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Chinese Jealous butcher ‘killed mom, 4 kids because they had too much’


Nov 18, 2010
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An illegal Chinese immigrant, bitter over his failure to achieve the American dream, repaid his cousin’s kindness by butchering the man’s wife and four young children, cops said Sunday.

Mingdong Chen, 25, showed no remorse when he confessed to slaughtering the family that allowed him to live in their Brooklyn apartment and admitted that he committed the atrocity because he envied their way of life, a police source told The Post.

“The family had too much,” the source quoted Chen as saying.

“He meant that the family had better income and a better lifestyle than him . . . He was jealous and just killed them.”

Chen was charged Monday but did not enter a plea.

NYPD Chief of Department Philip Banks III said Chen had cited his inability to make it in America as his motive for the slayings, which apparently took place while the victim’s husband Yi Lin Zhuo was at work.

“Everyone here is doing better than me,” Banks quoted the suspect as saying during a confession in Mandarin Chinese, the only language Chen speaks.

A family friend said slain mom Qiao Zhen Li had tried to boot Chen out of her family’s Sunset Park home.

“She told him, ‘You just leave my house,’ ” said Xiao Wei Yang, 31.

“She was never thinking he’d use the knife to cut and kill everyone . . . She was just helping him, and he just killed her whole family.”

Yang learned of the attempted eviction from a cousin of Li’s who had visited the apartment shortly before Chen’s alleged Saturday-night rampage.

“My friend went to visit her cousin a couple hours before it happened,” Yang said. “She left, so she just said thanks to God.”

About three minutes before cops and ambulances arrived, a neighbor, who asked not to be identified, heard a woman in the house screaming “Help! Help! Help! Help!’’ in the Chinese dialect of Fukinese.

Sources said Chen, who came here illegally from China and worked as a cook, used a butcher knife to slash and stab Li in the face — lopping off several of her fingers when she tried desperately to protect herself.

Cops found Li, 37, in the kitchen with her son Kevin Zhuo, 5. Both were alive but died a short time later at hospitals. The other children — William Zhuo, 1, Amy Zhuo, 7, and Linda Zhuo, 9 — were found slain in a rear bedroom.

Two of the kids, including the baby, had been decapitated, and there was a trail of blood throughout the house, sources said.

“It’s just a scene you’ll never forget, I’ll just leave it at that,” Banks said.

Li’s husband — who arrived home after his family was massacred — appeared dazed when he stepped out of the 66th Precinct station house to talk on his cellphone Sunday.

He walked slowly and ignored questions from reporters before cops escorted him back inside, then took him away out a rear entrance.

A man who accompanied him to the station house, Peolouen Chang, said the husband had emigrated from the coastal Fujian province in China before any of his children were born.

Jealous butcher ‘killed mom, 4 kids because they had too much’ | New York Post
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Crazy eyes!

Waiting for followers of medieval laws to demand his public execution!:coffee:

oh wait......... he is Chinese = Chinese slaves will ignore it:bunny:
Crazy eyes!

Waiting for followers of medieval laws to demand his public execution!:coffee:

oh wait......... he is Chinese = Chinese slaves will ignore it:bunny:

This is evil and he should be executed, I'm at shock.
dont let him die. make him work like a dog the rest of his life and use that to feed unfortunate people. let him rot in jail but let us put his able body to some good use.
dont let him die. make him work like a dog the rest of his life and use that to feed unfortunate people. let him rot in jail but let us put his able body to some good use.

Crazy eye should be deported back! Let Chinese take care of him.
Crazy eye should be deported back! Let Chinese take care of him.

baby killers don't have a nice life in jail with other inmates. even among murders there is a code... killing children and babies gets you special attention from other inmates in US jails. ...and not kind you would like.
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