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" Chinese Flankers are a unique family of aircraft ! " - reconfirmed

Speeder 2

Mar 24, 2010
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United Kingdom
So the old claim of Chinese members that J-11B, for that matter J-15 and so on, is a unique offshoot of Flanker Family instead of a "clone"or "copy" has just been re-confirmed days ago by Dr Carlo Kopp of Ausairpower.

Next time, you'll know where to quote the source whenever some trolls and/or intellecturally-challenged BIG-mouth individuals with birdbrains want to start the flame war again...:smokin:


PLA-AF and PLA-N Flanker Variants

Technical Report APA-TR-2012-0401

by Dr Carlo Kopp, AFAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng
April, 2012
Updated May, 2012
Text, Line Artwork © 2012 Carlo Kopp​


The PLA is now operating or developing no less than eight distinct variants or derivatives of the Russian developed Flanker fighter, and in 2012 was reported to be negotiating access to the Su-35S, which constitutes a ninth variant.

This is greater diversity in variants of the Flanker than the diversity of the Russian Federation armed forces which operate the Su-27S Flanker B, Su-27UB Flanker C, Su-27M/Su-35 Flanker E, Su-27MUB/Su-35UB Flanker E, Su-27K/Su-33 Flanker D and in 2012, the Su-35S.

The common perception, reinforced by Russian media disinformation, is that Chinese Flankers are either Russian sourced, or exact clones of Russian variants. This is not correct, as the only Chinese built Flankers identical to Russian aircraft were the 100 licence built J-11A Flanker B aircraft, identical to Russian supplied Su-27SK Flanker B.

While the first indigenous variant, the J-11B, uses the basic Su-27SK Flanker B airframe, it was mostly unique systems, many different from the Russian systems in the Su-27SK.

The dual seat J-11BS is a fusion of the J-11B and Su-27UBK designs . The J-15 is a derivative rather than clone of the Su-27K/Su-33 naval fighter, and shows evidence of common systems fit with the J-11B.

The reported “J-16” is claimed to be a derivative of the J-11BS intended to fill the niche of the Su-30MK2, but with interfaces and fire control capabilities to support indigenous Chinese PGMs. Until high quality imagery showing detail features is available, further analysis can only be speculative.

There is ample evidence at this time to state that Chinese Flankers are a unique family of aircraft, following the pattern observed with Chinese built J-6/A-5 MiG-19 Farmer and J-7 MiG-21 Fishbed variants, where the Chinese manufacturers progressively altered significant portions of the original Russian designs to develop unique and distinct product lines.

From a Western perspective, the important consideration in force structure planning and strategy is that this diverse mix of aircraft must be considered and assessed on the unique merits of each variant, as there are significant differences in weapons, systems, aerodynamic performance and other capabilities between these types.

Much the same will apply for Electronic Warfare planning, as emitter libraries and modes will need to be mapped for both Chinese and Russian developed and maintained Flanker variants and derivatives.

Chinese Flanker Systems and Weapons

Indigenously developed Chinese Flankers appear to use airframes which are identical to the Russian sourced originals, or the licenced J-11A build of the Su-27SK. The powerplant for the Chinese variants is the WS-10 which is a derivative of the Russian Lyulka/Saturn Al-31F series. The important difference is the use of uniquely Chinese systems hardware, including mission avionics, sensors, electronic warfare, OBOGS, and weapons interfaces.

Full detail has yet to be disclosed, but known Chinese components include:

1. J-11B/BS: A Chinese IRST set located in the centreline position as with the OLS-27 in early Su-27S.

2. J-11B/BS: A planar array multimode radar which resembles the Phazotron Zhuk-27 series. It includes an IFF interrogator array.

3. J-11B/BS: An Onboard Oxygen Generator System (OBOGS). Only the most recent Russian variants have an OBOGS.

4. J-11B/BS: A unique glass cockpit design, with an asymmetric layout quite different from the Su-30MKK/MK2 and Su-27SMK.

