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China's Newest Type 094 Jin Class Submarines

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China's Newest Type 094 Jin Class Submarines


They look sweet:) The pacific will come home to more and more submarines , seems to be the chosen naval weapon of the region.
Resemble the Soviet Delta III's a lot.
one beautiful deadly looking submarine is that...any chance PN to acquire these.
Resemble the Soviet Delta III's a lot.
Delta III bridge tower command is fatter and the hump of Delta III is not even close shape of Type 094. I see little resemble of Delta III here.

delta_iii (1).jpg
Delta III bridge tower command is fatter and the hump of Delta III is not even close shape of Type 094. I see little resemble of Delta III here.
Yup, its not an exact copy if that is what you mean.
Some ppl always look on chinese equipment as illegal copies of some ones else..
Waiting forvthe day when somebody ride up and say its China
somehow the hump feels much bigger on the first picture, why is that?
Jin class Chinese Subs

The Type 094 (NATO designation Jin class) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine is the second-generation SSBN of the Chinese navy. Its development possibly began in the early 1980s. It is a successor to the unreliable Type 092 or Xia class. The whole project is kept in secrecy.

Speculations have been made, that development of the Type 094 class was assisted by Russian Rubin Design Bureau, however this information was not confirmed. Construction of the lead vessel began in 1999 and it was launched in 2004. It seems that the first boat was commissioned in 2010. Currently at least three hulls of the class have been identified. The second vessel of the class was launched in 2007. Some sources claim, that a total of 5 submarines of this class are projected.

Externally the Jin class appears to be a scaled-up version of the Xia class. It also incorporates some technologies of the Type 093 (Shang class) nuclear-powered attack submarine.

The Jin class reportedly will carry twelve JL-2 (NATO designation CSS-N-5 Sabbot) SLBMs. The JL-2 missile has a maximum range of 8 000 km and can carry up to 3 nuclear warheads. It will allow this submarine to hold US territory within missile range, while operating from Chinese costal waters. Hull of the submarine was enlarged to accommodate missile tubes and part of the nuclear reactor. Originally these submarines were planned to carry 16 missiles. Other armament includes six 533-mm torpedo tubes.

It was reported that the Type 094 class boats are as noisy as Soviet submarines of the 70s.

Some sources claim that these Chinese ballistic missile submarines were plagued with various problems and design flaws. By 2013 Jin class boats were never sent on deterrent patrol missions

Type 094 Jin Class Ballistic Missile Submarine | Military-Today.com


Some ppl always look on chinese equipment as illegal copies of some ones else..
Waiting forvthe day when somebody ride up and say its China
Yes I agree. It's a common bias due to western media reporting but also based on some truths. Anyway, Chinese equipment will evolve and someday wilbe recognized as indigineous designs.
Jin class Chinese Subs

The Type 094 (NATO designation Jin class) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine is the second-generation SSBN of the Chinese navy. Its development possibly began in the early 1980s. It is a successor to the unreliable Type 092 or Xia class. The whole project is kept in secrecy.

Speculations have been made, that development of the Type 094 class was assisted by Russian Rubin Design Bureau, however this information was not confirmed. Construction of the lead vessel began in 1999 and it was launched in 2004. It seems that the first boat was commissioned in 2010. Currently at least three hulls of the class have been identified. The second vessel of the class was launched in 2007. Some sources claim, that a total of 5 submarines of this class are projected.

Externally the Jin class appears to be a scaled-up version of the Xia class. It also incorporates some technologies of the Type 093 (Shang class) nuclear-powered attack submarine.

The Jin class reportedly will carry twelve JL-2 (NATO designation CSS-N-5 Sabbot) SLBMs. The JL-2 missile has a maximum range of 8 000 km and can carry up to 3 nuclear warheads. It will allow this submarine to hold US territory within missile range, while operating from Chinese costal waters. Hull of the submarine was enlarged to accommodate missile tubes and part of the nuclear reactor. Originally these submarines were planned to carry 16 missiles. Other armament includes six 533-mm torpedo tubes.

It was reported that the Type 094 class boats are as noisy as Soviet submarines of the 70s.

Some sources claim that these Chinese ballistic missile submarines were plagued with various problems and design flaws. By 2013 Jin class boats were never sent on deterrent patrol missions

Type 094 Jin Class Ballistic Missile Submarine | Military-Today.com



First myth broken
The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | Daily Mail Online

Second myth proven wrong again
The Type 094 has finished the strategic deterrent patrol
I wonder why China nuclear powered submarines don't challenge West Coast of North American continent?
they don't want or unable to do so?

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