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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Alaska: China's actions "threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday (Mar 18) at the opening of a two-day meeting with Chinese counterparts in Alaska.

The US side will "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including Xinjiang," where Washington has accused Beijing of "genocide" against Uyghur Muslims, Blinken said at the Anchorage summit with the Chinese Communist Party's top diplomacy official, Yang Jiechi, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

He added that there would be dialogue on "Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion toward our allies".

President Joe Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan added that the United States did not want conflict with China but welcomed tough competition with its strategic rival.

"And we will always stand up for our principles for our people, and for our friends," Sullivan warned.

Yang responded with a 15-minute speech in Chinese while the US side awaited translation, lashing out about what he said was the United States' struggling democracy and poor treatment of minorities.

He threatened "firm actions" against "US interference" and called for an end to the "Cold War mentality" stunting the rivals' relationship.

"China is firmly opposed to US interference in China's internal affairs. We have expressed our staunch opposition to such interference, and we will take firm actions in response.

"What we need to do is to abandon the Cold War mentality, and the zero sum game approach," he said.

Yang added: "The United States uses its military force and financial hegemony to carry out long-arm jurisdiction and suppress other countries.

"It abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges, and incite some countries to attack China."

Apparently taken aback by Yang's remarks, Blinken held journalists in the room so he could respond.

Sullivan said the United States did not seek conflict with China, but would stand up for principles and friends. He touted the United States' recent Mars rover landing success, and said the country's success was its ability constantly reinvent itself.

A senior US official later criticised Beijing as having "arrived intent on grandstanding, focused on public theatrics and dramatics over substance" at the Alaska summit.

The official said this was made clear by Yang "promptly violating protocol" with a long opening statement instead of a previously agreed upon short two-minute speech.

The statements from both sides ended up lasting more than an hour.

He touted the United States' recent Mars rover landing success, and said the country's success was its ability constantly reinvent itself.

The US has had Mars rover since 1990s. Still no progress beyond that. China has its first Mars rover later this year.
Soon after meeting Blinken and Sullivan, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi will meet Larov.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit China from March 22 to 23, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced on Thursday.

During Lavrov's visit to China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with him on bilateral ties, the recent high-level exchanges, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, Zhao said.

Hailing the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia, Zhao said maintaining close exchanges between the two countries' foreign ministers is an integral component for promoting the bilateral relationship.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. "It is necessary for the two sides to further strengthen communication so as to lay the foundation for advancing bilateral ties this year," he said.

Zhao expressed hope that the visit will further consolidate the good momentum of the high-level development of the bilateral relationship and boost strategic coordination on international affairs.

Yang, meanwhile, warned the United States to back off and accused it of hypocrisy. He said the United States uses its financial and military might to bully other countries. He also said America had its own long history of human rights problems, alleging that Black people are being “slaughtered” in the United States.

US policy: "How to win the support of the Chinese in two steps."

(1) say that the rise of China is like Hitler. Chinese who support their economic prosperity are "nazis".
(2) try to stop the rise of China, attack Beijing, by economic attacks on the Chinese economy.

"Chinese Patriotism", according to USA/zionists/nazis, is Chinese eating dirt and having no homes. That is your "Chinese duty" to be USA slaves. Your economic prosperity is the enemy. You are too happy and rich making 10000 USD per year. "Asians to the back of the bus".

'See Asians, don't you like the US looking out to make you sure you are not developed or a "threat".'

Read about US treatment of Korean women.

The U.S.-South Korean alliance depended on these comfort women (serving US soldiers).

The most useful Koreans were neddled-up s*x slaves. Over a million women, used and abused.

It was the same for South Korea, where prostitution was encouraged as a woman’s patriotic duty to the state.

It was south korea's stance that democratic "patriotism" was serving the US rapists.

This is US "Asian democracy". This is what is planned for China and worse.

Who are the nazis again and again, in every conflict... the USA/UK.

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.
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As reported, the fiery exchange on opening speeches was a shock to the Americans although they voiced a lot of threatening words before the summit. One laughable thing is that Blinken was forced to admit America's own human right problems after Yang's opening speech.
White man is implementing a neo caste system in USA. However the blacks are really too fcuk up, did too much bad things. I see no way other than Chinese culture (or communist) taking over USA, that can salvage blacks.

The last time Haiti blacks murdered all the white, thinking Haiti can be heaven after the killing spree. Haiti become the shyttest planet on earth.

The place where black and white dont discriminate is cuba, thanks Fidel and Che for their good work.


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Top US and China officials clash publicly in Alaska

Well I think we thought too well of the united states, we thought that the U.S. side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.
So for China it was necessary that we make our position clear. So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.

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Top US and China officials clash publicly in Alaska

Well I think we thought too well of the united states, we thought that the u.s side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.
So for china it was necessary that we make our position clear. So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to china from a position of strength.

View attachment 725903
Can you feel it? Can you feel the HEAT? That burn was INFERNAL!🔥
China is just tired of being lectured by the West.
China has found its strength and found that the West can't harm it.
Top US and China officials clash publicly in Alaska

Well I think we thought too well of the united states, we thought that the u.s side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.
So for china it was necessary that we make our position clear. So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to china from a position of strength.

View attachment 725903

lol :D
it is not old China and this is not that US. China has several US weaknesses at hand to exploit.
it is two big economies fight and will not be that easy for Biden. thing may heat up on several occasions even in the future.
on one side Blinken is having this meeting on other hand their media is not only defending their official's tone but also highlighting issue such as Xinjiang etc.
The US has had Mars rover since 1990s. Still no progress beyond that. China has its first Mars rover later this year.
The worst part is their Mars rover still need a Russian engine to get the job completed. Without the Russian engine, US mars mission is nothing.

While China Mars mission don't depend on anybody. We did it all by ourselves with 100% all Chinese critical.components.

US mars mission if by national standard is only second rated.
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