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China's Now Selling Weapons On The Global Market At Unbeatable Prices


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
China has pushed its defense spending to record highs as it builds a global force from the ground up.

The communist country has leapfrogged past advancements that took Western nations decades to perfect — and it's now looking to turn a profit on all that work.

Hurriyet today announced the race to equip Turkey with a long-range missile system is well underway and China's already sent other countries scrambling.

Europe, Russia, the U.S. and China are all competing for the $4 billion contract and Beijing's Precision Machinery HQ-9 is the lowest competing bid so far.

Word is the offer came in at $1 billion less than expected after Beijing tried to cut the original estimate by half.

American company Raytheon was forced to revise its offer to stay in the running, but officials there won't comment on just how much until the contract is selected next month.

In the end it may not matter if China loses money on the deal if the fears of some experts are proven justified, and it achieves access to new classified data.

Some believe that Russian and Chinese systems are incompatible with NATO systems and that with a successful bid, either of those countries would achieve access to classified NATO information.

Turkey has refused to exclude either China or Russia despite the fact it could, in fact, compromise NATO's entire "set of procedures."

Read more: China's Selling Very Inexpensive Weapons - Business Insider
It goes both ways as for leaking the missiles' parameters is concerned. So the article does not make sense.
Compatibility concern is justified. Turkey is also NATO member. This will play a significant, if not major, role.
Turkey just doing this to lower the price of western arm supplier it knows they cannot buy this chinese or russian system.
What is the longest range of the missile that the Turks are buying? I wonder why Turkey needs this long range missile for? Hitting Iran, Greece, Cyprus or some parts in continental Europe?
well done china.
though i dont think that they will get the deal due to compatibility issues.

but in future,and at such inexpensive prices,you never know.

Turkey just doing this to lower the price of western arm supplier it knows they cannot buy this chinese or russian system.

hmmmmmmmm.makes sense.:tup:

What is the longest range of the missile that the Turks are buying? I wonder why Turkey needs this long range missile for? Hitting Iran, Greece, Cyprus or some parts in continental Europe?

it needs the missiles to project itself as a regional power perhaps.
which missiles are other contenders???I got the name of the companies though..

anyway,there is very little chance for china to succeed.(I am not trolling)read here..

China and Russia are unlikely to succeed as neither of them belongs to NATO. Turkish media say this is likely to influence the decision of Turkey, which is a member of the alliance.

Missile shopping: Turkey to buy long-range missile system — RT

also,an interesting read..

In a radical move, Turkey opts for co-development of long-range missiles
What is the longest range of the missile that the Turks are buying? I wonder why Turkey needs this long range missile for? Hitting Iran, Greece, Cyprus or some parts in continental Europe?

lol, HQ-9 is a SAM system. A knock off of the S-300....

Another unlikely reason for this to be adopted by the Turks is the fact Greek army has some. They were bought by Cyprus but due to political pressure ended up in Greece.
lol, HQ-9 is a SAM system. A knock off of the S-300....

Another unlikely reason for this to be adopted by the Turks is the fact Greek army has some. They were bought by Cyprus but due to political pressure ended up in Greece.

The S-300 has nothing to do with the HQ-9's development and so far no such evidence has surfaced to suggest otherwise. I advise you to note the failure rates of the HQ-9, S-300, their respective performances, and see that they are different.
Sorry your arm dealer/maker can't get 200% profit any longer.

lol, HQ-9 is a SAM system. A knock off of the S-300....

Another unlikely reason for this to be adopted by the Turks is the fact Greek army has some. They were bought by Cyprus but due to political pressure ended up in Greece.
The S-300 has nothing to do with the HQ-9's development and so far no such evidence has surfaced to suggest otherwise. I advise you to note the failure rates of the HQ-9, S-300, their respective performances, and see that they are different.


There is general agreement in open sources that the HQ-9 uses Russian S-300PMU technology extensively


The Russians are not happy with this, given the stolen S-300 technology in the HQ-9.


China bought the licence for the S-300PMU in the 90's. I guess it's just a coincidence that the HQ-9 TEL and missile canisters looks exactly the same.
Thing is, your puny copy cat skillz are not enough as the PLA bought some more originals as recently as 2010.

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