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China's state -run media calls US troublemaker

Jan 15, 2012
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In response to the Obama administration announcing a new military strategy that focuses on the Asia-Pacific region, China’s official media sounded a warning note for Washington D.C.

China’s official News Agency, Xinhua, published a commentary on Jan. 6 entitled, “It Is the ‘Option’ that the U.S. Should Not Have Chosen.” In the commentary, Xinhua wrote as though representing the people of the Asia-Pacific region, “The United States should follow the trend. It should act in a prudent manner in its ‘strategic adjustment.’ Otherwise, it will be starkly contrary to the common wishes of the people in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Xinhua article warned that as the revamped U.S. national defense strategy defined China as a threat to security, it may challenge the mutual trust between the two countries. The commentary went on by saying, “The action taken by the U.S. will foment a tense atmosphere and increase the anxiety involved in using military forces. The United States’ new deployment threatens the balance in the region. It has released a signal of unrest.”

The commentary published by China’s official newspaper, People’s Daily, said the United States is a “troublemaker.”

“The U.S. new military strategy once again reminds us that Iran is important for China,” said an the article published by Global Times on Jan. 6. We should not “follow the U.S. values and judgments for culture, society, and politics to determine the likes and dislikes of Iran.”

China’s well-known expert on American issues, Jin Canrong, professor in the School of International Studies and School of Public Administration and Deputy Director at the Center for American Studies, Renmin University of China, told the Global Times, “The U.S. military specifically takes China as a rival,” and adding “such changes are detrimental to China.”

However, Jin also believes that the change in strategy represents only the view of the Department of Defense, not the views of the United States as a whole. He said, “The United States is diverse. It’s still possible for China to prevent the view of the Department of Defense from being that of the United States as a whole.”

Yong-Chun Liang, Military commentator for Voice of Chinese directly criticized the new U.S. strategy in his report on China National Radio on Jan. 8, saying, “If it is like what some media have said that the new U.S. policy is to take China as its opponent in military strategy, then the United States has made a serious strategic mistake.”

People’s Daily analyzed the responses of the Asia-Pacific countries to the new strategy in a report on Jan. 9. It stressed that Australia said that the strategy should not threaten China or the Sino-Australian trade relationship.

People’s Daily also summarized some westerners’ points of view by saying, “Many experts and scholars believe that the new U.S. military strategy in the Asia-Pacific region may bring new factors for unrest.”

The Chinese regime’s only official reaction thus far to the new strategy was published Jan. 9 on the website of the Defense Ministry. Spokesman Geng Yansheng said China has noticed “this document,” and “U.S. accusations against China in this document are totally groundless.”
He also urged the United States to “go with the trend of the times,” and “be careful with your words and

President Barack Obama revealed the new military strategy in a press conference at the Pentagon on Jan. 5. The key point of the report, “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense,” is to reduce the number of troops in Europe, continue to maintain military superiority, and to strengthen the U.S. military power in Asia.

You will have the same fate as soviet union.

And you Indians will go back to your natural state, before the colonial era. As many independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. :lol:

The Soviet Union only lasted from 1922–1991. One of the shortest-lived nations in the history of the Earth.

China on the other hand, has lasted for thousands of years. We have had countless economic crashes along the way, and still we are united.

In the Soviet Union, less than half the population was ethnic Russian. In China, over 90%+ of the population is Han Chinese. The Soviet Union had a closed economy that shrunk almost every year. China is the biggest trading nation in the world, and is growing faster than any other major country.
And you Indians will go back to your natural state, before the colonial era. As many independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. :lol:

The Soviet Union only lasted from 1922–1991. One of the shortest-lived nations in the history of the Earth.

China on the other hand, has lasted for thousands of years. We have had countless economic crashes along the way, and still we are united.

Soviet union was an Union you ______. You were never a union of multiple countries. Your 3rd world country should know when it oversteps it's bounds.
Soviet union was an Union you ______. You were never a union of multiple countries. Your 3rd world country should know when it oversteps it's bounds.

That is ironic, coming from an Indian. :lol:

At least we know that we are a developing country, while Indians like to think they are a superpower.
Soviet union was an Union you ______. You were never a union of multiple countries. Your 3rd world country should know when it oversteps it's bounds.

They were one country in the end they fell, Apparently a first world country like yours overstep theirs and is having a bit of economic trouble and the adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan will over 6000 + of you men died and thousands wounded. you also going into a conflict with iran and even more of your men will die at home your infrastructure roads education health care is failing and it seems your heading to a 3rd world status :lol:
They were one country in the end they fell, Apparently a first world country like yours overstep theirs and is having a bit of economic trouble and the adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan will over 6000 + of you men died and thousands wounded. you also going into a conflict with iran and even more of your men will die at home your infrastructure roads education health care is failing and it seems your heading to a 3rd world status :lol:

Buddy, he is not an American. Check out his first few posts in the forum.

He is 100% Indian. :wave:
It doesn't really matter :D

It doesn't bother him when you insult America. He couldn't care less about that.

But if you insult India even once, and he will start swearing at you and bashing you, just like he did in post #4. :azn:
99 percent of your populous lives in houses the size of our bathrooms. And you compare yourselves to us. Your 3rd world ****-hole of a country earns, if we believe your orchestrated numbers, 11 times less than our average householders earn. You cardboard houses create 100 thousand deaths when the freaking wind blows and you compare your ghetto country to us :lol:

Lol someone is honestly raging seems you really frustrated the way your country is headed to 3rd world status ghetto infrastructure, Education, Health Care LMAFO falling behind the entire world.
99 percent of your populous lives in houses the size of our bathrooms. And you compare yourselves to us. Your 3rd world ****-hole of a country earns, if we believe your orchestrated numbers, 11 times less than our average householders earn. You cardboard houses create 100 thousand deaths when the freaking wind blows and you compare your ghetto country to us :lol:

No one knows how many Americans died in Katrina. There was a media blackout. 21 people died in Colorado of shoddy, low quality made in USA poisoned cantelope, more than all the milk scandals of the past decade in China combined, yet there was another media blackout.

No one knows anything about what happens in US except what the regime allows to escape.
China's state -run media calls US troublemaker|

Saying China media would be enough. There is nothing free in china, Every thing is property of Communists.
No one knows how many Americans died in Katrina. There was a media blackout. 21 people died in Colorado of shoddy, low quality made in USA poisoned cantelope, more than all the milk scandals of the past decade in China combined, yet there was another media blackout.

No one knows anything about what happens in US except what the regime allows to escape.

Lol , is that what your 50 cent army was told to say ?your deluded mind is mistaking us for your Gestapo. We have had no such media blackouts. We don't get caught orchestrating our death toll numbers, unlike china, who's been caught doing so on several occasions.
Saying China media would be enough. There is nothing free in china, Every thing is property of Communists.

The entire definition of Communism is the abolition of private property. Which clearly is not the case now.

And in India, the entire system is owned by Europeans. :lol: (Sonia and Rahul).

We have had no such media blackouts.

What happened to that guy who wrote a negative book about Sonia Gandhi?

And what happened to Binayak Sen when he said something nice about the Maoists? :azn:
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