5. J-11B/BS: An optical MAWS system claimed to operate in the UV band.

6. J-11B/BS: Dielectric panels on the stabilators not seen on any Russian variant.

7. WS-10 powerplants.

The Chinese built aircraft have interfaces for unique Chinese weapons, with photographic evidence showing the PL-8 Sino-Python and PL-12 Sino-AMRAAM carried. It is now certain that the multirole Chinese Flankers will be configured and cleared for Chinese built PGMs.

PLA-AF and PLA-N Flanker Variants
I think its other way;)

Well it seems not only your arse is on fire rather something up there from where you think is also not at its right place. Hope both of your situation comes to the OK level.

Look at your post again and again and see for yourself, but since you are an Indian and you wrote as an Indian, thus even if you read it a 1000 times, you can't go more ahead of that.

So now shut up and do something about that arse on fire of yours.
Whatever you say or produce to prove your point, but the truth is that it is Clone of SU27 with little bit of chinese gadgets, just to satisfy her self proclaimed indigenous claim.

I just mentioned "troll and/or intellecturally-challenged BIG-mouth individuals with birdbrains" minutes ago at OP.

Let us know which one to which you belong?

Or both?
Note, both J-15 and J-11B feature WS-10, AESA radar, radar absorbent materials, and extremely extensive application of composites, things that are not featured on any Flanker except for the Su-35S

Whatever you say or produce to prove your point, but the truth is that it is Clone of SU27 with little bit of chinese gadgets, just to satisfy her self proclaimed indigenous claim.

I'd really like to see you go on a head to head debate with the author of the article, who is a former pilot and professional aviation analyst. I sense a mini 1962 coming.
Whatever you say or produce to prove your point, but the truth is that it is Clone of SU27 with little bit of chinese gadgets, just to satisfy her self proclaimed indigenous claim.

Man, do you lot always have to start? :lol:

I pity the ones who thanked that post...........
So the old claim of Chinese members that J-11B, for that matter J-15 and so on, is a unique offshoot of Flanker Family instead of a "clone"or "copy" has just been re-confirmed days ago by Dr Carlo Kopp of Ausairpower.

Next time, you'll know where to quote the source whenever some trolls and/or intellecturally-challenged BIG-mouth individuals with birdbrains want to start the flame war again...:smokin:


PLA-AF and PLA-N Flanker Variants

Technical Report APA-TR-2012-0401

by Dr Carlo Kopp, AFAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng
April, 2012
Updated May, 2012
Text, Line Artwork © 2012 Carlo Kopp​


The PLA is now operating or developing no less than eight distinct variants or derivatives of the Russian developed Flanker fighter, and in 2012 was reported to be negotiating access to the Su-35S, which constitutes a ninth variant.

This is greater diversity in variants of the Flanker than the diversity of the Russian Federation armed forces which operate the Su-27S Flanker B, Su-27UB Flanker C, Su-27M/Su-35 Flanker E, Su-27MUB/Su-35UB Flanker E, Su-27K/Su-33 Flanker D and in 2012, the Su-35S.

The common perception, reinforced by Russian media disinformation, is that Chinese Flankers are either Russian sourced, or exact clones of Russian variants. This is not correct, as the only Chinese built Flankers identical to Russian aircraft were the 100 licence built J-11A Flanker B aircraft, identical to Russian supplied Su-27SK Flanker B.

While the first indigenous variant, the J-11B, uses the basic Su-27SK Flanker B airframe, it was mostly unique systems, many different from the Russian systems in the Su-27SK.

The dual seat J-11BS is a fusion of the J-11B and Su-27UBK designs . The J-15 is a derivative rather than clone of the Su-27K/Su-33 naval fighter, and shows evidence of common systems fit with the J-11B.

The reported “J-16” is claimed to be a derivative of the J-11BS intended to fill the niche of the Su-30MK2, but with interfaces and fire control capabilities to support indigenous Chinese PGMs. Until high quality imagery showing detail features is available, further analysis can only be speculative.

There is ample evidence at this time to state that Chinese Flankers are a unique family of aircraft, following the pattern observed with Chinese built J-6/A-5 MiG-19 Farmer and J-7 MiG-21 Fishbed variants, where the Chinese manufacturers progressively altered significant portions of the original Russian designs to develop unique and distinct product lines.

