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China-Turkey new agreements !!!

A trade volume of $ 100 billion is a very very high number, I really hope it will be realized. The problem is that Turkey and China are fierce rivals in electronics, construction, textiles etc... especially in the Middle East and North Africa regions the competition between Turkish and Chinese companies is fierce.

I am wondering if Turkish companies are interested in joint-ventures with Chinese ones.
I am wondering if Turkish companies are interested in joint-ventures with Chinese ones.

I'm sure they are interested because it would benefit both sides. Did you know that Chinese and Turkish construction and contracting companies are the most succesful in the world? China is number one, Turkey is number 2.

In this Turkish article (below) it says; "of the 225 largest construction companies in the world, 54 companies belong to China and 33 companies to Turkey". Chinese and Turkish companies are building an incredible number of projects in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

225 largest companies by country (2010);

1) China 54

2) Turkey 33

3) Italy 22

4) U.S. 20

5) Japan 13

6) South Korea 12

7) Spain 11

8) France 5

9) UK 4

10) Germany 4

Others) 47

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Agreements between Turkey and China aim to boost trade

Turkey's exports to China totaled $1.59 billion in 2009. In return, Turkey's imports reached $12.65 billion.
Saturday, 09 October 2010 11:03

An economic and commercial cooperation agreement and three memoranda of understanding signed Friday between Turkey and China, during Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's visit to Ankara, aim to boost mutual trade and improve economic relations, Turkish State Ministry for foreign trade said in a statement.

Zafer Caglayan's office said that the economic cooperation agreement would pave the way for export of semi-processed and finished products from Turkey to China, make use of China's cheap labor and natural resources, boost Turkish investments in China's real sector and help Turkish companies open up to world markets.

Three memoranda of understanding would create a plan in 2010 on a joint study for medium and long term development of mutual commercial and economic cooperation, set up a joint working group to revive the Silk Road, world's oldest trade route, and also increase cooperation in construction industry to help Turkish and Chinese construction firms work together in third countries.

Source: Agreements between Turkey and China aim to boost trade [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]
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Competition can lead to cooperation, as long as it's smart people competing.

We have a very high tech, design, brand potential. If we use china as a production base we can max our profit especially in electronics.

This kind of cooperation is good for us. And good for chinese as well.(Chinese part is important for chinese, to be honest I only care my country.)

But if there will be no cooperation; I think china is just a problem for us. (no offense for chinese members, this is only a strategic thought not personal.)
We have a very high tech, design, brand potential. If we use china as a production base we can max our profit especially in electronics.

This kind of cooperation is good for us. And good for chinese as well.(Chinese part is important for chinese, to be honest I only care my country.)

But if there will be no cooperation; I think china is just a problem for us. (no offense for chinese members, this is only a strategic thought not personal.)

They certainly have the big production and industrial base. If we combine it with Aselsan tech level we could produce some serious stuff when it comes to defense. We need to equalize trade levels though.
Turkey Prime Minister coming to Pakistan today there is definitely some development between Pakistan-China and Turkey. :smokin:

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