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China's state -run media calls US troublemaker

Lol , is that what your 50 cent army was told to say ?your deluded mind is mistaking us for your Gestapo. We have had no such media blackouts. We don't get caught orchestrating our death toll numbers, unlike china, who's been caught doing so on several occasions.

If that's then best you can come up with with 50 cent then your delusional you resort to name calling and your Whining and crying yet your country is heading to a 3rd world status from your infrastructure, Education, Health Care is falling behind become a third world country. Sure Iraq Invasion was just for games don't want to look at the toll taken from spreading freedom :whistle: Enjoy your ban coming
Lol , is that what your 50 cent army was told to say ?your deluded mind is mistaking us for your Gestapo. We have had no such media blackouts. We don't get caught orchestrating our death toll numbers, unlike china, who's been caught doing so on several occasions.

yes you do. your deluded mind is "researching" epoch times already looking for a reply. you don't need to convince me. you need to convince your fellow Americans like Bradley Manning.
That is ironic, coming from an Indian. :lol:

At least we know that we are a developing country, while Indians like to think they are a superpower.
India is not a super power , the best fitting word is a " Nuclear beggar" . 230 million Indians go hungry daily , With 21% of its population undernourished, nearly 44% of under-5 children underweight and 7% of them dying before they reach five , source : Times of India .
yes you do. your deluded mind is "researching" epoch times already looking for a reply. you don't need to convince me. you need to convince your fellow Americans like Bradley Manning.

Your avatar name is giving me an insight into the lion share of your score.
Lol , is that what your 50 cent army was told to say ?your deluded mind is mistaking us for your Gestapo. We have had no such media blackouts. We don't get caught orchestrating our death toll numbers, unlike china, who's been caught doing so on several occasions.

The more you rage the more pathetic you get, give it up.
They were one country in the end they fell, Apparently a first world country like yours overstep theirs and is having a bit of economic trouble and the adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan will over 6000 + of you men died and thousands wounded. you also going into a conflict with iran and even more of your men will die at home your infrastructure roads education health care is failing and it seems your heading to a 3rd world status :lol:
you are such an ungrateful bastard. if it wasn't us dropped two bombs in Japan, you guys would probably enslaved by the Japs. And the 2008 sichuan earthquake, we did send aids along with other stuffs and obviously not appreciation is taken. you are right about on our infrastructure, health care and education, but why are you guys sending countless people to our country study? because we our education is better than yours and we both know that you guys can't think out of the box.
you guys have no creativity, all you guys do is to send a bunch of spies to steal our technologies. On the economic front, China's economy is growing fast only because it opened the door to capitalism. let's face it, our system is better and who gives a **** about how bad the economy is. I guess we will just ask you guys to buy more government securities to pay for our incoming war with Iran. By the way, you guys might able to take India but certainly not us.
And the 2008 sichuan earthquake, we did send aids along with other stuffs and obviously not appreciation is taken.

Obvious Indian is obvious. :lol:

You guys always say "stuffs".

And don't tell me, that a Chinese person such as myself, with English as my third language, has better grammar skills than an American. :rolleyes:
Obvious Indian is obvious. :lol:

You guys always say "stuffs".

And don't tell me, that a Chinese person such as myself, with English as my third language, has better grammar skills than an American. :rolleyes:

You will be surprised. There are alot of 5 US cent CIA agents or illiterate southern rednecks.
Obvious Indian is obvious. :lol:

You guys always say "stuffs".

And don't tell me, that a Chinese person such as myself, with English as my third language, has better grammar skills than an American. :rolleyes:
let's call that a typo. I am a 100% Aemrican and we also use the word stuff a lot.
There is another guy here who is not american.
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