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Chinese Developed Oculus Rift Competitor Hit Kickstarter


May 12, 2010
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Chinese Developed Oculus Rift Competitor Hit Kickstarter

It's called the ANTVR Kit. It looks to be a Oculus Rift challenger. That is, should it get funded and, more importantly, live up to its promises.

This VR system is from a small Beijing-based team called, wait for it, ANTVR.

Courtesy of TechInAsia, here's how the developers say their system stacks up agains the Oculus Rift and the Sony Morpheus:


What also makes this project different is how it claims to be an all-in-one kit with a unique foldable controller.

You can see the sales pitch in the video below. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Kickstarter projects, but what makes this interesting is that the Oculus Rift got its start in Kickstarter and now a potential rival is crowdfunding via the same platform—which, yes, makes sense!

At the time of writing, ANTVR has about $90,000 of its $200,000 goal funded with 38 days left to go.

ANTVR KIT: All-IN-ONE Universal Virtual Reality Kit [Kickstarter]

This is China's answer to the Oculus Rift, and it's now on Kickstarter [TechInAsia]

To contact the author of this post, write to bashcraftATkotaku.com or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.

Chinese Developed Oculus Rift Competitor Hit Kickstarter
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