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China won't let India go past Pakistan in race for nuclear suppliers group membership


Sep 12, 2015
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United States
China won't let India go past Pakistan in race for nuclear suppliers group membership

NEW DELHI: In what could be a major support to India's bid for entry into elite NSG club, Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann announced his country's support to New Delhi's membership in the 48-member group after holding comprehensive talks with PM Narendra Modi.

In order to make its entry into NSG smooth, Modi government has also resurrected an organisation to become the nodal agency for nuclear cooperation with smaller countries. Despite these efforts, experts think that China will be a major roadblock to India's NSG dreams.

Leading American think tanks such as the Stimson Center, United States Institute of Peace and School of Advanced International Studies feel that India's NSG application, which will come up for review on June 9 at the Nuclear Suppliers Group meeting, is likely to face many roadblocks due to China's determined bid to stop India from becoming an NSG member.

Analysts in the United States believe that India's NSG application is in a precarious position for several reasons, chief among them being China's assertion that if the NSG countries make an exception for India, they should do the same for Pakistan , even though Islamabad has been caught selling nuclear weapons secrets to Libya and was named and shamed globally

"Pakistan and China have played their cards really well this time around. Pakistan has an application for NSG membership and China can, therefore, argue what's good for the goose is good for the gander," said Micheal Krepon, a nuclear proliferation expert and co-founder of the Stimson Center, a think tank in Washington DC

According to Krepon, the Chinese will underline the point that if the NSG makes an exception for India, the informal group of nations should allow Pakistan in too and that will compound the nuclear proliferation consequences because India becomes saddled with Pakistan's terrible track record

us experts say it is a fact that PakistanA¹s nuclear program from concept to delivery is dependent on supplies from China in violation of international norms. The heavy water plant and the plutonium production reactors at Khushab were made with Chinese assistance. Also in the civil nuclear field, China assisted Pakistan with the construction of nuclear power plants at Chashma. China is also involved in the proliferation of missile technology , say experts

China's objection to India's membership to the NSG is by no means a principled stand given its own proliferation history, which one analyst called a "very bad record". It is no secret that Beijing's continued assistance to Pakistan for the latter's civil and military nuclear program is in flagrant violation of the obligations and commitments it made as a member of the NSG.

"It would be very surprising if China lets India in without an equal concession for Pakistan," said Colin Cookman, program officer at the United States Institute of Peace

China has in the past talked of same status for Pakistan, but analysts believe the Chinese know that the US and several other NSG members will never agree to Pakistani membership

Beijing does not want New Delhi to have "full legal acceptance" as a nuclear armed power and have an equal footing in the global nuclear regime. Analysts widely believe that China's stand at the NSG is part of a strategic battle being fought in Asia. China was vehemently opposed to approval of the 2008 nuclear deal, but pulled back in the face of US and Indian pressure

"China feared that a negative vote at that time would drive the Indians closer to the US in context of strategic hedging. Moreover, China believed that it could use its backing down as a carrot for India to move away from a closer strategic relationship with the US," says Walter Andersen, Administrative Director of the South Asia Program at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

"China still does not want to antagonize India and will try to make an argument that it is not anti-India," feels Daniel Markey, a South Asia expert

"They will try to suggest that they are purely not anti-Indian, but their opposition is out of a sense of due equality of nations and so on and there is a principal to be upheld here," he says

But, China's opposition is not the only hurdle for India. Nuclear proliferation experts point out that several NSG members are squeamish about supporting India's membership because of its refusal to sign the CTBT and the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty. However, a bigger issue for some NSG members is that the promise of nuclear reactor construction contracts with India never materialised

"All these countries were drooling at the possibility of selling power plants to India and that made them enthusiastic backers of India's exceptions. But it hasn't worked out that well," says Krepon

But India strongly believes that it has walked the mile when it comes to meeting some of the concerns raised by member countries. India has resolved nuclear liability issues and officials readily point to reports of Westinghouse finalizing a deal to build six nuclear reactors in India as proof that the domestic nuclear power market is finally ready and open for business .

