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China's state-owned sector told to cut ties with U.S. consulting firms


Jun 28, 2012
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Sun May 25, 2014 3:21pm EDT

(Reuters) - China has told its state-owned enterprises to sever links with American consulting firms just days after the United States charged five Chinese military officers with hacking U.S. companies, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

China's action, which targets companies like McKinsey & Company and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), stems from fears the firms are providing trade secrets to the U.S. government, the FT reported, citing unnamed sources close to senior Chinese leaders.

"We haven't received any notification of this kind," said Margaret Kashmir, a spokeswoman for Strategy& - formerly Booz & Company - in an email, adding that serving clients in China and globally continues to be the company's main priority.

"We are unaware of any government mandates," added Bain & Company spokeswoman Cheryl Krauss.

A McKinsey spokeswoman did not return a call seeking comment. A spokeswoman for BCG was not immediately able to comment.

The companies have large operations in China, the FT reported. McKinsey, BCG and Strategy& all have Chinese state enterprises as clients, the newspaper said.

China warned this week it would retaliate if Washington pressed ahead with allegations that the Chinese officers hacked into U.S. nuclear, metal and solar companies, including Alcoa Inc, Allegheny Technologies Inc, United States Steel Corp, Toshiba Corp unit Westinghouse Electric Co, the U.S. subsidiaries of SolarWorld AG and a steelworkers' union.

Officials in Washington have argued for years that cyber espionage is a top national security concern.

The May 19 indictment was the first criminal hacking charge the United States has filed against specific foreign officials. It follows a steady increase in public criticism and private confrontation, including at a summit last year between U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In the wake of the charges, Chinese media labeled the U.S. government a "high-level hooligan," while officials in Beijing accused Washington of "double standards" on issues of cyber spying.

China also said it would investigate providers of IT products and services to guard "national security," and "economic and social development." It also banned new central government computers from using Windows 8, Microsoft Corp's latest operating system.

(Reporting by Hilary Russ in New York; editing by Paul Simao and G Crosse)

China's state-owned sector told to cut ties with U.S. consulting firms| Reuters

China clamps down on US consulting groups - FT.com

China Cuts Off McKinsey, Other U.S. Consultants To Retaliate Against Cyber Indictments - Forbes
China to ditch US consulting firms over suspected espionage

Reuters/Lou Dematteis

State-owned Chinese companies will cease to work with US consulting companies like McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group over fears they are spying on behalf of the US government.

US consulting companies McKinsey, BCG, Bain & Company, and Strategy&, formerly Booz & Co., will all be snubbed by state-owned Chinese companies, the Financial Times reported, citing sources close to senior Chinese leaders.

“The top leadership has proposed setting up a team of Chinese domestic consultants who are particularly focused on information systems in order to seize back this power from the foreign companies,” a senior policy adviser to the Chinese leadership was quoted by the FT as saying.

“Right now the foreigners use their consulting companies to find out everything they want about our state companies,” the adviser said.

McKinsey is the largest global consulting group operating in China, and about one-third of clients are state-owned enterprises. McKinsey has 650 employees in China.

Last Thursday China announced that all foreign companies would have to undergo a new security test. Any company, product or service that fails will be banned from China. The inspection will be conducted across all sectors - communications, finance, and energy.

China has already banned Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system from government computers, according to Chinese state media agency Xinhua.

“Under President Xi Jinping, technology and implementation will look to be converging, so foreign tech firms should be very worried about their prospects,” Bill Bishop, an independent consultant based in Beijing, told the FT.

Chinese officials have said that government ministries, companies, universities, and telecoms networks are victims of US hacking, and will try to avoid using US technology in order to protect “public interest”.

The dictate follows the US Justice Department’s indictment of five Chinese military officers it suspects of committing cyber crimes against a number of major US companies, including US Steel, Westinghouse and Alcoa. The US accused the army officers of stealing trade secrets and even published their photos.

Beijing responded by calling the US a ‘robber playing cop’, and more recently said the US is a “mincing rascal” and involved in “high-level hooliganism”.

The US-China fallout came after revelations made by NSA contractor Edward Snowden that the US uses economic cyber espionage to spy on international competitors, including China.

The dispute is only the latest setback in relations between the world’s two largest economies. Issues like Ukraine, Syria, and North Korea have been divisive topics between the two superpowers.
US consulting companies should be kicked out of China. Every single one of them.

They work with US intelligence agencies to give information about China on everything.
They are essentially branches of the US intelligence network.
Time for China, Russia, Iran and all our allies to sanction USA!

Seems you are living in a dream world!

Sanction USA! LOL!

If China, Russia, Iran and some other countries do take that step, the retaliation will be unimaginable for you.

US+ Europe + Japan + Arab States will very naturally fall in line.

Also, US anyways has very limited dependence on Russia and Iran for any thing. And US always has local friends in a conflict region, where the local friends are more powerful than local adversaries.

Case in hand: Iran and Russia.

The Arabs, and the Israelis together are far stronger than Iran, and both are allies with US. If Iran sanctions US, even symbolically, it will lead to no effect for US. But if Arabs and Israel boycott China, there will be a significant loss for both sides.

