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Aug 9, 2008
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According to widespread reports, China is working on its next-generation H-9 bomber, a possible supplement to the already-existing H-8 stealth bomber. The H-9 bomber is not stealth. It is an atmospheric bomber capable of striking any place in the world within 2-3 hours via sub-orbital flight.

Flight sequence:
- Take off using 4 WS-12 engines
- Climb to 15000 m altitude (at Mach 3.7), aerial refuels, switches of engines
- Turns on ramjet engine and goes into suborbital flight path (at Mach 8)
- Reentry towards target
- Return to base

The H-9 can apparently carry 40 tonnes of weaponry or 6 long-range cruise missiles.

Here's one of the reports (translated from Mandarin):
China H-9 will be the leap-forward development of the equipment
China's Air Force high-altitude high-speed H-9 bomber, flying height of 36,000 meters, the maximum speed of Mach 3.7, which is called "double three." Therefore, the vast majority than the existing H-9 fighters and air defense missiles must fly high, fly fast, so out of enemy airspace, such as unhindered in the future over the Taiwan Strait a "hail of bullets" in the real threat will not be any ; in Taiwan over the bombing, even if it is Taiwan's F16 to launch AIM-9 "Sidewinder", AIM-120 air to air missile, the missile must fly, but still slower than the H-9.

H-9 will be China's first successful break the "thermal barrier" of practical jet bombing aircraft. "Thermal barrier" refers to the speed of the plane approaching a certain degree, a lot of heat and air friction, thus threatening the safety of aircraft structure. This low body weight, high strength titanium alloy as structural material (titanium reserves in China account for more than 60% of the world, China titanium more); and other important parts of the wing used to adapt the design of thermal expansion, because the H 9 in the high-speed flight, the body due to thermal expansion will stretch the length of more than 40 cm; tank piping design cleverly uses the flexibility of the box scalable, and the flow of oil to take advantage of high-temperature parts of the heat. Although many of the measures used, but H-9 landing ground, tank, or thermal expansion and contraction occurs because the body a certain degree of leakage. , H-9 after taking off as needed, after the climb to cruise altitude aerial refueling can be.

H-9, before the development began in the Chinese Air Force flying equipment R & D department and the West and the Shanghai Aerospace Bureau (August House) began implementation of a study of the "sky plan." H-9 will be possible to install the 4 engines (the original plan was two, after the Air Force made to adapt to high altitude Mach 4 to 4 sets of cruising requirements, aerodynamic design of a corresponding improvement) in the plan the "key" is Shanghai Space Agency (August House) is assumed a laboratory engine axial flow engine research and development, this model will be with the engine after the afterburner, the maximum thrust of 18,760 kN single. At present, most have adopted turbofan jet engine, the specificity of H-9, is that taking into account the axial engine performance is more excellent high-speed flight. The front of the engine air intake has a shock cone can be freely adjusted to meet the flight at different speeds on different requirements of the intake.

In the Shanghai Aerospace Bureau (eight homes) and raised in the meeting-house technical discussion of this type of variable cycle engine and part of the R & D progress, because at high speed, the turbine engine turbofan engine than a clear advantage, so new models is part of the engine turbojet engine. Turbojet engine power to accelerate the ramjet engine operating speed, turbojet host shut down, the engine control system and then open the side of the bypass, so that to become a punching machine. Now create the first prototype engine is used : 11 stage axial compressor, spindle-shaped magnetic confinement chamber, three turbines, adjustable inlet and nozzle, turbine inlet temperature 1340 ℃, pressure and temperature, the fuel mixture into the combustion chamber and combustion temperature of 2100-2350 ℃, or even higher. Engine length of 5.087 m, 1.45 m in diameter and weighs 2,950 kg with afterburning thrust of 18,760 kg

In fact, all the power of the new engine itself is not enough to be pushed to Mach 3 H-9, which is the most critical engine nacelle design, it is not just the space to accommodate the engine, or part of the propulsion system. In the high-speed flight, the engine casing and its center between the inlet cone, outer injector flow channel and culvert channel inlet is only part of the air entering the combustion chamber, and the remaining part or be jetting straight into the afterburner, resulting in pressing effect, or the engine along the annular channel Cabin Citation hitting the exhaust flow, increasing the air flow, and increase thrust.

In this way, Mach 2, 40% of the total thrust from the inlet, and 35% from the afterburner, only 25% comes from the engine itself.

Mach 3, 61% of the total thrust from the inlet, and 31% from the afterburner, only 18% comes from the engine itself, when the H-9, the engine seems to be a ejector, can be said engine nacelle in the promotion of the aircraft.

Of course, no ordinary jet fuel jet fuel. Is a special fuel.

(The following basic technical data is in the original case of two engine design, the Air Force requested indicators, smaller, new H9 dimensions of data is estimated to be much larger than that,)
Captain 37.54 m
Height 5.64 m
Wing ~
Empty weight ~
Maximum take-off total ~
Maximum speed of M3.7 (at height of 28,000 meters) (Mach 8 at high altitude)
Cruising altitude of 26,500 m
Maximum range of 6270 km
Please don't tell me that this is a secret Chinese project as well on the next thread:

China is also building moon based laser and missile weapons, Chang'e 2 is sent to survey the best location for such base. They will be protected by star cruisers and space ports in moon orbit.
Please don't tell me that this is a secret Chinese project as well on the next thread:


Is it the pic of the fighter???? Looks futuristic. Cool.

Flight sequence:
- Take off using 4 WS-12 engines
- Climb to 15000 m altitude (at Mach 3.7), aerial refuels, switches of engines
- Turns on ramjet engine and goes into suborbital flight path (at Mach 8)
- Reentry towards target
- Return to base

If its reenter towards the target, it looses main advantage. It must capable of launching hypersonic cruise missiles from space itself. It should reenter the atmosphere over China and return to base safely.
Is it the pic of the fighter???? Looks futuristic. Cool.

If its reenter towards the target, it looses main advantage. It must capable of launching hypersonic cruise missiles from space itself. It should reenter the atmosphere over China and return to base safely.

Sir I was being sarcastic. That is a X-Wing.
If china is doing something in that direction,
what's wrong with that ?
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