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China’s GDP per capita reaches $12,551 in 2021, overtaking global average GDP per capita: official

I remember Shashi Tharoor bragging a decade ago that China can be the worlds factory but India will be the worlds laboratory. What a delusional dope.

India is indeed the world's laboratory.

The Indian govt provides materials for human experiments to global pharmaceutical companies.

There are many poor countries in the world, but only India has made human experiments into a global industrial chain. They provided countless Indians as experimental materials for medical experiments. This is, of course, the world laboratory.
I admire the Indian govt most. They can send these slum mice to human experiments, at the same time let these mice enthusiastically support the Indian govt on the Internet.
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India is indeed the world's laboratory.

The Indian govt provides materials for human experiments to global pharmaceutical companies.

No wonder creepy bill gates is so obsessed about india.
I remember Shashi Tharoor bragging a decade ago that China can be the worlds factory but India will be the worlds laboratory. What a delusional dope.
Back then they bragged everyday that India was a IT powerhouse while China was at least a decade behind India in IT industry, a decade passed, how about now?
Every country which The per capita GDP rose from US $10k to US $20k. They are all accompanied by currency appreciation at that stage. This is because their industry is upgrading. The industrial upgrading was successful, the currency appreciated, and the per capita GDP reached US $20k. Industrial upgrading failed and fell into the middle-income trap.

True, China 2025 plan may have been pushed back, but China seems very focused to become competitive in these industries.
Back then they bragged everyday that India was a IT powerhouse while China was at least a decade behind India in IT industry, a decade passed, how about now?
Anglo-saxons don't trust with chinese,so they turn to accept a lot of indian IT workers.They have the power of capital,trillions after trillions to push their IT companies to monopoly in the whole world. It really doesn't matters whether indian or chinese IT workers write good codes or not,money is the king.
China already has the world's largest retail market.

the real thing to notice is this: there are very few countries in the 10k to 20k bracket.

At 10k (Kazakhstan) it is rank 86, but at 20k (Slovakia) it is 59. So a 27 rank difference is an improvement of 2x in the 10k to 20k bracket.

But from 5k to 10k, it is going from Kosovo at rank 122 to Kazakhstan at rank 86. That's a rank difference of 36 for a difference of 2x.

Going from 2.5k to 5k, it is going from Congo at rank 160 to Kosovo at rank 122. That's a rank difference of 38 for another difference of 2x.

This shows that improving GDP per capita rank in the 10k to 20k is much harder than below 10k. It also shows that the vast majority of countries on this planet are poor.

Insightful comment. at 20K, Chinese stands of living would be similar to a Central European country and approaching that of some Western European countries like Portugal.
Insightful comment. at 20K, Chinese stands of living would be similar to a Central European country and approaching that of some Western European countries like Portugal.
China's per capita GDP has surpassed that of Bulgaria, Romania and other EU countries.
True, China 2025 plan may have been pushed back, but China seems very focused to become competitive in these industries.
What is China 2025 plan?
LOL this is how anti-China media reported it.

China GDP: economic slowdown underlined in fourth quarter, but 2021 beat growth target.

CNN: China's economy expanded 8.1% in 2021, but growth is slowing.

NHK WORLD-JAPAN News: China's GDP growth slows to 4%.

they just have to jam in a China collapse sentence in their title.
Back then they bragged everyday that India was a IT powerhouse while China was at least a decade behind India in IT industry, a decade passed, how about now?

They also argued that India was going to skip dirty manufacturing and step right into clean services economy.

I think this was a selling point for politicians and a laxative for lazy people. India today is neither a shiny services sector giant, nor is it clean because of that.
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What good is high average income when the median income is not as high? Much needs to be done to improve wages and benefits for manufacturing or young people wouldn’t want to work in factories.
Since South Korea and Singapore still hold ‘’developing country" status, maybe China can also keep this title for some time.
Nope, South Korea already abandoned "developing country" status under pressure, now only Singapore and Hong Kong left. But you're right, China can also keep this for as long as she sees fit.


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LOL this is how anti-China media reported it.

China GDP: economic slowdown underlined in fourth quarter, but 2021 beat growth target.

CNN: China's economy expanded 8.1% in 2021, but growth is slowing.

NHK WORLD-JAPAN News: China's GDP growth slows to 4%.

they just have to jam in a China collapse sentence in their title.
China had been slowing down for the past 20 years. I have been listening to this slowing down since my teenage years.

The Anglo propaganda mouthpieces have been saying China is slowing and/or collapsing for the past 20 years.

China has ‘collapsed’ upwards.

I don’t know why anyone still take these Anglo propaganda mouthpieces seriously. These people are beyond delusional, they are mentally sick.
India is indeed the world's laboratory.

The Indian govt provides materials for human experiments to global pharmaceutical companies.

There are many poor countries in the world, but only India has made human experiments into a global industrial chain. They provided countless Indians as experimental materials for medical experiments. This is, of course, the world laboratory.
I admire the Indian govt most. They can send these slum mice to human experiments, at the same time let these mice enthusiastically support the Indian govt on the Internet.
While you people conduct experiments not only on your own but also on the world... Chinese Govt is such a prodigy in plain sight :D
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