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Chinese military to enter new stage


Mar 26, 2013
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From what I can see from recent reports by CHINESE media, the new weapons being discussed are all either equal or surpasses anything western made.

I capitalized Chinese is because I no longer trust and use Western media for Chinese weapons, because I find it even looking pass the bias, they are just not as informed and don't follow Chinese weapons as closely as Chinese media and people. Which is to be expected, they do have their own country.

Anyways, looking at the navy, we have the Type 55 destroyer 12,000 tons, the new Type 81 or whatever the number is, transport dock to be at 40000+ tons, new carriers around Nimitz class. All to be inducted before 2020, and looking at trends, it may be way before for the first two, not sure on the carrier, it be around that date.

Already inducted is the Type 052D, and the Type 056, the type 54A, these are all new ships already launched and will be a force in the Seas. The type 71 transport is also very capable.

Type 94 already confirmed and Type 96 on the way. New missiles including the JL-3 is also well into development.

The navy is very exciting with all these new ships. The navy is clearly taking a bigger role in terms of military importance.

The air force is testing the J-31, J-20, J-10B, J-15, and a host of other planes.

The drones programs are also doing great with operational drones already at disposal of the army and police. Evident by the capture of the drug lord. True the drones were not used, but the fact they were an option says things about the program.

The y-20 is impressive and will massively extend the range of the PLA and will greatly increase combat strength.

The engine program is doing good, right now the only problem facing the engine is not the design, but quality control, but that's more of a trial and error type deal than anything else. So expect improvement as time goes on.

The missile program has the DF-21D, the DF-26 and a host of other missiles including anti satellite.

The space program is sending men missions ever year, with our own space station to be completed by 2020 and a moon mission in the works.

It is very exciting to be a Chinese military fan at this point because we are really pumping out weapons like it's going out of style and finally, long last we are catching up and making great weapons.

BTW, before any members start hating, some comparisons may be a bit biased, but you can't deny that so are western media regarding Chinese weapons. So what we can safely say is that if we were to meet in the middle these new weapon systems would still place Chinese weapons in the upper echelon of weapons available.
Well, the Chinese people have been pushed enough.

China is just like a phoenix (or fenghuang).

Rising from a pile of ash, now a global power close to superpower status
Keep going, i expect Navy 055 class 10,000ton air-defense DDG and 081 class(un-official name) 40,000ton LHD
U lack "Red B-2" and the stealth supersonic bomber, when they come out somebody will CRY~!
(H-6 bomber is old enough, latest version H-6K not good enough.)
From what I can see from recent reports by CHINESE media, the new weapons being discussed are all either equal or surpasses anything western made.

According to chinese media? You got be kidding..

I capitalized Chinese is because I no longer trust and use Western media for Chinese weapons, because I find it even looking pass the bias, they are just not as informed and don't follow Chinese weapons as closely as Chinese media and people. Which is to be expected, they do have their own country.

Anyways, looking at the navy, we have the Type 55 destroyer 12,000 tons,

Dosnt exist.
the new Type 81
The minesweeper? There is nothing new about it.

or whatever the number is, transport dock to be at 40000+ tons,
wdf is transport dock
new carriers around Nimitz class.
I think LOL will be the right response here.
All to be inducted before 2020, and looking at trends, it may be way before for the first two, not sure on the carrier, it be around that date.
A new AC on the same level as Nimitz before 2020? Keep dreaming

Already inducted is the Type 052D, and the Type 056, the type 54A, these are all new ships already launched and will be a force in the Seas. The type 71 transport is also very capable.

Type 94 already confirmed and Type 96 on the way. New missiles including the JL-3 is also well into development.
Fanboy dream. JL -2 is yet to be inducted.

The navy is very exciting with all these new ships. The navy is clearly taking a bigger role in terms of military importance.

The air force is testing the J-31, J-20, J-10B, J-15, and a host of other planes.
All of them run on russian engines.

The drones programs are also doing great with operational drones already at disposal of the army and police. Evident by the capture of the drug lord. True the drones were not used, but the fact they were an option says things about the program.

The y-20 is impressive and will massively extend the range of the PLA and will greatly increase combat strength.
Run on russian engines build in the 60s.

The engine program is doing good, right now the only problem facing the engine is not the design, but quality control, but that's more of a trial and error type deal than anything else. So expect improvement as time goes on.

The missile program has the DF-21D, the DF-26 and a host of other missiles including anti satellite.
Cool, did they hit any real targets yet?

The space program is sending men missions ever year, with our own space station to be completed by 2020 and a moon mission in the works.

It is very exciting to be a Chinese military fan at this point because we are really pumping out weapons like it's going out of style and finally, long last we are catching up and making great weapons.
It is nice to have sufficient fundings.

BTW, before any members start hating, some comparisons may be a bit biased, but you can't deny that so are western media regarding Chinese weapons. So what we can safely say is that if we were to meet in the middle these new weapon systems would still place Chinese weapons in the upper echelon of weapons available.

Nop, not even close. You are still 20-30 years behind in most areas.
Nop, not even close. You are still 20-30 years behind in most areas.
:tup: Yes, we still behind the West in military 20-30 years. That's why China still keep military invest and develop more and more domestic high-tech weapons, warships and fighters. Who said "the China Threat" he must be foolish coz China still behind the West many years.
Relax ! there's no any China threat, only the DRAGON RISING~!
Nop, not even close. You are still 20-30 years behind in most areas.