Now coming to Russia. There is a huge anti-Russian section in Europe that wants tougher action on Russia. It includes Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Romania. Essentially the countries of the former Soviet Union. Then there are those countries that are still negative about Russia like Germany, and France.

All in all, Europe has already sanctioned Russia, which is very painful for it. But if Russia joins China to sanction US, than US will join Europe to sanction China.

Overall, if these countries form Economic Blocs:

China + Russia + Iran <<<< US + Europe + Japan + Arab States + Israel

US consulting companies should be kicked out of China. Every single one of them.

They work with US intelligence agencies to give information about China on everything.
They are essentially branches of the US intelligence network.

Unless you can prove something, you can say nothing.

Or do you have any proof?

Plus, these companies refused SEC pointblank to give any information regarding the audit of certain Chinese companies. THAT is how well they treat Chinese laws.

SEC, Big Four Accounting Firms in China Settle Dispute - WSJ

SEC Raps Big Four Affiliates in China

Also, there is no Chinese equivalent of the reputation of these consulting firms. Not even close. They are independent bodies which people trust. In China, CPC will perhaps intervene on the behalf of SOCs to alter their audit results. Like they are doing with the stock market. CPC intervened so heavily in the stock market, and stopped people from selling their own shares. Suspended so many shares. If stock market is not determined by the market, than what is its use. If a person entering the market can't get out according to his wish, his confidence in the market will decrease.

And Chinese stock markets have got a very bad reputation because of the mess CPC has made. At one time FTSE was considering including in their benchmarks, but now there is not even remote possibility.

CPC must understand to let go. Some things are best determined by the market and people must have freedom and accountability to do things.

Rather, even CPC was considering sorting out the mess of accountability using third party auditing.

Beijing plans external audit of state firms' foreign assets | South China Morning Post

US consulting companies should be kicked out of China. Every single one of them.

They work with US intelligence agencies to give information about China on everything.
They are essentially branches of the US intelligence network.

Also, remember the golden formula. If you kick them out from your market, they will kick something out from their market. And their market is still bigger by a bit.
Seems you are living in a dream world!

Sanction USA! LOL!

If China, Russia, Iran and some other countries do take that step, the retaliation will be unimaginable for you.

US+ Europe + Japan + Arab States will very naturally fall in line.

Also, US anyways has very limited dependence on Russia and Iran for any thing. And US always has local friends in a conflict region, where the local friends are more powerful than local adversaries.

Case in hand: Iran and Russia.

The Arabs, and the Israelis together are far stronger than Iran, and both are allies with US. If Iran sanctions US, even symbolically, it will lead to no effect for US. But if Arabs and Israel boycott China, there will be a significant loss for both sides.

Now coming to Russia. There is a huge anti-Russian section in Europe that wants tougher action on Russia. It includes Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Romania. Essentially the countries of the former Soviet Union. Then there are those countries that are still negative about Russia like Germany, and France.

All in all, Europe has already sanctioned Russia, which is very painful for it. But if Russia joins China to sanction US, than US will join Europe to sanction China.

Overall, if these countries form Economic Blocs:

China + Russia + Iran <<<< US + Europe + Japan + Arab States + Israel

Europe can't sanction China, not if they want to avoid hyperinflation, recession and economic collapse. Even British snubbed US and joined AIIB. Neither can Japan realistically. they'll be hurt way more.
Europe can't sanction China, not if they want to avoid hyperinflation, recession and economic collapse. Even British snubbed US and joined AIIB. Neither can Japan realistically. they'll be hurt way more.

It doesn't want to. But if you initiate a strategic move of forming an exclusive economic bloc with Russia and Iran, than it will be forced to join US and other countries.

Also, in the battle for economic bloc, China will be on big losing side. With it there will only be Russia and possibly Iran, two countries already relatively small, and isolated.

On the other side will be, US + Europe + Japan + Arab States + Israel + Australia + Canada.

Also, US's position on AIIB was very unreasonable and even American commentators were saying that from the start. Europe has a position, that they want everyone to play by just International Rules, and in this case, apart from US (which was defending monetary hegemony) and Japan (which has strategic rivalry), the whole world was with China. Simply, because the US position was very unreasonable. So defying them doesn't mean that the alliance is any less potent, or the overall foreign policy has shifted.

Every country does things in its best interest, and according to the wishes of its populace. Hence, it need not totally mirror its alliance with others.

Like Despite Chinese reservations, Russia did sell Kilo to Vietnam.

Like, despite Indian reservations, US is still selling arms to Pakistan.

Like, despite NATO apprehensions, Turkey did consider a deal with China for missile systems.

So, totally mirroring your alliance isn't necessary. Britain is a sovereign country, not a US puppet. Yet, it is still far more integrated with US. They have strategic alliance of altogether different kind, and deep strategic trust.
China should ban:
US technology companies (Google, Cisco, etc)
US consulting companies (McKinsey, Bain, etc)
U.S. media companies (CNN, New York Times, etc)
U.S. NGOs (USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Amnesty, HRW, etc).

All 4 of them are branches of US intelligence apparatus.

China need to protect its national security.
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