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Chinese education gains popularity among foreign students


Nov 6, 2013
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Chinese education gains popularity among foreign students

BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- While many Chinese parents send their children to schools abroad under the pressure of an exam-oriented educational system, a growing number of foreigners are discovering the merits of Chinese education.

Despite high tuition fees and complicated admission procedures, Aron Ma, a Chinese-American from New York, has decided to send his two granddaughters to a kindergarten in Beijing in order to learn Chinese.

"They are the descendants of Chinese, and they should never forget that their roots are in China," he said.

China is undergoing a historical transformation that can provide opportunities to people around the world, he added.

Similarly, Mr. Wang, a former visiting professor at Yale University who holds a U.S. green card, came back to China with his family three years ago.

Wang's six-year-old son finished kindergarten in Shanghai and has entered a primary school in Beijing.

Wang said traditional Chinese education can foster discipline and a sense of collectivism, and he fears his child would become self-indulgent under Western education, which emphasizes freedom and individualism.

In an article on China's Sina blog circulated widely among Chinese netizens earlier this year, an American father and Chinese mother wrote that they have migrated to China from the U.S. in order for their daughter get a Chinese education.

The couple wrote that the Chinese educational system is fairer than the American one, since talent selection in China is based on uniform examinations, which can effectively prevent corruption, while American education is more money-oriented, and the quality of education the children receive is largely decided by their social strata.

The article adds that China has a long history and Chinese culture is worthy of thorough understanding.

Chinese Internet users applauded the article. Sina Weibo user "Qitu" said, "It is better to get primary and high school education in China, for it can equip students with solid basic knowledge."

"Tianmaliangju" said, "Chinese education is comparatively equal. The college entrance examination provides students with a chance to change their fates through knowledge."

Kai Lei, senior reporter with Hong Kong Wen Wei Po newspaper, said the growing popularity of Chinese education around the world reflects the rise of China's international status.

According to Ministry of Education official Zhang Xiuqin in an interview last November, there are currently over 330,000 foreign students studying in China, and this number is expected to reach 500,000 by 2020.

The "100,000 Strong Initiative" in the U.S. has also enabled 68,000 American students to study in China, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong said in a speech last November.

In 2013, China's Peking University enrolled 3,852 long-term overseas students from 115 countries.

Cindy Lee, chairman of Shanghai SMIC Private School, said the school now has nearly 2,000 children from around the world, and many foreign parents hope that their children can have a deep understanding of Chinese culture.

Kai Lei said people all over the world are now living in a global village and the exchange and dialogue between the educational systems in different countries is an example of the cultural integration brought about by globalization.

Emma Du, a Chinese student studying at Boston University, said China is now combining traditional culture and the advantages of foreign cultures, and Chinese culture will be increasingly attractive to the world.

Chinese education gains popularity among foreign students - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Chinese education is the one responsible for producing top economist that transform China economy rapidly that bluffer those western finance minister graduate from Harvard or Stanford who cannot grasp how China economy can transform so fast while theirs are lacking behind.
I was trying to find a rebuttal against some people who still knock Chinese education. Many Chinese study abroad because officially they would say because they want to experience a new culture or improve on English, but most likely they were not able to handle it.
My HK friend told me he studied in a Canada because he was not able to get the grades in HK to got o HKU.

Chinese education is the one responsible for producing top economist that transform China economy rapidly that bluffer those western finance minister graduate from Harvard or Stanford who cannot grasp how China economy can transform so fast while theirs are lacking behind.
Just that Harvard and Stanford have better pr and more time on their side.
Aron Ma, a Chinese-American from New York, has decided to send his two granddaughters to a kindergarten in Beijing in order to learn Chinese.

Wait a minute...why is the NY grandfather deciding this..where are the parents?
Is the grandfather in Beijing with them as a custodian or is he still in NY? I assume the parents aren't in Beijing.
I hope at least someone is there with them.

It not uncommon for young Chinese parents here in the US to send their kids back to China to stay with grandparents/relatives when they are less than 5 years old to save on daycare costs. Or simply bring their grandparents here.
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Honestly, I don't know. I'll ask her and find out. Will let you know later. :)

;) it's ok, it's too personal question, let's not talk it on PDF. just curious, I ask so because I come from Henan.
Overall we are in huge deficit - outflow much greater than inflow due to many reasons
I am not getting overwhelmingly excited by the news.
Overall we are in huge deficit - outflow much greater than inflow due to many reasons
I am not getting overwhelmingly excited by the news.
That is the fault of Chinese government. Western universities love to recruit East Asians and make a lot of money off them, Chinese universities tend to recruit people from third and fourth world countries and offer them free scholarship.
That is the fault of Chinese government. Western universities love to recruit East Asians and make a lot of money off them, Chinese universities tend to recruit people from third and fourth world countries and offer them free scholarship.

Many of studies researches which relate to academic productivities are from our own students of Chinese universities
If foreigners who can contribute, that is fine but overwhelmingly evidences show that we have to depend on our own resources. We have already make allowance for that for our own growth and not be despired over not getting the best from the world

The government would take foreigner students as cultural exchange most of the time
How well or bad that the foreigners can perform at school are pretty much of their own efforts
regardless of where they're from
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Much of studies researches which relate to academic productivities are from our own students of Chinese universitie
If foreigners who can contribute, that is fine but an overwhelmingly evidence show that we have to depend on our own resources. We have already make allowance for that for our own growth

The government would take foreigner students as cultural exchange most of the time
How well or bad that the foreigners can perform at school are pretty much of their own efforts

Cultural exchanges are fine, but it takes a seat away from a poetential competant Chinese for a foreign student whose academic capabiblies are unknown.
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