From a Western perspective, the important consideration in force structure planning and strategy is that this diverse mix of aircraft must be considered and assessed on the unique merits of each variant, as there are significant differences in weapons, systems, aerodynamic performance and other capabilities between these types.

Much the same will apply for Electronic Warfare planning, as emitter libraries and modes will need to be mapped for both Chinese and Russian developed and maintained Flanker variants and derivatives.

Chinese Flanker Systems and Weapons

Indigenously developed Chinese Flankers appear to use airframes which are identical to the Russian sourced originals, or the licenced J-11A build of the Su-27SK. The powerplant for the Chinese variants is the WS-10 which is a derivative of the Russian Lyulka/Saturn Al-31F series. The important difference is the use of uniquely Chinese systems hardware, including mission avionics, sensors, electronic warfare, OBOGS, and weapons interfaces.

Full detail has yet to be disclosed, but known Chinese components include:

1. J-11B/BS: A Chinese IRST set located in the centreline position as with the OLS-27 in early Su-27S.

2. J-11B/BS: A planar array multimode radar which resembles the Phazotron Zhuk-27 series. It includes an IFF interrogator array.

3. J-11B/BS: An Onboard Oxygen Generator System (OBOGS). Only the most recent Russian variants have an OBOGS.

4. J-11B/BS: A unique glass cockpit design, with an asymmetric layout quite different from the Su-30MKK/MK2 and Su-27SMK.

5. J-11B/BS: An optical MAWS system claimed to operate in the UV band.

6. J-11B/BS: Dielectric panels on the stabilators not seen on any Russian variant.

7. WS-10 powerplants.

The Chinese built aircraft have interfaces for unique Chinese weapons, with photographic evidence showing the PL-8 Sino-Python and PL-12 Sino-AMRAAM carried. It is now certain that the multirole Chinese Flankers will be configured and cleared for Chinese built PGMs.

PLA-AF and PLA-N Flanker Variants

thanx for this post
The common perception, reinforced by Russian media disinformation, is that Chinese Flankers are either Russian sourced, or exact clones of Russian variants. This is not correct
the article says they are not exact clones but they are a copy of original flankers :p:hitwall:
Well it seems not only your arse is on fire rather something up there from where you think is also not at its right place. Hope both of your situation comes to the OK level.

Look at your post again and again and see for yourself, but since you are an Indian and you wrote as an Indian, thus even if you read it a 1000 times, you can't go more ahead of that.

So now shut up and do something about that arse on fire of yours.

I am totally fine and healthy. But i am afraid its not the case with many others.

Instead of getting upset, you shd care to disagree with me with some evidence.

Though i don't have but i realize, Immunity give lots of Power.

I just mentioned "troll and/or intellecturally-challenged BIG-mouth individuals with birdbrains" minutes ago at OP.

Let us know which one to which you belong?

Or both?

Why shd i be considered as troll or big mouth??? Just bcos i disagree with your post and your countries claim?

So if anyone who disagree with you guys is a troll.

Trolling is, when i speak about bombing, nuking, killing, talking against religion or ethnicity (which guys from your Country do). And not disagreeing with others.

Now you shd check who is BIG - Mouth. You or me.

Note, both J-15 and J-11B feature WS-10, AESA radar, radar absorbent materials, and extremely extensive application of composites, things that are not featured on any Flanker except for the Su-35S

I'd really like to see you go on a head to head debate with the author of the article, who is a former pilot and professional aviation analyst. I sense a mini 1962 coming.

Well former pilot & professional aviation analyst does not means, he knows every thing aviation industry. Everyone has a limit to certain information/ knowledge.

What ever you sense, is not good for health of ur ppl.

Man, do you lot always have to start? :lol:

I pity the ones who thanked that post...........

Man, have you seen what you post, when there is any news related to India?

I pity you for ur Arse l****g post.
your one article is true and 100 others articles, news, alligations saying chinese jets are nothing but mere copies of the original are false.
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