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China's coronavirus recovery is 'all fake,' whistleblowers and residents claim

Yeah and we don't want you injuns here either. China is our Ally and we support our friends and Allies.

That does not mean we do not voice against jailing millions of Uighur Muslims in concentration camps. We can voice about Kashmiri Muslims, Indian Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims and not about Uighur Muslims ?
And for petty point scoring, that makes you happy, LoL, if China with its strong govt and massive resources cannot control this, you do realise, we are all well and truly fcked.
It doesn't make me happy but angry. For one they covered up the epidemic, they failed to release the numbers, now we have a pandemic that's hurting every country in the world economically. I have zero respect for CCP for controlling the epidemic, their system messed it up in the first place.
That does not mean we do not voice against jailing millions of Uighur Muslims in concentration camps. We can voice about Kashmiri Muslims, Indian Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims and not about Uighur Muslims ?

LoL you are injun, keep loving cows and killing people, I don't give a flying fck.

It doesn't make me happy but angry. For one they covered up the epidemic, they failed to release the numbers, now we have a pandemic that's hurting every country in the world economically. I have zero respect for CCP for controlling the epidemic, their system messed it up in the first place.

That may be, or may not be true, but if it is we are screwed. So for all our sakes, I hope it is not.
This is Pakistan Defense Forum and not China where you can censor information and put millions of Uighurs in concentration camps. You have the right to give opposing views but cannot stop another person to express his views.

Same propaganda by United Snakes.
They killed millions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan and etc

But they love Muslims in Uighurs ?
They funded mullahs to create a state in china...
Like they funded and created al qaeda, taliban , isis and etc

LOL ! Sherlock Holmes you think I am an Indian. Your intelligence quotient seems to be lower than your shoe size.

He is Right,
Go for Cow Cola
That may be, or may not be true, but if it is we are screwed. So for all our sakes, I hope it is not.
The Chinese themselves are blaming their governments. If you were in PDF, when all this started, the CCP trolls in PDF were blaming the Wuhan government for not controlling the epidemic. The CCP threw the local government under the bus and saved face. Nowadays, trolls started blaming America. You see the narrative building and that's how commie nations operate. Take every data from China with a grain of salt.
Same propaganda by United Snakes.
They killed millions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan and etc

But they love Muslims in Uighurs ?
They funded mullahs to create a state in china...
Like they funded and created al qaeda, taliban , isis and etc

So country X killed millions so country Y also also has the right to kill millions ?
So country X killed millions so country Y also also has the right to kill millions ?

i said US killed millions especially Muslims directly or via its proxies in syria, afghanistan, iraq,
why he care so much of Uighurs ?

you are brainwashed by some westerns on twitter or by stupid mullah like khadim rizwi,

Pakistanis, Govt and Army Generals do not care what Stupid Mullahs or Some Brainwashed thinks or not..
of course that's the propaganda number for boosting confidence and morale.. Businesses don't just go back to "normal" after such a shock&reboot in only 2 weeks, you don't need a whistleblower to tell you that.

Basically the same thing as Indian media telling its people “we can fight a two front war on China and Pakistan”

Indian army has actually admitted that the country is not equipped to fight a fullblown war with China. Media may talk about a possibility for a two front war. But the prognosis is almost always certain defeat for the Indian side without direct military support from higher powers.
Indian army has actually admitted that the country is not equipped to fight a fullblown war with China. Media may talk about a possibility for a two front war. But the prognosis is almost always certain defeat for the Indian side without direct military support from higher powers.
like I said, domestic propaganda for domestic audiences. ridiculing those on international forums is basically a waste of time
China is Pakistan's brother country. Any person or country who tries to sabotage this brotherhood between Pakistan and China, will be dealt with extreme prejudice. No person and country would be allowed to come between the alliance and brotherhood of Pakistan and China. 200 million Pakistanis stand with China. Those Pakistanis start accusing China of being behind the Covid-19 with malicious intent, you all can pack your bags and go live in zionist slave states like america, britain, france, australia or canada.
i said US killed millions especially Muslims directly or via its proxies in syria, afghanistan, iraq,
why he care so much of Uighurs ?

you are brainwashed by some westerns on twitter or by stupid mullah like khadim rizwi,

Pakistanis, Govt and Army Generals do not care what Stupid Mullahs or Some Brainwashed thinks or not..


China's recovery is "fake", that is why those Wuhan Hospitals closed, "makes perfect sense" ... to retards. :china:

More Xi "lies", even the Chinese medical community is 100% backing Xi's propaganda that the virus is subsiding in Wuhan by agreeing to close hospitals.

It is a grand Chinese conspiracy to steal my tofu, and Xi is behind this! :rofl:

Sneaky Chinese, what will they do next.
I highly doubt it is fake. If so why are they shutting down all the makeshift coronavirus hospitals? Wouldn't an ongoing epidemic cause them to build more?
We can also assume, the number of death in China is probably fake. As we can see in the case of Italy, they have had far more deaths from a small group.
You think Indian figures are real? You can't even feed your people, and you expect they get tested? It doesn't make a difference, more ppl die from diarrhea in India. Just chillax bhai
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