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China tries to censor a disaster(again)

who told you and censor what words? you think China is like primitive India (where you actually from) where half of the population are simply handicapped and illiterate?

if it is 'censored' then through what channel did you get the 'facts' 'info' or 'truth'```you IQ 81 really lacks the ability of common logic

there are 700 million well educated and genuine Chinese using smart phones and cameras in China (not to mention tens of thousands freelance bloggers)```any events from big to small are captured, framed and circulated in social medias and apps`` yes, we are living in an information era, and nothing can be actually filtered``whereas your homeland is still struggling with sanitation and incoherence

Have you been brainwashed to such an extent that you don't even know that you are being censored and treated like a sheep by the CCP? Do I really need to post 10's of links about censorship in China?

Please stop with this superior IQ stuff. We have seen your real IQ once you come outside your great wall. Once you are not allowed to cheat and have the government obfuscate. Once you are out of China, the supposedly great IQ turns into copy and paste chinese.

Roughly 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from US colleges and universities last year, predominantly for bad grades and cheating, according to a new report from WholeRen Education.

More than half of the Chinese students expelled were from top 100 US universities, the survey found. Cheating at exams, plagiarism and finding other students to write papers for them were frequently cited as the specific causes of expulsion," The Journal reports.

Read more: WholeRen Education report on Chinese students - Business Insider
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We have a free press, which obviously you haven't figured out while living off our country. Why don't get out and go live in China and enjoy that censorship- and of course the freedom they would allow you to practice your religion there?


Keep up at it and you might be living on the Chinese forums----.
Epic !!

The completely out of context reply & the reply to it !!!

There's no need to go over the details of China's land reclamation activities in the Spratly Islands since reasonable people can agree that Washington has no real interest in a few piles of sand heaped up on reefs 10,000 miles from the United States. The man-made islands pose no threat to US national security or to freedom of navigation. The Obama administration is merely using the Spratlys as a pretext to provoke, intimidate and harass Beijing. The Spratly's provide a justification for escalation, for building an anti-China coalition among US allies in the region, for demonizing China in the media, for taking steps to disrupt China's ambitious Silk Roads economic strategy, and for encircling China to the West with US warships that threaten China's access to critical shipping lanes and vital energy supplies. This is the ultimate objective; to bring China to its knees and to force it to comply with Washington's diktats. This is what Washington really wants.

Honestly, you paid posters of the CCP need to read what topic you are replying to, before doing your cut and paste job. You mistakenly pasted talking point #8 here.

Keep up at it and you might be living on the Chinese forums----.

That's it. You came in talking about your conspiracies about our media, and when asked why bother living in country you find full of such conspiracies, you only have the above to say?

You want the China style of governing and state fed media yeah. Why don't go there and get out of our country? Why do your kind even bother selecting to live in our country?
only if you can get a visa to leave the slum to witness what is the modern world really like kid```
we are not like brag much andincompetent indians, we dont have to pretend that we are rich and prosperous than primitive India, is a fact```but i know what feudal lords in India told those illiterates 81 like you lot, 'democracy' 'free media' 'shining' 'IT powerhouse' 'catching up with Shanghai in X/Y/Z years'````etc
LOL...brainwashed to the extreme levels i guess...
only if you can get a visa to leave the slum to witness what is the modern world really like kid```
we are not like brag much andincompetent indians, we dont have to pretend that we are rich and prosperous than primitive India, is a fact```but i know what feudal lords in India told those illiterates 81 like you lot, 'democracy' 'free media' 'shining' 'IT powerhouse' 'catching up with Shanghai in X/Y/Z years'````etc

You are a third world developing country still while embarrassingly being the 2nd highest GDP. There are countries with far less GDP as " developed". Please spare us the bragging and insulting here.
No hope to chinese people living in china...So they emigrate a lot...China is pure joke of the century...
Indian holds up the most immigrants in western countries``who wants to live in a feudal society where women, kids and elderly have no respects and value in the society`?

kid I live in the U.K for ten years and I have citizenship, but not one Indian college mate I have that wanted to go back to that sorry country (but if you asked them, they would put up a stagy act of saying 'definitely' going back, because 'more opportunity' and 'better'```:D)

so here are the things:
brag much
untrustworthy with money
poorer than Sahara African countries
mass rape
insufficient toilets``

tell me kid, can any country take away the crown of 'joke country' from India?

LOL...brainwashed to the extreme levels i guess...
truth hurts isnt it? my company in the U.K can issue you a sponsoring to get a visa```just in case you want to escape from the slum
You are a third world developing country still while embarrassingly being the 2nd highest GDP. There are countries with far less GDP as " developed". Please spare us the bragging and insulting here.
we are third world country with 2nd largest GDP, and yet we are not like funny Indian bragging about 'shining' 'secular' this and that```please to reason a point when you want to write something that wont display your 81?

btw, tell me more about this 'censored' cruiser accident```what 'facts' we 'dont' know kid?
truth hurts isnt it? my company in the U.K can issue you a sponsoring to get a visa```just in case you want to escape from the slum
LOL...why are you in U.K anyway....
To show them your skills?
To teach them ancient art of paper folding?

