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China urges lifting of sanctions on Iran in wake of coronavirus epidemic


Nov 4, 2011
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China urges lifting of sanctions on Iran in wake of coronavirus epidemic
March 5, 2020


BEIJING, Mar 5 (APP)::China on Thursday urged the relevant parties of the international community to lift sanctions on Iran to help its government and people’s fight against novel coronavirus epidemic.

“I want to emphasize that at the critical moment of the Iranian government and people’s fight against the epidemic, the continued imposition of unilateral sanctions on Iran is tantamount to worsening, which is contrary to the spirit of humanitarianism,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing.

He said that China paid close attention to the current epidemic situation of Iran’s new corona pneumonia.

In the previous stage, China had provided Iran with anti-epidemic materials such as test kits, and sent a team of volunteer experts to help the country fight the epidemic, he said.

“We will continue to provide support to the best of our ability and also call on all parties in the international community to strengthen epidemic prevention cooperation with Iran to jointly safeguard world public health security,” he added.

To a question regarding the latest situation of Chinese experts to carry out epidemic prevention and control work in Iran, he said that on February 29, a volunteer team of the Chinese Red Cross arrived in Iran.

“In the past few days, a team of volunteer experts has been working intensively, introducing relevant anti-epidemic experience to Iran, and conducting in-depth exchanges and discussions with the Iranian Ministry of Health, the Red Crescent Society and other departments on epidemic prevention and control,” he added.

He said that Iran was grateful to China for sending a team of experts to Iran and added, the volunteer team of experts also actively cooperated with the World Health Organization (WHO) expert group.

Zhao Lijian said that the WHO highly appreciated that it would maintain close communication with the Chinese expert team and combine China’s experience in epidemic prevention to implement a suitable anti-epidemic program in Iran.

He maintained that China and Iran were comprehensive strategic partners, adding, both the countries always supported and helped each other and stood firm together when times were difficult for each other.

“In the next step, China will continue to provide Iran with assistance to the best of its ability and we will work with the international community, including Iran, to strengthen cooperation and share experience, and make due contributions to the global public health cause,” he added.

According to the Iranian health authorities, all schools, universities and educational institutions would remain closed until March 20 as the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases rose to 3,513 in the country with 92 deaths.

China: Sanctions against Iran amid COVID-19 outbreak will only worsen situation
18:33, 05-Mar-2020

China on Thursday called for the immediate lifting of the sanctions against Iran given the severe outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, saying the unilateral move hinders Iran and the international community in the fight against the virus and will only make the situation worse.

The outbreak hit the Middle East country severely with 92 deaths and 2,922 confirmed cases of infection as of Thursday. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on Monday made a plea on Twitter for countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) to assist Iran in fighting the coronavirus, saying the country urgently needs test kits, face masks, ventilators and other supplies due to the economic blockade.

On Thursday's regular briefing, spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian reiterated China's opposition to the economic sanctions upon Iran, saying the epidemic is "a common challenge for all mankind" which requires joint efforts from the international community to fight against.

While urging the relevant party to lift the sanctions immediately, he stressed that China, as Iran's comprehensive strategic partner, will continue to offer necessary assistance and engage actively with the Iranian side on cooperation against COVID-19.

The first batch of medical supplies donated by China arrived in Iran on February 29 and contained 5,000 test kits and 250,000 masks. Four disease control experts from China were also sent to Iran on the same day, the spokesperson noted.

I don't understand, US / EU sanctions don't apply to China - so what is the problem?
What can the US/EU supply that the Chinese cannot provide?
I don't understand, US / EU sanctions don't apply to China - so what is the problem?
What can the US/EU supply that the Chinese cannot provide?

US has just 1% of the 3.5 billion face masks needed for COVID-19 and 80% of pharmaceuticals are imported from China, US should worry about saving itself first.
US has just 1% of the 3.5 billion face masks needed for COVID-19 and 80% of pharmaceuticals are imported from China, US should worry about saving itself first.

Exactly you should pass that message to Zhao Lijian and your Foreign Ministry. Incompetent government officials - #amiright !!! :lol:
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