would be a black mark for China.
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