While the US administration has backed India's claim for membership, analysts feel that in 2008, the Bush administration led a "remarkable diplomatic effort that was quite strenuous" and such an effort is missing under the current administration

"I think the Obama administration does not have as much on the line as the Bush administration did. They are supportive, but India has to basically pull a lot more of the weight. It looks like PM Modi is trying to do that, but it's hard," says Markey

India has carried out a massive diplomatic exercise over the last decade in order to secure its membership to the NSG with President Mukherjee's recent trip to China and Prime Minister Modi's trip to Switzerland and Mexico seen as part of the final push

India's diplomatic efforts may manage to convince several NSG members to back India, but no one is ready to predict what will happen at the NSG meetings on June 9th and June 23rd. China's objection certainly stacks the deck against India because the informal grouping of nations work on a consensus basis and it needs every country to at least not object to its membership

While some analysts feel that if China is left standing alone they will back down again like in 2008, others say that there is more at stake this time around and China might go all the way. China knows that India in the NSG will have a say on nuclear issues in a way in which the waiver didn't allow them and it also shuts down Pakistan's chances of entering the NSG

"When push comes to shove, will they actually oppose? They might. If you look at Chinese behavior in the UN with respect to protecting Pakistanis against sanctions over terrorism, they have been willing to veto and hold up," says Markey

China has been supporting Pakistan as a terror promoting state and it is in that backdrop that China's support to Pakistan is being seen by US experts

China has been supporting Pakistan as a terror promoting state and it is in that backdrop that China's support to Pakistan is being seen by US experts

I think India just might not make it to the NSG this time. It has to put its case again with solid economic results, more reactor contracts offered to western countries.
On the other hand, China will push India further away by opposing. There are long term implications of this voting over Indo China relations.
I think India just might not make it to the NSG this time. It has to put its case again with solid economic results, more reactor contracts offered to western countries.
On the other hand, China will push India further away by opposing. There are long term implications of this voting over Indo China relations.

This is what India cares for

While some analysts feel that if China is left standing alone they will back down again like in 2008, others say that there is more at stake this time around and China might go all the way.

While this is what Pakistan cares for

China knows that India in the NSG will have a say on nuclear issues in a way in which the waiver didn't allow them and it also shuts down Pakistan's chances of entering the NSG
It is probably wise to have both countries to join at the same time. Whichever joins first likely makes it more difficult for the other. So for the sake of peace, not one first the other second.
India should start selling these reactors to Viets

Yes. Nothing says "we're a responsible nuclear power that adheres to non-proliferation, please accept our entry into the NSG" like proliferating nuclear technology against the accordance of the NSG like a toddler throwing a tantrum for being barred from getting a cookie.

That'd ensure that not only does China refute your entry, but the US, France and UK would probably do so too.


Didn't think that one through, did we:what:?
It is probably wise to have both countries to join at the same time. Whichever joins first likely makes it more difficult for the other. So for the sake of peace, not one first the other second.

Everyone knows that there is zero possibility of Pakistan being given NSG membership when Pakistan itself has not even given a serious try in attaining the membership.

China should stop this charade of supporting Pakistan's case and shooting from behind Pakistan's skirt.

Does the new super power, China, demonstrate its guts by vetoing India's application on it's merit?
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Yes. Nothing says "we're a responsible nuclear power that adheres to non-proliferation, please accept our entry into the NSG" like proliferating nuclear technology against the accordance of the NSG like a toddler throwing a tantrum for being barred from getting a cookie.

That'd ensure that not only does China refute your entry, but the US, France and UK would probably do so too.


Didn't think that one through, did we:what:?
India is a responsible & mature player who doesn't go on the whims of certain people. It has always stood for nonproliferation and will work to make world more safer.

It is probably wise to have both countries to join at the same time. Whichever joins first likely makes it more difficult for the other. So for the sake of peace, not one first the other second.
It's not about the who first. NSG door will not shut for someone, no matter what. However if you say Pakistan should be admitted to NSG. Please provide points for its admission. India has taken sufficient steps to reach global nonproliferation standards.
It is probably wise to have both countries to join at the same time. Whichever joins first likely makes it more difficult for the other. So for the sake of peace, not one first the other second.

lol such hypocrisy comparing India to Pakistan is like comparing China to India. China is far ahead of India and India is far ahead of Pakistan.

All this will have repercussions for Chinese on the long term. You are just making already strained relations worse. China need to understand just like Chinese people aim to be a great civilization India also dreams the same and we can leave peacefully together.

India has never opposed China on any international forum like what China is doing to India.
India is a responsible & mature player who doesn't go on the whims of certain people. It has always stood for nonproliferation and will work to make world more safer.

