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China's ASBM on future warships will be electromagnetic -launched and more


Sep 9, 2016
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Ma Weiming, the star scientist from PLA University of Navy Engineering, recently accepted a invition from his friend, the president of Shanghai University, to give a talk with students there on invoation and future career advices.

During this talk, he disclose many information regarding PLA's future weapon platform:

(1) The next CV for PLAN will mostly likely to be equipped with electromagnetic aircraft launch system, there is open competiton, the results will be announced next month, and he implies he will win due to huge lead comparing to the competitors.

And he told that Presidnent Xi Jinping personally order the build of next Chinese CV on-hold until the competition is over.

Ma pointed out the design flaws of the EMAL on ford and claim his own version of EMAL will be far more efficient and dont have health hazard to crew unlike the one on Ford class.

(3) More interesting, the high speed submerisable battleship conecpt developed by another professor from the same school, is nicknamed as "all-round" capable warship by General Ma, he told the students that such ship will be equipped with laser/EM railguns and with fully-electrified powertrain and transmission system.

Most interesting part is: He mentioned that the ASBMs on such novel class of battleship will be electromagnetic -launched, which means such ASBMs will use much smaller boost-stage and overall weight yet can still deliever the same amount of payload/range comparing to their convential counterpart.

Note that electromagnetic-launched commerical rockets are also developed parallely by China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp, also using Ma Weiming's electromagnetic -launch technology:

(4) During the talk, Ma also show a video of EMAL-lanuched J-15 and also mention that China's eletronic powertrain/transmission systems are at least 1 generation better than the next gen US comparable systems, and China's electrified powertain will be also used on next gen sytems like SSN/SSBN/tanks.

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With such superior classes of almost alien-like warships, there is little to argue on who will dominate the high sea in the future:enjoy::enjoy:

Genius like Ma Weiming is really a treasure to China, in the talk he also mentioned he is not in the front line now, his students now take the role instead, and he leave most of the key decisions to his students (many become professors there already) since his students have already won his trust and respect:enjoy:
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A pic of "The Talk" in question to boost


By the way, the president of Shanghai UNiversity is the former head of Inst. 711 and a good buddy of Ma's. :D:D

A prototype of the "all-round" ship is expected by 2020 and the full version in 10 to 20 years.

Also the Navy's railgun is more or less ready for onboard trials.
Ma Weiming, the star scientist from PLA University of Navy Engineering, recently accepted a invition from his friend, the president of Shanghai University, to give a talk with students there on invoation and future career advices.

During this talk, he disclose many information regarding PLA's future weapon platform:

(1) The next CV for PLAN will mostly likely to be equipped with electromagnetic aircraft launch system, there is open competiton, the results will be announced next month, and he implies he will win due to huge lead comparing to the competitors.

And he told that Presidnent Xi Jinping personally order the build of next Chinese CV on-hold until the competition is over.

Ma pointed out the design flaws of the EMAL on ford and claim his own version of EMAL will be far more efficient and dont have health hazard to crew unlike the one on Ford class.

(3) More interesting, the high speed submerisable battleship conecpt developed by another professor from the same school, is nicknamed as "all-round" capable warship by General Ma, he told the students that such ship will be equipped with laser/EM railguns and with fully-electrified powertrain and transmission system.

Most interesting part is: He mentioned that the ASBMs on such novel class of battleship will be electromagnetic -launched, which means such ASBMs will use much smaller boost-stage and overall weight yet can still deliever the same amount of payload/range comparing to their convential counterpart.

Note that electromagnetic-launched commerical rockets are also developed parallely by China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp, also using Ma Weiming's electromagnetic -launch technology:

(4) During the talk, Ma also show a video of EMAL-lanuched J-15 and also mention that China's eletronic powertrain/transmission systems are at least 1 generation better than the next gen US comparable systems, and China's electrified powertain will be also used on next gen sytems like SSN/SSBN/tanks.


Thanks for translation of Ma Weiming Interview in Shanghai University, bro @52051

Cannot wait for next month, when EMALS Team winning the Competition for China's next gen Aircraft carrier (Type 002) :enjoy:
Ma Weiming is another Qian Xuesen, glad China have those genius scientist for their development.
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