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China urges Japan to consider its Asian neighbors on military matters

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China urges Japan to consider its Asian neighbors on military matters

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said here Tuesday that Japan should consider the sentiments of its Asian neighbors when it comes to military matters.

She made these remarks at a regular Tuesday press briefing when commenting on Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's recent remark about sending his country's Self-Defense Forces to the Korean Peninsula in case of an emergency.

"China has noticed such reports as well as the responses in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Because of historical reasons, Japan needs to consider its Asian neighbors' feelings and concerns more, and act prudently regarding military matters," she said.

A senior official at the ROK foreign ministry said his nation was "rather surprised" by Kan's words.

Japanese government spokesman Yoshito Sengoku denied that Japan had any plan of sending its forces to the Korea Peninsula.

China Military Online English Edition
China urges Japan to consider its Asian neighbors on military matters

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said here Tuesday that Japan should consider the sentiments of its Asian neighbors when it comes to military matters.

She made these remarks at a regular Tuesday press briefing when commenting on Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's recent remark about sending his country's Self-Defense Forces to the Korean Peninsula in case of an emergency.

"China has noticed such reports as well as the responses in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Because of historical reasons, Japan needs to consider its Asian neighbors' feelings and concerns more, and act prudently regarding military matters," she said.

A senior official at the ROK foreign ministry said his nation was "rather surprised" by Kan's words.

Japanese government spokesman Yoshito Sengoku denied that Japan had any plan of sending its forces to the Korea Peninsula.

China Military Online English Edition

Kan also dug up the bones of WWII Japanese soldiers who perished during the Island Hopping campaign and gave them a ceremonial burial. Something is definitely not right...
Japan should just surrender already :) Give up they lost WW2 ... most of their new generation thinks WW2 never happened as they are not taught about it in schools
Prove they dont believe WW2 happened.

I think what he mean is that many of them don't believe it's Japan's fault that there was a war.

Naoto Kan's has really lost it,anyway. By no chance that South Korea would welcome Japanese military on Korean soil. Well,not atleast befor all the old generation has die off.

Beside I saw few foto he's kneeling and praying for those that was killed in the fighting. I feel sorry for Japan's view of the WW2 and after. If they had done what Germany did,or what germany leaders did,all wound would have been way better by now.
He can kneel befor those that fight for government that has killed so many Asians,but he can't kneel and pray for those of Nanjing or others asians that was killed because of Japans little "happy circle"...sad sad :undecided:
Fake info.:cheesy:

as I said.Actualy it's not fake,but he put it in wrong way. Last one of those report is done by BBC(could be CNN). It was right after the last "history book" battle of words.
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