First I can only trust Chinese media, I know what you westerners think about Chinese media, but believe me you guys do the same with your media. I seen so many documentaries that belittles other countries' weapons and exaggerate your own on History, Discovery, and what not. Fox, CNN, this and that.

I have given reasons on why I trust Chinese media because of their involvement with the government and because they are Chinese.

Besides, if everything is to be believed on Western media, we would have been eating saw dust for 2 decades now, cause of our collapsed economy.

Type 55, does exist according to various reports, sure it is not launched yet, but looking at the speed of our upgrade from Type 52 to Type 52D, would you really place your money on China not being able to produce a 12,000 ton Destroyer with advance weaponry.

Type 81

Type 081 Aviation Amphibious Assault Ship (LPH / LHA)

upgrade over type 71
Type 071 amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't know what a transport dock is.
Amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This answer your question?

To AC, I said not sure and it'll be around this date. Which means give or take a couple of years.

JL-2 is inducted, maybe you should research before talking seeing as there is a thread on this in this very forum.

All new J-10s, J-11s, J-15s are using Chinese made engines, research if you don't believe me.

The Y-20 uses Chinese engine and it's been proven, I'm not sure why you had to say 60s, why didn't you say ran on four guys pushing it.

DF-21D, neither has US hit any real targets with their newest weapons. But you do know we have computers and China has its own version of GPS, the Beidou. Unless there is war and it has to be with US we can't really test it on a real thing.

Space program is going good and yea, it really is good to have nice funding.

20-30 years behind? Why, you are the authority on this?

I understand if it's American members but you are from Norway. Junior members shouldn't butt in to a contest between world powers.
First I can only trust Chinese media, I know what you westerners think about Chinese media, but believe me you guys do the same with your media. I seen so many documentaries that belittles other countries' weapons and exaggerate your own on History, Discovery, and what not. Fox, CNN, this and that.
Sorry, son. My views on chinese military dont come from media, be it chinese or western.

I have given reasons on why I trust Chinese media because of their involvement with the government and because they are Chinese.
So chinese media = true = their involvement with chinese government? Right.....

Besides, if everything is to be believed on Western media, we would have been eating saw dust for 2 decades now, cause of our collapsed economy.

Type 55, does exist according to various reports, sure it is not launched yet, but looking at the speed of our upgrade from Type 52 to Type 52D, would you really place your money on China not being able to produce a 12,000 ton Destroyer with advance weaponry.
Kid, 055 is a cruiser, not a DDG. Learn the difference first. What chinese propulsion does it use?

Type 81

Type 081 Aviation Amphibious Assault Ship (LPH / LHA)
Globalserucity? ROFL. The designation type 81(minesweeper) is already taken. At least do your homework. Or ask around in chinese forums. type 81 LHD? LOOOOL
upgrade over type 71
Type 071 amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't know what a transport dock is.
Amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This answer your question?
Dosnt make type 81 a "transport dock":cheesy:
To AC, I said not sure and it'll be around this date. Which means give or take a couple of years.

A nuclear AC around 2020? Only in someones fanboy dream.
JL-2 is inducted, maybe you should research before talking seeing as there is a thread on this in this very forum.
Right, accordint to internet rumours, wait I thought you trust chinese medias... silly me.

All new J-10s, J-11s, J-15s are using Chinese made engines, research if you don't believe me.
Only j-11B. You are the one who need to do some researches.

The Y-20 uses Chinese engine and it's been proven, I'm not sure why you had to say 60s, why didn't you say ran on four guys pushing it.
Never heard or seen D30, I assume? Google is your friend.

DF-21D, neither has US hit any real targets with their newest weapons. But you do know we have computers and China has its own version of GPS, the Beidou. Unless there is war and it has to be with US we can't really test it on a real thing.
How you know it is gonna work if never test it? You buy a car without test driving it?

Space program is going good and yea, it really is good to have nice funding.

20-30 years behind? Why, you are the authority on this?
I am been optimistic there. In some areas you are 30-40 years behind. When is your moon landing gonna be? US did in the 60s. Why you keep buying outdated russian engines (D30)?

China’s PLA Air Force Admits “25-30-year technology gap” | AsianWeek
A recurring theme of the PLA hosts was the technology gap between China and the West. Chen claimed the PLA “has a 25-30-year technology gap. We haven’t even completed the mechanization process and now we have to move into the digital age. Digitalization [of military equipment] is our biggest technological challenge.”

I understand if it's American members but you are from Norway. Junior members shouldn't butt in to a contest between world powers.
I am bring you back to planet earth. China is a regional power. Not a world power, son.
Long live the PRC :china: is much needed in a NWO

Don't f u c k with the Chinese 'cause they're gonna come and get you :sniper:
Chinese defense industry is playing catch up, so are Chinese armed forces, the US lead in space is formidable, as is it's submarine technology -- I hope for the next 1 to 20 years China's primary focus will be improving it's economy, Chinese per capita incomes levels, were they to be brought to approximate US $ levels would be a good beginning - perhaps, if then, there is a need to develop new technologies and doctrines to dissuade international advernturism, the Chinese defense industries will match the requirements set by doctrine
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