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China's Wen Jiabao to meet Obama


May 25, 2010
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China's Wen to meet Obama

BEIJING - CHINA said on Tuesday that Premier Wen Jiabao would meet with US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a UN meeting in New York, as ties between the two countries improve after months of tensions.

'During the meetings, Premier Wen will meet with President Obama but we are still working on the specific timing of the meeting,' assistant foreign minister Liu Zhenmin told reporters.

Wen will be in New York next week to attend both the annual UN General Assembly meeting and a special summit on the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

Mr Liu said Mr Wen would attend more than 20 meetings in his two days in New York, but did not elaborate on what other leaders he would meet.

Relations between China and the United States soured earlier this year over US arms sales to Taiwan, trade and Tibet, but ties have recently improved ahead of a planned visit to the United States by Chinese President Hu Jintao. -- AFP
It's tough to be a Chinese premier. Always got sent doing the hard talks. It was the case with Zhu Rongji and now with Wen Jiabao.
lol you just get the feeling that Wen is better at talking while Hu is better at doing.
lol you just get the feeling that Wen is better at talking while Hu is better at doing.

It is terribly hard to judge Chinese politics from afar. Can anyone recommend English sources for Internal Chinese politics that's not complete crap?
Hmmm... This is maybe the first Chinese political thread I've seen. I'd be interested to know more about these politics as long as they aren't boring like American politic but exciting like Pakistani politics.;)
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