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China’s created aura of military might without combat: Army chief

Haris Ali2140

May 20, 2019
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China’s created aura of military might without combat: Army chief
TNN | Mar 5, 2020, 02:00 IST
Army chief General MM Naravane
NEW DELHI: Indian armed forces are recalibrating their plans and capabilities for “dynamic responses” along the borders with China and Pakistan below the threshold of all-out wars, as shown during the Balakot air strikes last year, even as they strengthen their conventional military prowess, Army chief Gen M M Naravane said on Wednesday.

Militaries “play to the edge” in the “grey zone” now. China through its incremental moves in the contentious South China Sea, for instance, is altering geo-strategic realities in the region without firing a single shot or inviting any retaliatory action.

“China has not been involved in real, hardcore combat for a few decades now; yet the regular showcasing of its military might have created this aura of China being the undisputed military leader in key technological domains — with deterrence logic of its own,” he said.

India is boosting its power in space, cyber warfare: Army chief
For years we were told that if air power is used across the international border, it would lead to a full-fledged war. Balakot showed that if you play the escalatory game with skill, military ascendancy can be established in short cycles of conflict that do not necessarily lead to war,” Army chief Gen M M Naravane said at a seminar on the changing characteristics of warfare organised by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

Dwelling at length on the Chinese way of war epitomised by thinkers like Sun Tzu as well as the continuing relevance of Indian philosopher Chanakya’s famed treatise “Arthashastra”, he said his force is developing both “kinetic and non-kinetic responses” to address the threat of “non-contact or grey-zone warfare”, where ambiguity and careful risk escalation are key. India is strengthening its capabilities in space, cyber and electronic warfare, while also looking to tap blockchain technologies, lasers and directed energy weapons, he said.

“The Houthi rebels’ attack on Riyadh airport and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and closer home, the Balakot air strike, saw these short, intense, escalatory cycles of military activity, in full media glare, where sophisticated information narratives played an equally important role,” said Gen Naravane.

Terming it a “technological irony”, he said the so-called Islamic State had shown it was far more adept in leveraging social media and digital technologies than the 21st-century militaries of the US and the UK. “The rise of non-state actors, such as insurgents, terrorists, transnational criminal networks combined with greater focus on an individual’s status consequently demands that victory needs to be formulated and achieved in a more nuanced way. Victory no longer rests on the ability to inflict massive destruction but on the ability to wrestle popular support from one’s opponent,” he said.

“China has not been involved in real, hardcore combat for a few decades now; yet the regular showcasing of its military might have created this aura of China being the undisputed military leader in key technological domains — with deterrence logic of its own,” he said.
Wht wars India fought in the past few decades?
Wht wars India fought in the past few decades?

I am not sure whether stone throwing in Doklam counts for China.

At least India and Pak fight with real weapons where people actually are getting killed
Indians are good in creating their own fantasy world, good with their words, and good keyboard warriors.. but when it comes to strategy and tactics .. they less so.. i guess, because at that point you have to deliver !!!

India had months and months to plan and execute the Pulwana false flag operation and the ensuing Balakot operation. They failed miserably in their execution even though they had the advantage of suprise and time on their hands.

Pakistan had a few hours to co-ordinate and execute a response, and they hit their targets and smacked the IAF so hard that it will a generation before they try something silly again..

The "general" is an idiot, who has not learnt anything and lives in his own fantasy world.
For years we were told that if air power is used across the international border, it would lead to a full-fledged war. Balakot showed that if you play the escalatory game with skill, military ascendancy can be established in short cycles of conflict that do not necessarily lead to war,” Army chief Gen M M Naravane said at a seminar on the changing characteristics of warfare organised by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

"As long as we dig our head in the sand while getting our butts whooped, there's no chance of war!"
Deluded guy, China is a country that is boasting some very top of the range tech that rivals US/European powerhouses. To appreciate the true extent of China's ascendancy you only have to look at the current 5G Huawei saga that is unfolding in the Europe/UK/USA.

India cannot yet compete with China - not on any level. Making such statements for such a high ranking officer just shows the helplessness of Indian leadership.

India is not much better either if you look at things with his perspective.
I am not sure whether stone throwing in Doklam counts for China.

At least India and Pak fight with real weapons where people actually are getting killed

In south asia only pak army is the most battle hardened and experienced. Even indian army have not fought much, last skirmish was kargil 2 decades ago. Apart from india, Pakistan have fought USSR for more than a decade and internal war another decade.
Sorry, what does he mean?
"Chinese is bluffing, let's punch their face, they won't dare to escalate to a full scale war"?
"Chinese bluffing strategy is working so good, we should follow them"?
27th Feb loc which their Mig-21 and Mi-17 shot down and none of enemy plane were lost.
that's not a war .
it's called airspace skirmish chini:big_boss:

Sorry, what does he mean?
"Chinese is bluffing, let's punch their face, they won't dare to escalate to a full scale war"?
"Chinese bluffing strategy is working so good, we should follow them"?
he means first option if you make incursions in arunachal,
and second option who told you it's working good?, must be a pakistani from this forum.:laughcry:
Wht wars India fought in the past few decades?
India has been fighting kashmiri insurgency, fighting against Pakistan on borders, fight kargil war and so on. Not if these are major wars but the action is so regular and frequent that all army personnel would have direct const training or practice at least for some party of their career.

Deluded guy, China is a country that is boasting some very top of the range tech that rivals US/European powerhouses. To appreciate the true extent of China's ascendancy you only have to look at the current 5G Huawei saga that is unfolding in the Europe/UK/USA.
This is exactly what the army chief said. He is appreciating China for its technological lead in several areas and saying that China has managed to become powerful purely through planning rather than need

Sorry, what does he mean?
"Chinese is bluffing, let's punch their face, they won't dare to escalate to a full scale war"?
"Chinese bluffing strategy is working so good, we should follow them"?
No, he is saying that China has planned well and hence can become stronger without any real combat, purely through calculated moves

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