Hungwo (or w/e the mod's username is) is going to ban you for that. Quickly delete it.
Have you been brainwashed to such an extent that you don't even know that you are being censored and treated like a sheep by the CCP? Do I really need to post 10's of links about censorship in China?

Please stop with this superior IQ stuff. We have seen your real IQ once you come outside your great wall. Once you are not allowed to cheat and have the government obfuscate. Once you are out of China, the supposedly great IQ turns into copy and paste chinese.

Roughly 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from US colleges and universities last year, predominantly for bad grades and cheating, according to a new report from WholeRen Education.

More than half of the Chinese students expelled were from top 100 US universities, the survey found. Cheating at exams, plagiarism and finding other students to write papers for them were frequently cited as the specific causes of expulsion," The Journal reports.

Read more: WholeRen Education report on Chinese students - Business Insider
accounts for 3% drop out rates``lol, you are not just being ignorant, but twisting now

you Indian are the masters of cheats with primitive skills like always




LOL...why are you in U.K anyway....
To show them your skills?
To teach them ancient art of paper folding?
to make money from Indian
to teach Indian how to use toilets an toilet papers so they can adapt well in U.K modern society:P


Welcome back sir----I would want to say to not to open up your " Holdall " yet---you might be on your way out pretty soon as is your habbit---.

Is the Chinese censorship as bad as the lies being told by CNN or Foxnews. Is it as bad as the U S holding up the news about its fcuk ups in AFG, Iraq, Libya and Syria----.

Is it as bad as the cover up by these news media and not digging deeply into the U S military fcuk ups for the last 14 years----.
he is an Indian````
we are third world country with 2nd largest GDP, and yet we are not like funny Indian bragging about 'shining' 'secular' this and that```please to reason a point when you want to write something that wont display your 81?

btw, tell me more about this 'censored' cruiser accident```what 'facts' we 'dont' know kid?

Great so we have an agreement that your a third world country not yet developed. The last thing a 3rd world country like you should do is brag. And again we have seen your real IQ once you are outside China. Over 8,000 of you Chinese got kicked out recently from U.S. universities for cheating, plagiarism and less than 2.0 grade. It's no wonder the CCP treat you like sheep. After all, if you were remotely of the level of IQ you claim, why would they treat you like imbeciles incapable of handling any dissenting topics, news, opinion etc?
We have a free press, which obviously you haven't figured out while living off our country. Why don't get out and go live in China and enjoy that censorship- and of course the freedom they would allow you to practice your religion there?
Enough with the free press.. Whatever does not suit the US, it makes a law out of and whether it be talking against big agriculture, big meat packaging plants, or just beef burgers, the Libel laws are more then censor ship, they hold you crime-ably accountable for the things you say. So before you hammer out the American free speech, or whatever freedoms you go on about,
The USA right now has an insane police, jails which are businesses, racism, where your whistle blowers are the criminals, and the amount of free speech is a joke, You seem like a paid troll yourself, so before you talk about brain washing, look at your nation of obese mindless trolls who sit and eat up the news you tell them.
Great so we have an agreement that your a third world country not yet developed. The last thing a 3rd world country like you should do is brag. And again we have seen your real IQ once you are outside China. Over 8,000 of you Chinese got kicked out recently from U.S. universities for cheating, plagiarism and less than 2.0 grade. It's no wonder the CCP treat you like sheep. After all, if you were remotely of the level of IQ you claim, why would they treat you like imbeciles incapable of handling any dissenting topics, news, opinion etc?

8000 Chinese students only consists 3% of total students population in the U.S, `` and the pictures I showed earlier to demonstrate the level of cheating culture in India can be considered as norm with very funny and primitive skills``no wonder your country will remain as a great source of laughter and jokes to the world

and still waiting for you to 'enlighten' us on how we 'censor' this cruiser accident
Enough with the free press.. Whatever does not suit the US, it makes a law out of and whether it be talking against big agriculture, big meat packaging plants, or just beef burgers, the Libel laws are more then censor ship, they hold you crime-ably accountable for the things you say. So before you hammer out the American free speech, or whatever freedoms you go on about,
The USA right now has an insane police, jails which are businesses, racism, where your whistle blowers are the criminals, and the amount of free speech is a joke, You seem like a paid troll yourself, so before you talk about brain washing, look at your nation of obese mindless trolls who sit and eat up the news you tell them.

That is laughable. Aside for the fact that I love the gumption of a pakistani debating American free speech. You compare free press laws to meat packing? Then gone on to compare libel laws to stifling free speech? Your examples and comparison don't even make sense. We are not perfect, but we are 1000x better than you and your pals.
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