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Chinese government provides free during the break snacks to all school kids


Nov 4, 2011
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This is a rural village primary school, students get their free during the break snacks. 4 items for each student. an egg, a package of milk, bread and a package of dried walnuts. All provided by the government for free. The free school meals and snacks can only be consumed inside the school, not allowed to be taken back to their homes because the government is afraid that once the food is taken back to the students homes, they may forget to eat the food and the food may pass their expiration date and end up hurting the students health.

Parents get school daily nutrition package for their kids in a village school in China

This is a remote small primary school in a rural village in N. China Chinese government provides daily during the break nutrition snacks to all the students at school. Duriing summer and winter vacations, the government worries that the parents could not provide enough daily nutritions for the kids, so the parents are requested to go to their children schools to get daily nutrition packages for their children to eat at home.

Even the best food probably won't change the southerners genes, actually sourthern China is economically the most developed regions while the average height is the shortest...

Average East Asian male height age 18-22
This is a rural village primary school, students get their free during the break snacks. 4 items for each student. an egg, a package of milk, bread and a package of dried walnuts. All provided by the government for free. The free school meals and snacks can only be consumed inside the school, not allowed to be taken back to their homes because the government is afraid that once the food is taken back to the students homes, they may forget to eat the food and the food may pass their expiration date and end up hurting the students health.

It is a briliant way of ensuring that there is no protein deficency issues in the next generation of population, and ensures that the students perform at their best during the day.

Protein deficency takes generations to fix as countries of south asia are collectively starting to understand. I suspect it less of a problem in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and more so in India due to the type of diet they consume.
Children have to have enough nourishments to reach their physical potential, China knows it very well.
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