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China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes

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Jan 2, 2010
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That's the source, which is quite reputable, in my opinion.

07:41 GMT, May 11, 2010 On April 13, in the port city of Tianjin about 130- KM away from Beijing, China showed off its 4th Generation J-10 aircraft to military attaches of about 50 countries it could possibly export to. 9 days later as per Strategy page reports it was running to cover up the 2nd crash of the J-10 fighter that became public in the last two years.

The 22 April crash became public because a senior colonel had died in the crash and the funeral became too big to keep the story hushed. The news report also claims that the design of the 200-odd J-10s produced has not worked out as desired by its developers.

The crash and doubts over its design also comes as a set back to Pakistan, which was hoping to buy 36 J-10 in a deal worth US$1.4 billion has also been concluded reports China's English Peoples Daily. In the past it has exported fighter aircraft to Iran, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, the pitfalls of reverse engineering without paying royalty and truly understanding the technology are high accident rates, a fact that China has hushed up with its lack of media freedom.

The first flight of the J-10 begun took place in 1998. It is the most advanced 4th Generation aircraft to be built by China. However, Fighter-Planes.com reports the development of J-10 has proven to be torturous. The prototype was rumoured to have first flown in 1996, but the project suffered a serious setback in late 1997 when the 02 prototype lost control and crashed, as the result of certain system failure, presumably with either the FBW system or the engine.

If the reports pertaining to the faulty design of the fourth generation fighter are serious enough, it will put the Chinese plans to replace the obsolete J-7 fighter and Q-5 attack aircraft in a limbo. With 2,000 combat aircraft China has the 3rd largest air force in the world. (8ak - Indian Defence News)
so far 4 J-10`s crashed.So much for a copied variant crashing down :O

I think you are right. This is not supposed to be a slam on China - so please no China bashing here. (and please don't bring up any other nations -- it's useless) The only thing this proves is the law of gravity (what goes up must come down). Every nation has development difficulties. One of the best American movies out there ("The Right Stuff") which is all about NASA and manned space exploration (as it developed from test fighter pilots) is about the number of failures they had trying to get off the ground.

I think you are right. This is not supposed to be a slam on China - so please no China bashing here. (and please don't bring up any other nations -- it's useless) The only thing this proves is the law of gravity (what goes up must come down). Every nation has development difficulties. One of the best American movies out there ("The Right Stuff") which is all about NASA and manned space exploration (as it developed from test fighter pilots) is about the number of failures they had trying to get off the ground.

You are absolutely right...This is by no means a key for China bashing...we all know that while creating someting new failures are bound to happen...This is how you learn...In fact it is better to have failure at the initial stages so that problems can be fixed during peace time rather than at the time of war....Its a message to people who keep bashing other countries where such reports are not allowed to be buried and are used for ego satisfaction and considered a sign of them being inferior....
<so far 4 J-10`s crashed.So much for a copied variant crashing down :O>

Did you fail your simple arithmetic class?

< However, the pitfalls of reverse engineering without paying royalty and truly understanding the technology are high accident rates, a fact that China has hushed up with its lack of media freedom.>

This a ******* BS statement!!!! Who ever wrote this article doesn't know **** about journalism. It seems this article's intention or purpose is to bash China's aircraft industry. I wonder if this POS article is from the Epoch Time?

Crash of an aircraft could be caused one of the following:
(1) takeoff
(2) landing
(3) normal flight
(4) special operations

A good journalist would report on how or why the aircraft crashes? Not expressing his stupid judgmental opinion (which I don't give a sh*t!!).

I think you are right. This is not supposed to be a slam on China - so please no China bashing here. (and please don't bring up any other nations -- it's useless) The only thing this proves is the law of gravity (what goes up must come down). Every nation has development difficulties. One of the best American movies out there ("The Right Stuff") which is all about NASA and manned space exploration (as it developed from test fighter pilots) is about the number of failures they had trying to get off the ground.

You are absolutely right...This is by no means a key for China bashing...we all know that while creating someting new failures are bound to happen...This is how you learn...In fact it is better to have failure at the initial stages so that problems can be fixed during peace time rather than at the time of war....Its a message to people who keep bashing other countries where such reports are not allowed to be buried and are used for ego satisfaction and considered a sign of them being inferior....

1 or 2 or 4 or 500 or whatever just depends upon how many incidents manage to reach the media......

lol.Seriously i didn't knew how many crashed so i just asked and you people made such a big fuss out of it.
<You are absolutely right...This is by no means a key for China bashing...we all know that while creating someting new failures are bound to happen...This is how you learn...In fact it is better to have failure at the initial stages so that problems can be fixed during peace time rather than at the time of war....Its a message to people who keep bashing other countries where such reports are not allowed to be buried and are used for ego satisfaction and considered a sign of them being inferior....>

Dude, this report clearly is intended to bash China. It's very apparent that you people (with Indian flag) would enjoy this kind of meaningless report.

I am for reporting crashes on J10 as long as it is technical (meaning what causes the J10 to crash?) rather than oh sh*t another J10 crashes.
Three engine failures and one human mistake. I don't see reasons why Chinese media is obliged to publish the accident in English.
Three engine failures and one human mistake. I don't see reasons why Chinese media is obliged to publish the accident in English.

lol...look at all of the crashes of SU-30's and SU-27's how many were do to engine failures in the past 25+ years of oporation? And now all of the sudden the Chinese authorities blame it on the engine? It could be very possible that one al-31 failed but three? One question, were all three equiped with AL-31's?
<lol...look at all of the crashes of SU-30's and SU-27's how many engine failures have accured in 25+ years of oporation?>

How many? Do you absolutely know? When it comes to military accidents the military never comes clean (for any country).
You start to see crash news after china have showcased the J-10 to other countries.

Probably people knew about the crash but didn't bother to report until now when J-10 has become an export option.
<lol...look at all of the crashes of SU-30's and SU-27's how many engine failures have accured in 25+ years of oporation?>

How many? Do you absolutely know? When it comes to military accidents the military never comes clean (for any country).

Never comes clean? The US has come forward to say several F-22 have crashed and Russia has done the same with the SU-35 as well as other platforms.

Engines don't fail unless they have a design flaw and the AL-31 definately does not have a design flaw, it's a very safe engine by virtue of it's record. If any engine does fail it's the failure of the ground crew, design or quality control from the factory. By design flaw i'm refering to how the engine is designed to sit; for instance, something as simple a loose fuel lines can seperate. When talking about quality control i'm refering to how the workers install the engine, is the engine properly bolted down so it doesn't viabrate, did the workers properly attach all clamps, snap wire ect?
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