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Chinese military wants more teeth to counter India, US, Japan

China's main enemy is US.
Others are mainly a nuisance.

Oh well we can see that vwhen your daily warning ministry issues warnings towards Japan and India.
Nuisance would have a different when CBGs and Agni 5 come in to picture.
Oh well we can see that vwhen your daily warning ministry issues warnings towards Japan and India.
Nuisance would have a different when CBGs and Agni 5 come in to picture.

Indian military is MUCH weaker than PLA. Only US military is ahead of China.

China too will have MULTIPLE aircraft carrier battle groups. China right now has the fastest and biggest naval buildup in the world. The 2nd biggest military budget can afford to build as many military assets as it pleases. CPC is considering accelerating the process and building even more types of ships. The lead the PLA has over India will get even larger as the years go by.

China's competitor is the US. India is very rarely mentioned and that's only when talking in relation to the US.
So what we have here is basically "Times of India" allegedly "quoting" some Japanese news agency. Why am I always skeptical to "sources quoting first or second sources" - or whatever source it was? Because in 99 per cent of cases, they get it wrong.

Even if this "report" is true, I don't think there is anything to worry about. It's just - if true - an identification of possible threats in the air. It doesn't mean that India is an "enemy" at all.

As I said earlier, if India was an enemy in Chinese eyes, some Maoist "freedom fighters" would have been experiencing a great deal of support, and Pakistan and Bangladesh among others would have received even more weapons than they already have. Which still can happen if India keeps dreaming of a war against two nuclear powers at the same time, which would only mean a disaster for whole region. It would be funny to think there is anyone "winning" such kind of scenario.

So I don't think "India has been put" in the same bracket as Japan and the U.S., because last time I checked, Japan and the U.S. weren't members of AIIB & NDB banks, neither was Japan nor the U.S. members of BRICS and the S.C.O.

Also, India is still overwhelmingly buying or receiving weapons from Russia, which means that, the "traditional link" between these two still continues.

Vietnam on the other hand will experience that China is continuing to strenghten ties with Lao People's Republic, Cambodia and Thailand to mention a few. But that again, is normal.

Regarding Taiwan, don't see much problem here in the future. China should just continue to have economic leverage against it, while denying other countries to sell weapons to Taiwan as it has largely been the case for the past few years. Over the next 10 to 15 years, most of the military items Taiwan has will be pretty much obsolete, with exception of few "domestic" items.
I just put forth what is already planned. Conformed by most valid source of India Indian defence ministry and government of India.

Its not a dream but ongoing process of reality. What is unrealistic? 200 Tejas ? 272 super sukoi upgrade ? 150+ FGFA? AMCA? 36 RAFALE ? Which is unrealistic?
i bet our Airforce will be of world class by 2030 than your unproven un tested technology. While we arm our forces with high tech fighter's jets

I don't even know why I bother with your trolling as I've replied in general about this topic in that other thread at this same page.

Now I am replying just technically, as I don't consider India to be an enemy. However, I see you're trolling and dreaming about something that is not about to happen.

Take a look at Russia. They are way more advanced than India, but are still struggling with producing something that they produced without mayor problems in late 1980s.

What makes you think that India from this point will be able to have what you're babbling about ? How did Indian procurements went so far ? Do tell. Or you don't need to tell, as we all know how that went.

Where are those 126 Rafale ? I guess no where to be seen. Yup.

Where are those 36 Rafale, since 126 Rafale have been cancelled ?

Well, still sitting and arguing with France, I guess; that's where those 36 Rafales are - in arguing mode.

Rafale deal: Pricing issues, India's insistence on 50% local spending lead to missing of July target - The Economic Times

It's pretty insane that India is so naive to pay over 200 USD per fighter for a plane they won't get ToT for. This kind of smells of desperation.

Yes, India will have 272 Su-30MKI. Whether or not all will be "Super", remains to been seen. So far, in 2015, half of those are not even combat ready and those Su-30MKI India has today will be additional 15 years older in 2030.

Besides, I don't even know why we are talking about 2030. Somewhere between 2020 - 2025 is more realistic. As you have seen from the Russia's weapons procurement, they failed in many areas unfortunately for the past few years.

There are not going to be 2.300 Armata MBT in 2020, neither is there going to be at least 60 PAK-FA in active service, to mention a few things.

Neither is Russia getting at least 15 Gorskhov frigates as they were hoping for, by 2020. Russia is still waiting to put the 1st Gorshov in active service.

Grigorovich frigate has also been delayed. Yasen SSN building is going still slow and extremely expencive.

And PAK-DA bomber has been delayed now once again, since an upgrade of Tu-160 has rather been selected.

There is nothing that indicates that India has any chance to do anything better in these areas compared to Russia that is still struggling with their own weapons and production.

India har never done anything better than Russia, while China has surpassed Russia in many areas - not to mention the fact that production in itself is very important.

So back to Indian Air Force.

To sum things up:

1) Bye bye to 126 Rafales, they're history, never going to happen. Comprende, homie ? Aight !! :)

2) 36 Rafale, still sitting and arguing with France, for an insane price of more than 200 USD per fighter

3) Yes, 272 Su-30MKI will eventually happen. However, how "Super" they'll be is a big question mark. Not to mention the fact that only about half of them are combat ready at any given time, per today (2015).

4) 200 Tejas? I'll believe that, when I see it. So far, as we're approaching 2016, I don't see many Tejas flying anywhere. JF-17 with various Blocks coming up on the other hand have been flying for several years.

5) FGFA. The number has been reduced to 144, by India in October 2012. Since then, India is not happy with the progress of PAK-FA. Recently, Russia decided to reduce the number of their own PAK-FA to only 12 by 2020.
Since this is the case right now in 2015, I don't see India getting 144 PAK-FA before Russia starts getting some PAK-FA for the Russian Air Force in some meaningful numbers. You should know that as well.

6) Ant finally, the "dream" AMCA. So far, is just a pipe dream, on the drawing board, like the MiG Mikoyan LMFS.

Whether or not AMCA presents its first "flight test" in 2019, remains to be seen. But then again, it will take several years after 2019, before India has the first fighter in the active service. And that's being a resonably conservative estimate. Most likely it will take longer.

The fact is that the "stealth project(s)" India has in their plans is more or less totally depends on how Russia progress with their PAK-FA. That's just a fact, and there is no chance that India can produce anything - that is meaningful - better or faster than Russia can.

Everything you have is Russian. Su-30MKI for the most part, MiG-29, T-90 MBT, Kilo-class SSK, Akula that is leased, now the PAK-FA or FGFA as you call it, while you're sitting and arguing with France over 36 Rafale.

Then you have your own stuff, like Tejas. We know how that "goes".
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