You don't need to convince me. It serves no purpose since I'm not connected to the nuclear industry, well not unless you're offering some "incentives":whistle:.

This is the closest I've ever been to a nuclear reactor:lol:


OK, I've been closer having spent time on US nuclear boats, but you get the idea.

I know India's record and It shows to be a responsible actor. Though you should remind your compatriots against making such rash suggestions as proliferating nuclear tech just because China made you mad. That's stupid and goes against the NSG, ensuring your entry is moved back even further and perhaps inviting punitive measure against you.

lol such hypocrisy comparing India to Pakistan is like comparing China to India. China is far ahead of India and India is far ahead of Pakistan.

No such thing as hypocrisy, only interests. What is good for China may be bad for India and good for Pakistan, it's political and the world isn't fair. My nation is rather culpable of human rights abuses, yet waves this in the face of others demanding their action... and you know what? I couldn't care less so long as it serves our geopolitical aims.

No one gives two f*cks about their actions being hypocritical so long as their aims are met.
Everyone knows that there is zero possibility of Pakistan being given NSG membership when Pakistan itself has not even given a serious try in attaining the membership.

China should stop this charade of supporting Pakistan's case and shooting from behind Pakistan's skirt.

Does the new super power, China, demonstrate it guts by vetoing India's application on it's merit?
Its just the beginning of the end for these kind of cartels.
Consider the scenarios

1) India is not admitted to NSG
India will strike bargains with individual countries and weaken the NSG regime. Already India is importing Uranium and it will extend further.

2) India joins NSG
Pisses of china & pak they will start trading openly in nuclear tech which will put NSG into shade.

the question is who will gain most out it? quarreling cats or the intervening monkeys.
Yes. Nothing says "we're a responsible nuclear power that adheres to non-proliferation, please accept our entry into the NSG" like proliferating nuclear technology against the accordance of the NSG like a toddler throwing a tantrum for being barred from getting a cookie.

That'd ensure that not only does China refute your entry, but the US, France and UK would probably do so too.


Didn't think that one through, did we:what:?
Quite true.
India should agree to the terms to the day we are accepted into NSG.
You don't need to convince me. It serves no purpose since I'm not connected to the nuclear industry, well not unless you're offering some "incentives":whistle:.

This is the closest I've ever been to a nuclear reactor:lol:


OK, I've been closer having spent time on US nuclear boats, but you get the idea.

I know India's record and It shows to be a responsible actor. Though you should remind your compatriots against making such rash suggestions as proliferating nuclear tech just because China made you mad. That's stupid and goes against the NSG, ensuring your entry is moved back even further and perhaps inviting punitive measure against you.

No such thing as hypocrisy, only interests. What is good for China may be bad for India and good for Pakistan, it's political and the world isn't fair. My nation is rather culpable of human rights abuses, yet waves this in the face of others demanding their action... and you know what? I couldn't care less so long as it serves our geopolitical aims.

No one gives two f*cks about their actions being hypocritical so long as their aims are met.

Hsssh! or SJW brigade would be after you
It is probably wise to have both countries to join at the same time. Whichever joins first likely makes it more difficult for the other. So for the sake of peace, not one first the other second.

The basic objection is to Pakistan joining at all, with its terrible track record on proliferation. But then, that argument is not likely to appeal to China, because much of the foundation for future proliferation was laid down by China herself, in Pakistan.

India should start selling these reactors to Viets , which will burn china , and then they beg India to become a member.

What a truly strange suggestion.
Yes. Nothing says "we're a responsible nuclear power that adheres to non-proliferation, please accept our entry into the NSG" like proliferating nuclear technology against the accordance of the NSG like a toddler throwing a tantrum for being barred from getting a cookie.

That'd ensure that not only does China refute your entry, but the US, France and UK would probably do so too.


Didn't think that one through, did we:what:?
India should break the Monopoly of this elite club and start making new club to small countries to which it can provide technology, Similar to BRICS aka world bank /IMF.

What a truly strange suggestion.
Reality is , hurt the enemy most where it will. Didn't china provided nukes to PAK? India should do the same, one way or other. Nukes/ Missiles/ Reactors..... then see the world will give you RED carpet.

Do you know why suddenly world started to share their Aero engine tech to India? think n tell....
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