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China’s coronavirus death toll surpasses 3000

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States

At least 3,012 people have now died nationwide in the outbreak that first emerged in the central city of Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, in December.

Most of the deaths – 2,305 – and cases have been recorded in Wuhan, which has been under an unprecedented lockdown along with the rest of Hubei since late January.

But the quarantine and other travel restrictions across the country appear to be paying off, with official figures showing a generally steady drop in new cases in recent weeks.

The National Health Commission also reported 139 new cases on Thursday, slightly up from 119 the previous day, raising the overall number of confirmed infections to 80,409.

Only five of the new cases were outside Hubei.

But China is now worried about importing cases from abroad as the virus has since spread to some 80 countries and territories, infecting more than 10,000 and killing more than 200 abroad.
With only 5 new cases in China outside of Hubei (according to official data), life must be returning to normal. Travel restrictions and quarantine measures lifted, people going about their daily lives and moving freely, factories again operating to capacity, goods being manufactured and shipped overseas.

Its a good thing China has been so open and transparent about its heroic struggle with the outbreak of the Wuhan-novel-n-cov-sars-2-coronavirus. We know this because the completely independent and objective World Health Organization has told us such.

Three cheers for Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization, saving millions of lives around the world.
With only 5 new cases in China outside of Hubei (according to official data), life must be returning to normal. Travel restrictions and quarantine measures lifted, people going about their daily lives and moving freely, factories again operating to capacity, goods being manufactured and shipped overseas.

Its a good thing China has been so open and transparent about its heroic struggle with the outbreak of the Wuhan-novel-n-cov-sars-2-coronavirus. We know this because the completely independent and objective World Health Organization has told us such.

Three cheers for Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization, saving millions of lives around the world.

With only 5 new cases in China outside of Hubei (according to official data), life must be returning to normal. Travel restrictions and quarantine measures lifted, people going about their daily lives and moving freely, factories again operating to capacity, goods being manufactured and shipped overseas.

Its a good thing China has been so open and transparent about its heroic struggle with the outbreak of the Wuhan-novel-n-cov-sars-2-coronavirus. We know this because the completely independent and objective World Health Organization has told us such.

Three cheers for Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization, saving millions of lives around the world.

I can’t see how they can be returning to normal. They still have multiple people dying a day. The US has less than one a day and the Chinese members here think we are being too lax for going about being normal.
I can’t see how they can be returning to normal. They still have multiple people dying a day. The US has less than one a day and the Chinese members here think we are being too lax for going about being normal.
LOL US has number one death rate in the world. Gaining more case each day than China. I will worse than IRAN in two weeks.

Those two catch the virus very soon with what US is doing right now.
I can’t see how they can be returning to normal. They still have multiple people dying a day. The US has less than one a day and the Chinese members here think we are being too lax for going about being normal.
People die because of the number who are being treated in the hospital is still big, but they don't pose threat to infect others , the only number that should worry people is the new cases, they indicate how likely healthy people could be infected, can't you see this common sense or you just can't comprehend it?
I can’t see how they can be returning to normal. They still have multiple people dying a day. The US has less than one a day and the Chinese members here think we are being too lax for going about being normal.

But surely the Chinese Communist Party wouldn't lie about its numbers. With only 5 cases officially reported outside of Hubei yesterday, then everything must be returning to normal across China. After-all, it would be dangerous and irresponsible to prematurely declare victory over the corona-virus. And a benevolent and peaceful leader such as Xi Xiping would never put citizens lives at risk by doing so.

I'm actually on the same page as you dude, my posts have been sarcastic. I'm trying to highlight the absurdity of the official narrative the CCP is pushing when the reality is obviously quite different. The further they get from the truth, the greater the reckoning is going to be.
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